A Requiem of a Pony

by stellarheart

Father and I

In times of war...

A child's dream shall keep on going. Until the day it comes true.

"I shall have my revenge sooner or later!" Chrysalis said, bleeding as she retreated from the Crystal Empire along with her several wounded changelings.

"You will never take the Crystal Empire and neither of us! If you return here ever again, we will make sure you are dead!" Princess Cadence raged, charging her horn with magic.

"When that time comes, we will be ready," Shining Armor added.

"We shall see about that," Chrysalis said as she glared at them before leaving the vicinity. Princess Cadence and Shining Armor were determined to defeat Chrysalis if she planned to attack the Empire again. They knew that she will not give up easily. Many hours passed, and peace soon returned in the Crystal Empire.

Crystal ponies who were amidst it were greatly stricken with fear. The Empire with thousands of soldiers fought hard against hundreds of changelings. Casualties were very high, including those who were likely killed by friendly fire.

Some of them were mortally wounded. Corpses of the fallen were scattered across the grounds of the Empire.

The rulers soon both realized they were severely weakened by the attack. Seeing the carnage brought by the changelings crushed the two ruler's hearts. Princess Cadence cried as Shining Armor embraced her with sadness.

The remaining eight hundred soldiers who survived the attack were deeply compassionate to them. An aero-colored unicorn with a dark-cerulean mane, a captain named Radiant Light, stepped up and approached the two.

"Your Highness, we cannot lose hope and faith at a time like this. We have fought wars that we once thought to be impossible. Because of our fearless hearts and your brilliant strategies, my unit and the rest of us have made it this far. Not only have we done so, but we also survived through it. But still, bloodshed will always be inevitable. We are still grateful we serve such great rulers of the Empire." Radiant Light said wholeheartedly as he and his unit removed their helmets and placed their right hooves to their chests.

Princess Cadence and Shining Armor were moved by the words of their own soldier. Both gave a smile filled with hope. They didn't expect somepony to give such an encouraging speech in a time of war.

"And we are also grateful to have brave and great soldiers who fought by our side," Shining Armor said respectfully.

"As a ruler, we will do our best to protect and ensure the safety of the Empire and its residents. We will never forget your bravery," Princess Cadence said, wiping her tears off.

The royal guards and the crystal ponies assisted in burying the fallen and reconstructing the houses that were razed by the changelings. The Empire was already rising in a matter of seconds. The crystal ponies soon returned to their normal lives as if the battle was already forgotten, but those who died will always be remembered in their hearts.

Four years had passed since the battle. Nothing has happened in the Crystal Empire. The Empire was thriving again in just a span of two years.

The crystal ponies were filling the place with enthusiastic activities. Soldiers were given a five month vacation, which they were ecstatic about. Radiant Light planned to return to Canterlot to meet his wife and son.

Along the way to the train station, he was greeted by another captain named Azure Dusk, whom he'd known and fought alongside him for a long time.

He had a dashing flame-colored mane which was slicked back and spikes protruding behind, while his cutie mark consisted of a helmet with two wings on both sides of it. The blueberry colored pegasus stallion greeted Radiant Light with a pat to his back.

"Heya, Captain Ray! You returning home now?" Azure Dusk asked blissfully.

Radiant Light drew a smile. "Yeah, my wife and son are waiting for me. I already sent them a letter, I assume they had already received it," he replied. "How about you, Captain Dusty?"

"Well, I volunteered to stay here for a few days before I depart and head to Manehattan." he explained while scratching his face.

"Why?" he asked.

"There will be new recruits this month. Hundreds of them." he clarified. "I volunteered to train the recruits and teach them how a guard fights and acts."

"That's a lot,"

"Yeah, but I know it doesn't surprise you," he said. "You've trained thousands or more and made them elites.”

Radiant Light chortled. "Oh, it's not that big of a deal. I'm just doing what I need to do as a captain," he demurred.

"And that is why you are one the best captains the Royal Army has!"

