
by rooberry


"Hey Ember? You awake?" Spike said softly, so if Ember was sleeping, as not to wake her.
"I'm here.!" Ember called out. Ember was lying on the bed, reading a book.

"Are you doing anything tonight?" Spike said as he looked at the ground.
Ember thought for a moment. "No, nothing planed. Why?"
Spike tried to dodge the "why" and said. "Would you like to go out with me tonight?"

"Of course Spike." Ember answered.

His plan was set in motion. It was all going perfect and smoothly.

Spike was getting ready for his date with Ember while she also prepared. Spike had told her to dress up. He was going to be in a tux. Spike stopped in the middle of everything and thought."Oh man, I almost forgot, my tux from Rarity." he ran to the Carousal Boutique. He burst through the doors out of breath.

He heard a voice come from the back room. "Just a minute darling." Rarity said as she walked out of the back room. "Oh Spike. Are you here for your tux?"

When he finally got a breath, he was able to answer. "Ya, is it ready?" Rarity looked like she was thinking but still not in reality. "Rarity?" She snapped out of her dream.

"Oh, sorry Spike. I was thinking about all the memories, of when you were younger, feels like just yesterday. And yes your tux is done." She walked to a clothes rack behind her and handed Spike his tux. He gave a nod thank you.

Spike opened his mouth to speak but Rarity answered his question before he could ask. "Don't worry about cost. It's fine. Now go get your girl!" Rarity said partly excited. Spike did not know how Rarity knew, but he did not ask. He just nodded thanks and ran home, but trying to keep the tux clean.


Spike nocked on Embers door. "Ember? Are you ready?" He could hear her dress ruffling from in the room.

"Just a minute." Ember said as she finished getting ready. "Aaand done." She exclaimed as she walked through the door. Spike stood there in awe. Her fiery hair was brighter than any flame, her coat looked as soft as silk and her eyes, oh her eyes, they sparkled more than any of the finest gems, but she, shined brighter than the moon and every star, she was beautiful. "Spike? Where are we going?" Ember asked softly, as if talking any louder would ruin a wonderful dream. Embers talking snapped Spike out of his trance.

"Oh, I can not tell you the exact location, but I know it's a place you have never been. I also need to cover your eyes. If that's okay." Spike said, blushing near the end. Ember stepped forward with her eyes closed.

"Lead the way." Though she could not see, she was sure she never got to the first floor, in fact she could have sworn she went up. After a few minutes of walking and after she had guessing, they had stopped walking. Then she heard Spike talking.

"Okay, I'm going to take my hands off your eyes and then you can open your eyes." Spike did just that. When Ember opened here eyes, she found herself on one of the castles many balconies, but this one was special, somehow. Then she saw her lover sitting in a chair at a table, there was a picnic basket near the table and some unlit candles near by.

Then she thought of asking her previous question. "Where are we?" Spike pulled out the other chair signalling that she should sit while he explained.

"Well, about 3 years ago, about the time Twilight and I had a big fallout, I found this place. It was comforting and you will see why in a minute." He said with a smile.

After a few minutes of chatter, Spike looked at the sky. "Look Ember." He said pointing. Ember turned her head to see the most beautiful sunset ever. Spike smiled at the joy Ember felt. "That is why! It normally dose not need help, but I asked princess Celestia if she could make it even more beautiful tonight." Spike knew that it was the perfect time, so he got out the necklace, got on one knee and said, just before the sun set. "Ember, will you, marry me?

Embers eyes were wet and watery. She was at a loss for words. "I...i..." Her tears were stoping her from speaking a real sentence. She tried to calm down and took a deep breath . "Ye...yes,yes yes yes, I will marry you!!" Spike put the necklace around her neck. Ember then surrounded spike in a thunder storm of hugs and kisses. They spent the next hour hugging.

They gave each other a happy smile as they parted ways in the main hall. "Goodnight" They said in unison.


Twilight was making breakfast when Ember walked in, "Oh, such a pretty necklace Ember. Where did you get it?" Twilight grabbed her attention at the word necklace

. "Oh, um Spike did not tell you!?" Ember said. Spike was sitting at the table, focusing on something random. When he heard Ember, he lifted his head, as if to say, what I was not listening. Ember was moving her head as to signal him to talk, he got the message.

He started to twiddle his thumbs as he stuttered out a sentence. "Oh, yeah, well, me and Ember, I mean, Ember and I are... engaged."

Twilight was now at a loss for words, Ember thought she stopped breathing, Spike thought her mind must have exploded and all that's left was a hollow shell.

But all their thoughts changed when Twilight whispered, "Perfect." To her self. Then Ember and Spike saw that Twilight had the biggest grin on her face.

Spike and Ember looked at each other, to Twilight then back to each other. Spike stood there thinking about how to react to Twilight but Ember spoke first. "Are you ok Twi, we thought you would take this... differently".
Twilight turned her smiling face toward Ember and spike.