A Certain Urge

by TheUnknownPerson

XIII: Arrival

Pinkamena walked down the gravely path towards the Pie Rock Farm. She was certain of what she was about to do, and Pinkie didn't like it.

Pinkamena, stop! No pony deserves what I got!

Not even your attackers? Excuse me, but do you have the memory of that stupid alligator that you call a pet?! You told me yourself that you'd love to get your hooves on them. I'm simply doing what you can't. You're welcome.

I... you don't know... I feel like I'm going insane. Please... I don't care what I said, no pony deserves this.

I know, trust me I know. This is going to help you and me both.

Please Pinkamena, I'm begging you... I can't do this anymore. I hear Fluttershy screaming when I think about it.... I hear myself screaming when I think about it.

This'll help us. Just trust me.

No! Buck no! You aren't hurting my family!

Oh yeah? What are you going to do about it? Watch me? There's nothing you can do! So you can just sit there and whine and plead all you want, but I am doing this!

Pinkamena angry stomped towards the farm. Pinkie stilled tried to persuade her, but Pinkamena just ignored her. Nothing would stop her at this point.

I've got to do something...

Unfortunately for you, my dear, there is nothing you can do. You specifically asked Zecora to give you a potion that would make me go away for two days. Fortunately for me, it backfired and I'm going to be in control for the next two days, and there's not a bucking thing you can do about it.

No! T-there's gotta be something I can do!

You're starting to annoy me...

Come on, Pinkie, there's gotta be something you can do...

Pinkie, you're being irrational now. There's nothing you can do. You're just going to need to accept it. Who knows, you might enjoy it with me...

Enjoy it?! You're a sick pony!

Pinkamena ignored that comment as she approached the house.

Pinkamena, please. Just turn around...

It'll help us. Trust me.

How can I trust a pony who possibly killed my friend and is still a danger to everypony?!

You'll learn to...

Pinkamena walked up to the front door and opened it.

"Hello? Who is it?"

"Its me, mom!" Pinkamena called out. Cloudy came out from a hallway and trotted up to her.

"Hello Pinkie, darling."

"Hello, mom." Pinkamena said. A few moments of awkward silence passed by.

Just need to act like her until they fall asleep.

Don't you dare hurt them!

"So... how have things been in Ponyville?"

"Super-duper-great!" Pinkamena said, acting like Pinkie.

"Well, good..."

"So, where's everypony?"

"Well, Maud is in Ponyville, trading in our usual shipment of rocks, Marble and Limestone are outside with your father. He's showing them how to search through the fields for rocks better." Cloudy said simply. She seemed a bit nervous nervous talking around Pinkamena.

"Well, good. I have to ask you a question..." Pinkamena said, pretending to be nervous about it.


"Okay. Ask."


"Some stuff happened in Ponyville and I need to stay here for awhile. Do you mind if I stay here for awhile?"

"Of course, dear. Anything for a daughter of mine."

... and sinker.

"Really?! Thanks!" Pinkamena said as she reluctantly gave her a hug. She tried to ignore it, but she was filled with disdain and disgust from simply touching her.

I hate to even touch her...

Then leave!

Nah. This solution'll be funner. I'm excited to get back at her for all the things she did to m- us.

Pinkamena released Cloudy. She stepped back a few steps.

"Well, do you or dad need any help? I wanna make it up to you and him for letting me stay here." Pinkamena said, trying her best to make it sound like she was sincere.

"I don't need any right now, but your father might need some. And you don't have to make it up to us dear."

"Okay. I'm going to go check if dad need's any help." Pinkamena said as she trotted towards the door.

"All right, darling." Cloudy said as Pinkamena exited and walked towards the fields.

Too easy... this isn't going to be difficult if everyone in this family is as gullible as her.

If you lay so much as hoof on them and I promise you... I Pinkie Promise you, I'll find a way to get back at you.

I'm quivering in my fictitious boots.


"I tried to chase after them, but Angel wouldn't let me. I just wish I did..." Rainbow Dash said, finishing the story.

Who was in my cottage?! Was it Pinkie?!

"Um.. d-did you get a look at the pony?"

"No... they had some towel covering their head. But they did leave a rose." Rainbow Dash said as she pulled it out and handed it to Fluttershy.

Why would they leave a rose?

Fluttershy inspected it for a moment before setting it aside.

"Well... thank you for telling me. Are Angel and the other animals all right?"

"Yeah. Angel seemed like he was spooked, though." Rainbow Dash said as he trotted to the corner of the room and sat down in one of the chairs.

"Poor thing... I feel so bad..." Fluttershy said in a worried tone.

"Its all right, Fluttershy. You'll be outta here in no time!" Rainbow Dash said, trying to cheer her up.

"I hope so..." Fluttershy said as she picked up the rose and began to inspect it again.

I wonder who left it...


"Now pull!"

Pinkamena tugged against the ropes. They were tied against a huge, plow-like device especially made to pick up rocks and sift out dirt. She pulled it for a few feet.

"Okay, you can stop now. I think they get it." Igneous said. Pinkamena did as she was told.

"Whew. Its been awhile since I've done that!" Pinkamena said, trying to be as enthusiastic as Pinkie usually was.

"Certainly has, dear." Igneous said as he walked over to Marble and Limestone Pie.

"Okay, so that'll be what you'll have to do next week. So you may want to practice." Igneous said to Marble and Limestone. They both nodded. They began to trot over to her, Limestone leading in front of Marble.

Great. I'm glad they're coming over here. They're only two ponies in my family I actually love or trust.

I... I can relate. But that doesn't mean you have to hurt the others.

Yes, it does. I'm not letting them hurt another pony.

They aren't going to hurt another pony!

How do you know that they wouldn't hurt Marble or Limestone if they already haven't?!

Because they haven't done anything wrong.

Correction; they haven't done anything wrong yet. It'll only be a matter of time until they get up into that age where they start to disobey them and don't do their chores. They'll do it again.

They wouldn't do it again! They could barely do it last time!

Maud could. She didn't mind cutting off your wing.

Before Pinkie could respond, Marble and Limestone stopped in front of her. Pinkamena wrapped them both into a large hug.

"I'm so glad to see you two... it's been too long."

Marble nodded.

"It has. How have you been?"

"Good. The Sugarcube Corner is as popular as ever. You two could come some day, when you're older."


"We've found some more cool rocks."

"Great. How have things been at home."

"Quiet. No thanks to Marble." Limestone glanced back at Marble. Marble's face flushed as she nodded in acknowledgement.

"Yeah, but it's been the usual. Nothing special."

"That's good. Are you two still good?"

"Of course. Sure, Marble might not talk a lot, but nothing bad has happened."

"That's great."

"Hey, do you want to my rock collection? I've been collecting for months now"

"Sure!" Pinkamena said. Limestone nodded, trotting towards the house. Marble and Pinkamena followed behind.

I just need to wait until night fall...


Fluttershy stared at the window, looking at Celestia's slowly descending sun. For some reason, she felt uneasy. Like something bad was about to happen.

Please Celestia, don't let Pinkie hurt me again.

Celestia would grant that request, but at a price.