"Thanks, but you're one of the best too. Being awarded by the Soldier's Valor is one of highest and greatest honor a soldier could ever have. This shows that you're an exemplary captain within our ranks."

"Oh, you old flatterer, you!" he said as he grabbed Radiant Light with his hoof.

"What? You complimented me too," Radiant Light replied as he chuckled. "Well then, I really need to get going now. Good luck to you, Dusty."

"Okay, then. See you later, Ray." he said, as he grinned.

Radiant Light continued on his way. Before taking another step, the pony called out his name. He turned his head to him.

"Great speech, by the way! You really are the greatest pony I know!"

"That was few years ago. You still remember that?"

"Of course, I still do! It was a very good speech! How could I not remember it?"

"Ha! Good for you!" Radiant Light teased, as he shook his head a little and gave off a smile. "Same old Dusty." he thought.

The two veteran ponies said their goodbyes and parted ways. Radiant Light continued his way to the train station. After a few minutes of trotting, he reached the station crowded with ponies who were casually waiting for the train's arrival.

Ponies on the station heard the blow of a whistle in the distance. Smoke coming out from its chimney were seen from the station few miles away. Upon the train's arrival, ponies lined up and the train opened its doors, welcoming the passengers.

After several hours, Radiant Light saw Canterlot in the distance, where he and his family lived. The train arrived in the station of Canterlot.

There, he was greeted by a blank flanked, aquamarine unicorn colt and a bittersweet colored pegasus mare, whose cutie mark consisted of three big sparkles and a small one. The young colt jumped at him with joy.

"Daddy! You're back!" The colt shouted as he embraced his father.

"Lightning Aura, you've grown! Last time I saw you, you were this—"Radiant Light raised his hoof just below his chest"—small. But now, look at you!" he exclaimed.

The bittersweet pegasus approached Radiant Light and spoke with a soft and gentle voice.

"Welcome home, honey. We missed you so much." she said, as she smiled.

"I missed both of you too, very much." Radiant Light cheerfully said as he kissed her. "So, how are you doing, my dear Blink Hope?"

"Well, Lightning Aura and I were doing just fine when you were on duty. Although, he gets a little noisy at times and keeps talking about you all day. Despite all that, he's a disciplined and very energetic colt."

"So he's been a good pony when I was gone for a long time?" he asked.

"Yes," she gently replied.

"Oh, I see. Thank goodness." he sighed, with relief.

"Now then, let's have some fun now that I'm here!" Radiant Light chirped, as he held him in the air.


"Oh? You're not going to rest, my dear?" Blink Hope asked, as she winked at him.

"Oh, I almost forgot! Sorry, Lightning Aura. I need to rest after a very long duty. I guess we're going to have some fun, next time."

"Aww..." Lightning Aura drew a sad and disappointed face, but he still wore a look of admiration in his father.

The family left the train station and went on to their home. Radiant Light briefly thought to himself.

"Is the war finally over?"

Few months passed. The sun was glaring behind the great castle of Canterlot. The streets of Canterlot were bustling with activity. Radiant Light sauntered outside, stretching his hooves as he picked up a newspaper dropped near his house and sat on a bench.

-----------Ponyville Today: Daily Newspaper----------
Bright and beautiful morning. The skies are clear today, thanks to our weather ponies. No rain or snow are to be expected in the next few months!
Changeling sightings in the Crystal Empire? Is it true? Is the Empire aware?
New species of plants have been discovered! Is it harmful or helpful?
Derpy Hooves won the best mailmare in Equestria! She has a total of 69 votes!

"Changeling sightings?" Radiant Light murmured. "This must be a joke. I hope this isn't true."

He took a sip of coffee and started to ponder on what he read. Lightning Aura walked out of the house and saw his father reading a newspaper. He approached him.

"Daddy, where did mommy go?" he asked.

"Oh, your mom went to the market to buy some vegetables," he replied happily. "She should be back by now, but I guess the market is very crowded in this time of day."

