//------------------------------// // The Hay Ridge Disaster (The Show Stoppers) // Story: Friendship is Poetry // by Loganberry //------------------------------// "Good fillies there, hi, and come with me, I pray ye will like what is in this tree, And don't believe that it may look so old That by going in the clubhouse you will catch a cold. "Your talents ought to be encouraged to be shown, Because example is something to make your own. And will surely help you to greater renown Than zip-lining again and thrice badly falling down. "Sometimes in your labours, guilty creatures have you been With your kung-fu, rock ballads, and other such scenes; By putting on a play wherein mayhem is enacted, You will surely gain your cutie marks if you are not distracted. "So leave troubles, you will not feel so much fear, This is ever the case, so said Star Swirl the Bear'. Though such is my opinion, I will venture to say, That Scootaloo, your lyrics will be murder for one to play." Sweetie discovered her sister's dumb fabric rolled away That she obtained for the purpose, and with dismay She noticed Apple Bloom, her brushes muddied too, Realising that brown was all she would now get, not red, purple or blue. The three carried on with rehearsals, working out That they would gain their cutie marks, without any doubt; Therefore, stage representation had a greater effect In the minds of the fillies than the flitting of an insect. We see in Cheerilee's academy of Ponyville, which is sublime, Sunny Days and Peachy Pie on roller-skates in perfect time; And, with a modicum of relief, though tame – "Oh, that Snips and Snails should put a rabbit in there, where are their brains?" The ponies of the village went to that theatre that night To see the Cutie Mark Crusaders, but at first got a great fright; They saw and heard the threesome murder the music on the stage But when the scenery fell apart, they were stricken with laughter, not rage. And, the Crusaders, I will say that their dismay Soon turned to joy as they, without delay Made a realisation that these talents of the three Would have a tendency to lead to cutie marks in comedy.