//------------------------------// // Chapter 3 - A New Dark Side // Story: Lightning Crash 2 - Pinkie's Secret // by ChromeRegios //------------------------------// the three of us went to the place to confront the troubled pinkie. at the center of manehattan lies a rundown building . . .rugged and about to be demolished. . i went in first and told the two of them to stay outside. . .they both nodded the place was dark. . . just like when i was in the shop . . . with my sword drawn i was prepared to attack. without warning pinkie came out of the dark and attacked me with a pair of knives. . i barely blocked her attack. . . “PINKIE!!! stop it!! this isn't you at all!! why are you doing this?!” “it's fun!! i liked it!!” she said shivering i repelled her knives as she tumbles down the hallway “you don't understand how good is to kill!!” She added “I thought Rainbow was your friend!!?? come on pinkie i know you can hear me!! FIGHT THIS DARN THING!!! lets go home together!!” twilight still outside heard the commotion inside and went to take a look. . fluttershy tried to stop her, but she didn't listen and went in. . . as soon as she went in, pinkie saw her. . and went to kill at twilight. . . time seemed to slow time. . as she charges towards twilight . . . . my eyes went red. . . lightning conjured into my blade. . . . with lightning speed i went in front of pinkie then slashed her across her body. . . a bright flash of light blinds everypony around. . . 2 days later. . . everything went to normal . . pinkie went back to her regular self. . . Rainbow Dash how ever came back alive and flying once more. . .rarity is working her newest dresses. . . fluttershy is at her tree taking care of her animal friends. . . . apple bloom on the other hand kept on having nightmares about that ordeal. . other than that she was back to her old self. . . everyone in ponyville kept going like every day was. . . But the day before. . .We Both stood still, Shocked by the fact that we had mysteriously disappeared and turned up in the library. What sort of mystery of the universe could have caused such a thing? I saw my own pondering question reflected in the eyes of Twilight Sparkle. Tenuously we ventured outside, to find a vibrant midsummer day . . We then saw Pinkie pie, rather skipping and bouncing... and greeted us a good morning. . . furious, i ran up to her and grabbed her down on the dirt. . “Alright freak show! why did you came back at ponyville?” i was angry and frustrated, why is she here? as of she returned here all happy and bouncy while she just killed R.D! twilight just stood there watching as i dealt with her my self “W-w-what are you talking about crash?” she asked both confused and terrified “you know what you did you psychopath! you Killed Rainbo-” before i could finish my sentence rainbow dash flies over us shouting at me to stop. . . Twilight looked at disbelief... Yet I on the other hand is stunned as her... my eyes both almost popped out as i looked at rainbow dash flying alive and pretty much well , we both dropped our jaw in surprised.... “buh buh buh buh buh buh buh” i mubled as i stood there speechless “can you get off of me now?!” Pinkie asked me i moved aside... and went to rainbow dash... i touched her wings...real. . . i touched her mane. . . real. . . i poked her eye. . . “AWW!! hey why did you do that for?!” “sh-shes alive!” I shouted at twilight already crying with joy. . “Ofcourse im alive. . .why wouldn't i be?” she snapped back. . . i asked for their forgiveness for what i just did. . she went off flying moments later, and then pinkie went off her way as well. . as twilight and i went inside we gave each other a look “What just happened?!” Twilight asked. . . wanting answers quickly. . . “i haven't got a clue Twilight. . . not at all”. . i went to sugar cube corner later and asked if i can go to the cellar. . . when i came down . . nothing was out of the ordinary . . .only barrels and tools . . thinking that there might something be in the barrels i opened each and every barrel i see. . . nothing. . . searched the room for secret passage. . . nothing. . . i went out to Manehattan to look at the old building. . . it wasn't there anymore . . only an empty field i think for a while. . . then i remembered something. . . the time i struck pinkie with my sword it was illuminating and lightning charged the blade. . . . i also remembered the legend. . . that i forgotten since my last visit here. . . . “The legend says that if the blade is resonating with the tranquility of the sun and blazed by the power of lightning and is swung on to a pure hearted soul. . . instead of killing it. . it will restore the persons normal self and heals all pain and ailments.” but there was no sun. . . . how could that effect be possible? then i thought. . . maybe because lightning is much alike with the sun. . . maybe. . . but that doesn't explain how did the dead can be brought back to life!? guess. . . there are some things i could not understand. . . this sword is wonderful indeed. . . guess i got a lot of training to do. . . . . . . That evening. . . pinkie had a party. . . we were invited. . . it was a blast. . i enjoyed my self quite nicely. . with nothing else to worry about. . . i went to twilight's house and took a rest. . .i pinched my self. . no. . i wasn't dreaming at all. . . as i was about to sleep my sword started to glow. . . i took the sword and examined it . . .i think I'm imagining this. . . i think i saw pinkies face in here. . . . “YoU HaVenT HeaRd ThE LasT Of mE!” said the other pinkie in the sword. . . “IlL Be BaCk!!!” i conjured lightning to it and disperse the lightning. . . purging the other pinkie. . . . she was gone. . . Like i said before. . .ill Protect the Ponies. . . One way or another. . . then. . . something inside me keeps on talking. . . “they just using you.. . they dont really need you. . . they’re just using you. . . . they must pay” -End-