The little colt caught attention of his dad's expression. His eyebrows were slanted, and was drawing a look of a sad and worried pony. The colt noticed and asked his dad what was wrong.

"Is something wrong, daddy?" Lightning Aura asked.

"Oh, nothing, son. Daddy's just reading some newspaper with the craziest news and got me worried for nothing. I've heard that Princess Twilight Sparkle will visit here soon."

"What?! Really?!" he replied as he jumped around with joy

He chortled. "Come here, son, and sit with me." Lightning Aura approached his father and sat beside him. He embraced him with tenderness.

"Say... what is your dream, son? Who are you when you grow up?" he asked with sincerity.

"I want to become a royal guard like you, daddy! I want to protect Equestria from all the bad guys!"

"Oh, really? You’re gonna smack them with your little hooves?" he asked as he giggled.

"Yeah, and I'm going to push and banish them away from Equestria forever!" Lightning Aura said proudly, posing a silly fighting stance.

Radiant Light laughed together with his son, but his laugh became shallower and shallower until he drew a worried expression. He didn't want his beloved son to be a royal guard, as it would put his life on the line. He knew the risks of being a royal guard, but his fatherly side made him support his son's ambitions as he didn't want Lightning Aura to be sad and disappointed.

As Radiant Light was about to stand up. A mailmare approached him, giving him a letter with a royal guard stamp before hastily flying away. After receiving the letter he knew, at that point, what he was going to read. He carefully opened the letter and read its contents.

To: Radiant Light

Dear Captain Ray,

The Royal Army requests your presence at the Crystal Empire immediately. All captains are to be stationed in the Empire and to wait until further notice. We are expecting your arrival at the Empire. Best of luck to you.

Best regards,

The Royal Army of the Crystal Empire

Radiant Light was expecting its contents. He felt nervous as he read the letter. Even though he was anxious, he didn't let it get the best of him.

"It's been only a few months of my vacation and now there's an urgent problem that I have to deal with. What a pain," Radiant Light whispered in a disappointed tone.

"Daddy?" Lightning Aura worriedly asked.

"Oh, Lightning Aura..." Radiant Light replied calmly, as he folded the letter. "I have a gift for you, son. Come with me."

Radiant Light and Lightning Aura went inside their home, and into his master bedroom.

"Lightning Aura. Wait for me outside, okay?" Radiant Light said.

"Okay, daddy."

Lightning Aura waited outside Radiant Light's room, patiently. Few minutes had passed, and Radiant Light stepped outside of the room, holding something.

"Huh?" Lightning Aura said as he drew a clueless face.

"I want you to have this," Radiant Light said, as he placed an old helmet in his son's head. "That’s my helmet from when I was only a recruit in the army. It was given to me by my father, who was known for his great service in the military, but he was also known for having a seriously bad reputation for his reckless acts."

"What did he do?" Lightning Aura asked.

"Well..." he paused, as he briefly hesitated to tell his son about his father, until he made up his mind to let his son know about his father's past. "You could say that he did things in his own way," he said, looking up and holding his chin. "And he was always in a lot of trouble."

"Oh..." Lightning Aura acknowledged. "But he sounds like a cool grandpa though!" he said, as he grinned.

He chuckled, "So, as an honor of your grandfather, I'm giving this to you," he said with certainty.


"Really," he said, as he smiled gleefully.

"Thank you, Daddy!" Lightning Aura happily replied.

"Now, I'm sorry I have to tell you this but," he said, as he felt disappointed and sad, "I have to leave again soon, son," he said with a serious tone.

"What! Why?! You only just came home, daddy!" Lightning Aura blurted, "And now you're leaving us again..."

"Don't worry, I promise I'll be back soon. Sooner than you think," Radiant Light assured him. "So always be a good colt when I'm gone, okay? Take care of your mother."

"It's not fair," the young colt said, still holding a saddened look.

"Come on, cheer up. That's the last thing I want to see when I leave."

"I-I'll try," he said, raising his head and forcing a smile.

