Mirroth the Dragon's Life Story

by ZeusMacD

Chapter 1 A dragon spins a tale about a yellow pegasus

Greetings I am mirroth, and writing for me is Bright Tale a descendant of the element of magic. First off, I can read and write on my own, however only with my claws, or a pen the size of an oak tree. I guess I should start off by explaining what I am, I am a dragon. I am trying to record, at least portions of my life, before I die. I will die eventually, a mortal can only fight gods for so long before they pass on, even a dragon can’t do so forever. Spike taught me that when he passed on. Thus I asked Bright Tale to scribe for me, and edit stuff for me, however even when she corrects me, she will leave the original words entact. I will start my story at a young age, it was about 3,000 years ago.

~actually based on events I would place it to be about 5,350 years ago, or during the first decade of the age of harmony. Signed B.T

I was but a tike than about two feet tall, how I have grown, now I am 152 feet 4 inches from nose to tail. I was born and raised in the everfree forest. I lived with my mother a black and blue dragon. Apparently my father was a green dragon, at the time however I did not know him.

~It is quite common in dragon society, for a child to be raise by a single parent, due to the territorial nature of dragons. Often children are conceived during the great dragon migration. Although on some occasions they will be conceived during an invasion. It is rare for two dragons to spent much time together. Signed B.T

I am a black dragon with green spikes. When I was old enough to breathe fire I was expected to hunt for myself. This had some mixed results, I could hunt rabbits and squirrels, however on occasion I would find myself as prey to the larger creatures of the forest such as Manticores and chimeras. Whenever that would happen I would run, being forced to take advantage of my smaller size to escape. During one such night I found myself running from a Manticore, when I finally escaped I was near the forest’s edge. Prior to that point I had never been outside of the forest, so I was curious. I wandered out towards the town, to a cottage that was just beyond the forest. Near the cottage was a wire mesh fence, with chickens inside. Now I was quite hungry having to miss my meal due to the Manticore chasing me all around the forest. So I started clawing my way through the fence. The metal was hard, and it would have kept most creatures out, however I knew that heat would weaken it. I had done something similar before when a squirrel was hiding in a hole under a tree, I had lit the tree on fire to help me get at it. I made sure to suffocate the fire with my body before it got too big. So i began to heat up the metal and claw my way through the fence. However I managed to get myself stuck in the fence, and the chickens made a racket about me attacking.

A bit of struggling later, I heard a serene voice say “Oh my, Calm down, I’ll pull you out of the fence in a second.”
After I was out of the fence and placed on the ground, a rage filled my heart for having my meal disturbed and for being humiliated. I turned upon the pony who saved me, with the intentions of making her into my meal. However when I turned my gaze upon her to start my attack, my rage left me. It was strange, I couldn’t attack.

“Please, come inside, I’ll get you something to eat.” the yellow Pegasus said after walking to the cottage door and opening it.

The yellow Pegasus gestured to the couch before heading to the kitchen. I took a seat on the couch.

The yellow Pegasus placed the plate with three apples before me, while saying “I’m Fluttershy, and you are?”

After taking a bite of an apple I said with my mouth full “I’m Mirroth” as bits of apple came out of my mouth and landed upon her face.

“Umm Mr. Mirroth Don’t talk with your mouth full” Fluttershy asked after she wiped the apple bits off her face with a blush.

“Sorry” I said when my mouth was emptied.

“So ummm you broke in to my chicken coop, and that won’t be cheap to fix. Ummm would you please help my friend to fix it with your breath it shouldn’t be too hard.” Fluttershy said, circling her hoof on the table, she was clearly nervous about asking for help.

I grit my teeth in outraged, however when her face showed fear my anger was tempered.

“I can’t, I spend all day hunting, and even so I don’t always get a meal. thanks for the apples by the way.” I said in a disheartened tone.

“Oh dear that is horrible I can feed you if you come back and help.” she said, in her sweet voice.

That day changed my life completely, I stopped spending hours hunting in the forest, and instead started spending hours with others. I had a lot to learn about friendship, and I would learn it.

~ Why were you so aggressive? You expressed outrage over such trivial things, and yet now you are so calm. Signed B.T.

It was the way I was raised, I had essentially encountered three types of creatures prior to this point. The first was prey, having to kill for your meals after days without eating makes your interactions with them very aggressive. The second group were predators, that would chase you out of your meal, or try to make a meal of you, this leads to aggression and fear. The third group consisted of one member, my mother. She wanted nothing to do with me. Before I could breathe fire she had me work the underground digging for jewels. If I found something I could have a bit of leftover meat. After I could breathe fire, she would send me out to hunt so that she wouldn’t have to see me. That sort of relationship breeds anger quite well. However as of now I have learned not to get angry.

~Why did your mother do that? Signed B.T.

I would rather not talk about it now, it will come up later anyways.