//------------------------------// // Parents // Story: Likely // by rooberry //------------------------------// *****FIVE YEARS LATER***** ember and spike are now teens. 17-19 years old ************************************ "So, what brings you here today Ember?" Nurse Redheart asked. "I don't really know. I just feel horrible.?!" Ember asked partly confused. "Well, what feels off. What are your symptoms?" "Well,..um..let's see, fatigue, nausea, weight gain, and I'm always hungry." Ember said like a confession. "I think I know what's wrong, but I need to take some tests.!" ***30 minutes later*** After what felt like forever, Dr.Stable and Nurse Redheart walked in. "Are the results in?" Asked Ember eagerly. "Yes." Dr.Stable said in a tone that left Ember in suspense. Nurse Redheart had the most obvious secret smile ever. "And?" Ember said annoyed "Oh, your pregnant!" Dr.Stable announced proudly. Ember felt her body go to stone. Nurse Redheart surrounded Ember in a hug. "I'm so happy for you!" She squealed. "I think...I'm going to be sick!" Ember urged. "That's normal, but wait, your not excited?" Redheart questioned. Ember sighed,"No, well.. maybe, I just don't know, this was... unexpected." Then it hit her, how would she tell spike?!?! Ember worried all the way to the castle, which had become her home. Her breaths were heavy. She could not relax, not when her relationship was on the line.!! When she got to the castle her first thought was, RUN!!! No, I can't do that to him, what if....if he still loves me, it will break him. She could have turned tail and run or maybe, go in and never tell him, at least not today. But instead she just stood there. One thing on her mind, telling him. "EMBER!!" There, Spike was in front of her, calling her name. Seeing he finally got her attention he repeated his question, "What did the doctor say?" Her only thought was CRAP!!! Ember did not know how to tell him and thought she could wing it, but that could end horrible. So, she just tried to rip it out. "Spike....I'm....I'm pregnant." She said the last two words faster than Spike could comprehend. She could not tell if he loved her of if he was being stupid. So, she explained it to him, slowly. "Spike, we are going to be parents." His face immediately light up like a Christmas tree!? "Oh, sweet Celestia that's...that's great!" Spike grabbed Ember by the hips and spun her around once,"That's great news!!" Spike gave her a kiss. It suddenly hit him, how to tell Twilight?!?!?! After what felt like hours of Spike wearing a groove in the floor pacing, Ember had fallen asleep on her bed. They heard the huge castle door close and hoof steps, meaning Twilight was home. Spike grew more stressed with every step. Twilight was walking to her room for some relaxation, when she heard heavy breaths coming from Embers room. When she got to the door, she saw Spike and he noticed her, took a deep breath and fainted. The loudness of his crash woke Ember. "Oh..*yawn* hi Twilight." It was obvious that Ember was still sleepy. "What's wrong with him??" Twilight said pointing to the dragon on the floor. "Oh..um.. he wanted to tell you himself, but seeing that he can't.. I might as well come out and say it, no hiding. I'm..pregnant and Spike is the father." Ember could not help but feel excited. Twilight's face went blank. There was a flash of light and Twilight was holding a bucket of water in her magical grasp. Of course, she threw it on the purple dragon. "SPIKE!!!!" The fainted Spike did not know what hit him. "Ahhhhh!!! Wha, what was that for??!!" Spike said in a raised, confused voice. "THAT WAS FOR WHAT YOU DID TO EMBER!!!!" He could tell Twilight was mad. Ember took a deep breathe to try and calm herself and Twilight, "Twilight, even though this was not planned, Spike and I are taking the responsibility of raising this child." Ember said calmly and proud. Twilight looked at Spike, who nodded in agreement. "Plus, you could foalsit like Cadence did for you." Ember added slyly Twilights face lit up with excitement. "I have to go and prepare. EEEEE!!" Twilight said as she bounced out the room. "Um, Ember? I love you." Spike murmured. "You too Spike." Ember said nicely. As he left the room Spike was forming a plan, to surprise Ember. He will take her to his favorite place to go. He thought about how one night could change his and Embers life. The next day after Spike had made a secret stop at the Carousel Boutique, the main six had gathered for a secret meeting in the throne room. "So you see girls," Twilight said confessing, "what am I going to do?" After a small moment of silence, AJ was the first to speak. "Well ah recon, if there goin to have this child. They a'ta be traditional an' get hitched." Rarity's face lit up. "Oh, oh, I could make Embers dress!!" "And I could plan a bachelorette party and a baby shower! Yay!" Pinkie Pie said as she bounced around in excitement. Of corse, RD thought the idea was sorta lame. "Uh, do we have to?" Rainbow protested. "Rainbow. I think Apple Jack has a point. They should make it official before the baby is born. But are we sure they want to get married." Twilight said. It was Fluttershy's turn to speak. "Maybe we should let them decide. Ember can't be more than a month along, so that gives them 10 months until the baby is born and us all 10 to prepare." Spike was running around Ponyville, in search for the perfect gems to go on a ring. Finally he found what he was after. Three heart shaped fire rubies, one was larger than the others, they were perfect. He found himself in a small plain shop. It was very bleak. He rang the bell and a purple pony stepped out. Her main was the same color as her coat except for a strip of light purple in her main. "Oh, hello sir. I'm Amethyst. What can I do for you?" Spike did not hear her question. He was busy looking at the little filly that walked in the room, Dinky Doo, and she was busy looking at the tall dragon on the other side of the counter. "Um...oh right. How much are those gems?" Spike said pointing at the fire rubies. "Those?" Amethyst said,"They are 20 bits." Spike was over joyed. He had brought 50 bits. "How much to put them on a ring or necklace?" Spike said enthusiastically. "Oh, we only do necklace and the total would be 60 bits." Spikes smile changed to a saddened frown. "Oh. Well that's 10 bits over budget." Spike sadly, started for the door. "Wait!" Amethyst said, "What did you want to do with it?" Spike turned around glumly. "I was going to give it to my girl. And I only have 50 bits." Amethyst thought for a moment. "You know what give me the 50 and it's yours." Spikes face lit up. "Really? Thanks!! Seriously thanks." Spike handed her the 50 bits and she gave him the necklace. Spike ran to the castle as fast as he could. He could not wait for what he had planned tonight.