"That's it." Radiant Light said, as he sadly smiled.

Radiant Light packed his belongings as fast as he could. Lightning Aura's face was stricken with sadness at seeing his father leave again. The aero-colored unicorn began writing a letter.

Dear Blink Hope,

I am leaving for the Crystal Empire, as something urgent has come up. I fear that the changelings are coming back again. I promised Lightning Aura to return as early as I can. But if I don't return like I promised, please tell him that I love both of you so much. Tell our son that I lied about supporting his ambition, because I didn't want him to become a royal guard, as his life is precious more than mine, but due to my fatherly side, I stupidly decided to support his ambition. I've killed comrades due to my recklessness, and realizing that it wasn't the enemy, I felt something in my heart that I couldn't carry and it broke me. That one scene that I witnessed in battle, kept replaying and replaying in my head for as long as I can remember. I don't want this to happen to him. I want him to live a happy and beautiful life.

So promise me, Blink Hope. Promise that you'll tell him this.

Radiant Light left the letter on a cabinet, placing a vase on top of it and cast a spell that would make the letter glow and show only to his wife. He said his goodbye one more time to his son.

"I promise I will return for you. Goodbye."

After saying his goodbye to his son, Radiant Light left for the Crystal Empire.

Finally reaching the borders of the Crystal Empire. The train stopped to its designated station. As Radiant Light stepped out of the train, he saw thousands of royal guards being dispatched by the Empire.

Clueless as to what was going on, he continued his way to the Empire to find answers. Cantering towards the Crystal Empire, he saw Azure Dusk, who seemed busy and disoriented. Radiant Light approached him.

"Dusty, what's going on around here?"

"Huh? Oh, Ray! Good thing, you came!" he exclaimed.

"Can you tell me what's going on, first?" he asked, with a serious face.

"Uh, oh, sorry. The Empire is dispatching units to scout the area around the Empire, inside and out. There have been reports that a changeling is trying to get in the Crystal Empire to cause distraction, or at least that's what I heard," Azure Dusk replied, as he scratched his face.

"How can a changeling get through the barriers created by Princess Cadence and Commander Shining Armor?"

"Maybe, the changelings managed to find a way to weaken the barrier?"

"We can't come up with a conclusion if we don't know anything. I'm sure the Empire knows something,"

The Royal Army was scattered around the Empire, looking for any intruders and scanning anyone who they deemed suspicious. Azure Dusk and Radiant Light both waited for many hours in the Empire, while maintaining their duties as captains.

As time passed by, Princess Cadence and Shining Armor finally made their appearance in the Empire's balcony, and the soldiers saw their expressions were reassuring. The princess gave an impassioned speech for the soldiers who responded to the Army's notice.

"It would seem that the reports were false alarms. As you can see, the Empire received no threats nor any attacks, but we are grateful for the soldiers and captains who responded to our aid when the Empire was threatened. We are really—” Princess Cadence's speech was interrupted when a royal soldier from Canterlot approached the two rulers and whispered something distressing.

"What?! It couldn't be!" Princess Cadence exclaimed.

"This is not happening!" Shining Armor replied in disbelief.

Shining Armor quickly stepped up and gave a speech to the soldiers of the Empire. The soldiers felt an intense weight in Shining Armor's action. Azure Dusk and Radiant Light were completely clueless to what was going on.

"Listen, everyone! Canterlot is being swarmed by thousands of changelings! We need all of the guards to defend the castle immediately!" Shining Armor shouted. "The false reports were merely a distraction! The real target was Canterlot!"

Radiant Light's eyes sharpened, filled with shock. He couldn't believe what he just heard. Without any hesitation, he quickly sprinted back to Canterlot, disregarding the distance.

"What happened to the princesses in Canterlot?!" asked a soldier in the crowd.

"Both of the sisters had gone missing when the attack begun. The soldiers guarding the castle were killed," Shining Armor explained. "Only hundreds of soldiers are defending Canterlot right now. We need to send our troops there , but that would leave us defenseless against a surprise attack. Tsk."

"Damn you to Tartarus, Chrysalis," Shining Armor thought to himself.

Azure Dusk saw Radiant Light running as he was listening to Shining Armor's speech.

"Ray! Where are you going?!" Azure Dusk exclaimed.

Without looking back, Radiant Light continued to run with great fear drawn in his face.
"Please be safe," he thought to himself. As he continued to run from the Empire, he heard a voice from behind, calling his name desperately.

"Captain Ray!" Azure Dusk shouted.

Radiant Light looked back and saw the captain leading his and Radiant Light's unit, hundreds of them riding chariots. Azure Dusk approached him in confusion.

"Why'd you run off so suddenly?" Azure Dusk asked. Radiant Light hopped in Azure Dusk's chariot with fear still engraved in his expression.

"I need to get there, fast," Radiant Light said desperately.

"Can you tell me what's going on, first?"

"My family's in danger! We need to hurry!" He exclaimed, surprising Azure Dusk.

"Okay, you got it Ray! We'll be there in no time," Azure Dusk assured him. "Alright, soldiers! Make haste!"

Radiant Light and Azure Dusk reached Canterlot with a little time left. The pair couldn't believe their eyes. Canterlot's barrier was completely destroyed, homes were razed, and ponies were lying across the ground, lifeless. Radiant Light quickly stepped down the chariot and ran to his home.

"Just how did the changelings get so powerful?" Azure Dusk thought to himself, surprised. He followed Radiant Light shortly after.

Radiant Light reached his home and forced the door open. As he entered the house, he saw blood on the floor and walls leading into their bedroom. He swiftly ran into the room. Right after opening the door, he couldn't believe what he saw.

On the ground was Blink Hope, mortally wounded, along with a few lifeless changelings that were scattered around the room. A large open wound was visible in the mare's stomach, bleeding profusely. Radiant Light quickly galloped to Blink Hope's aid.

"It's alright, h-honey. Y-you're gonna be fine. You'll be f-fine... P-please, just don't close your eyes." Radiant Light stuttered, desperately trying to treat Blink Hope. He tried to stop the bleeding with his magic, but it had no effect. The blood kept on flowing out of her body, and Blink Hope was struggling to breathe.

"D… don't… worry a-about… me, h-honey." Blink Hope gently smiled, touching her husband's cheeks. "I-I… hid… L-lightning… Aura… in… in t-the attic," she stuttered.

"I love you… P-please… please don't...m-make… a… sad f-face." She struggled to say her last words as her breathing became increasingly more shallow. She stared at Radiant Light one more time before her final breath escaped her, accompanied by a tear. She closed her eyes, as if she was going to sleep.

Radiant Light's eyes were filled with grief and his face was stricken with despair while he stared at his wife's corpse. He cried with all his heart, and his tears dripped on Blink Hope's hooves. Azure Dusk soon entered the room and saw the two. He waited until Radiant Light calmed down before approaching him from behind.

"My heart truly goes out to you and your wife, Captain Ray," Azure Dusk said compassionately. "But we need to go now. The changelings will swarm this area in a matter of time."

"A-alright... wait for me outside. Take Lightning Aura with you. He's in the attic," Radiant Light said, his words heavy with grief. "I'll follow shortly."

"As you wish, Captain Ray."

Azure Dusk and Lightning Aura waited outside for Radiant Light. Azure Dusk saw Lightning Aura’s face was also stricken with grief. After a few minutes passed, they saw Radiant Light stepping outside the house.

"Captain Ray, are you okay?" Azure Dusk asked.

"Yeah... I'm fine. I took care of her."

"Daddy!" Lightning Aura cried, as he rushed to his father and hugged him.

Before Radiant Light was about to approach the two, a magic beam struck his left hoof. Radiant Light recoiled in pain and quickly pushed the young colt away from harm.

"Captain Ray!" Azure Dusk exclaimed, as he immediately caught him, and placed him on his side.

"Daddy! No!" Lightning Aura screamed.

"Azure Dusk! Get in the chariot! Take Lightning Aura away from here! Make sure he’s safe!" Radiant Light shouted desperately. "Don't worry about me! Just go!"

Thousands of changelings swarmed the area. Radiant Light's unit fought the attacking changelings, but they were overwhelmed by the sheer number of enemies. Lightning Aura desperately tried to go to his father, but he was firmly being held by Azure Dusk.

"Captain Ray, no! We both still can get out of here!" Azure Dusk shouted. "We can help and hold them off!"

"No, stay with my son! The Empire needs you and your unit! I have fought so many battles in my life, and decisions that I regretted so much. I want to make amends in my past so, I will not let this decision be another regret. Please take care of my son, Dusty."

"Ray, no... please..." Azure Dusk pleaded as he stared at him, contemplating.

"Daddy! No! Don’t leave me!" Lightning Aura cried, as his tears quickly flooded his face.

"As I promised Aura, I returned for you. A father always fulfills a promise for his family," Radiant Light said, as he smiled. "I'll hold them off while your unit escape! Now, go!" he shouted, his voice filled with dread.

The changelings were now close to their position. Radiant Light's unit was being wiped out, one by one, and it was only a matter of time before Azure Dusk's unit got caught up to by the changelings.

"It's time to go, Dusty," Radiant Light said sadly. He began to charge his horn with fiercesome magic.

Azure Dusk and his unit flew away. Looking down below, Lightning Aura saw his father staring at him, his eyes filled with tears. His gentle smile felt like his last goodbye before turning around to fight against thousands of changelings.

"EVERY SINGLE ONE... EVERY SINGLE ONE OF YOU WILL ALL DIE BY MY HOOVES!" he shouted vehemently, filled with pure rage and anger. Radiant Light took out every single changeling that dared to face him. His bloodlust and the thirst for vengeance made him a monster, but the overwhelming amount of changelings that kept coming were too much for him to handle on his own. Everytime he killed one, three or more changelings would show up. It seemed like an endless battle. It was only a matter of time before he runs out of energry.

As he kept fighting and fighting with all his strength, a changeling crept up behind without him noticing, and it caught him by surprise. He had no time to react.

Before Lightning Aura saw what was about to happen, Azure Dusk covered the colt's eyes as the captain saw his father get stabbed in the stomach by the changeling using its horn. Azure Dusk clenched his teeth as he looked away.

"Damn it, Ray," Azure Dusk whispered sorrowfully. He and his unit went further and further away until they could no longer see him.

Radiant Light was pierced several times by the changelings before they moved on. His helmet laid beside him, his horn was painted with the blood of his enemies, and his whole body were full of wounds. As he laid on the ground dying, a warm feeling enveloped his whole body. His senses became numb and he could no longer feel anything. His eyes were dull and heavy, and his breathing became increasingly more shallow as time went on.
Suddenly, he saw a familiar figure in the distance and was approaching him in a moderate pace. As the figure got close to him, he opened his eyes a little wider to get a good look at it.
What he saw was Blink Hope. The figure he was looking at was his dear wife. He gathered his remaining air in his lungs, and spoke to his loving wife.

"H-he... he-llo, d-dear," he said. "I-I... w-wa...wanted to s-see you a-again."

"You fought so hard, my love." she replied. "You must be so tired."

He gave out a faint, little chuckle. "V-very."

"Don't worry, it will all go away soon."

"I s-saved... our son."

"I know you did. And you did good."

Radiant Light smiled with content, as he coughed up blood. "Y-you're a...a-always good for a s-smile."

"Let's go, love. Our son needs us," she said, as she offered a hoof to him.

"Be r-right there w-w...with y-" Radiant Light stopped as he drew out his last breath. And soon, he would no longer be among the living.

His actions and bravery would be forever remembered to those who knew and admired him. His sacrifice saved both his son and his friend's life.
The Crystal Empire would soon know about the horrors that had transpired in Canterlot.