//------------------------------// // Chapter 4 // Story: Lost Memories and New Experiences // by Brony4life360 //------------------------------// Rainbow was pacing across the creature's hospital room. She had been doing so for hours. It had been two days since Twilight and the others had brought him to this hospital, and he still hadn't woken up. Rainbow had stayed with him the whole time. She felt responsible for his injuries, and it felt wrong to leave his side while he was laying in the hospital bed. She rarely left the room, only to eat, drink, and use the restroom. Rainbow felt that she had to make this right with the creature, no matter what. Rainbow was pacing the room impatiently, again, on the third day of the creatures arrival to the hospital. In deep thought, she did not notice the groan of the creature waking, so she kept on pacing, muttering to herself. The man, now fully awake and confused, sat up suddenly. Rainbow, not noticing any of his other movements, screamed, "What the buck!" as she proceeded to jump to the other end of the room. Rubbing his eyes multiple times to make sure he was seeing things right, slowly lowered his hands and said to himself, "Are you fucking kidding me?" Now that he was fully awake, he noticed that he was in a hospital room. He was clothed in hospital drab, hooked up to some machines, and apparently had some type of operation on his back. Now thinking back to it, he could remember the timberwolves, and trying to get to the town, but he could not remember how he got to this world. He also could remember the rainbow mare in front of him. She was the one who told him off when he was heading to the town, but she was also one of the ponies that was there in the forest. Is she following me? He wondered. "So, you seem to be following me around, any real reason for that?" he inquired. Rainbow did not hear the creature speak, she was too busy looking at its eyes. Those eyes were captivating for her, they were hard and suspicious, yet there seemed to be a warm kind of glow behind it. She could also see that the creature was highly intelligent just from seeing the raw emotion radiating from it's gaze. Also the color of the eyes were absolutely breathtaking. Instead of the eyes being one defined color, they were colored like she just did a miniature rainboom through each pupil. All the colors of the rainbow shined brightly in those eyes. Rainbow was finally drawn back out of her trance when the creature screamed "Hello, can you hear me!" Turning her attention away from it's eyes she looked at it's face. It breathed a sigh of relief as it saw her snap out of her trance. "Finally, took you long enough! So, can you understand me?" Rainbow took note of it's voice. It had a pretty deep voice, about like Big Mac's voice deep, but it was scratchy, as if had been through a lot of screaming matches. "Y-y-yea." Rainbow replied weekly. What in the hay was that! Get it together Rainbow, he seems friendly enough. The man immediately slouched down into a relaxed position, grinning all the while. "Good! So, where exact-a-fu-ck-in-ly am I?" "You are in Ponyville Medical." "Okay, now that I know where I am, who are you?" "How have you not heard of me? I am The Rainbow Dash. Fastest flier out of Cloudsdale! I am also one of the Elements of Harmony with my friends Applejack, Pinkie Pie, Twilight Sparkle, Rarity, and Fluttershy! You must be new around here to not have heard of me." Rainbow Dash, Ponyville, Cloudsdale, the Elements of Harmony. Every time he heard another name, he felt a tug in his mind, like he could remember those things, but there was something blocking it. He decided to ask about it later. He was about to ask her another question when she suddenly blurted out, "Well, enough about me, what's your name?" The man tried to remember his name, but he couldn't think of what it was. He pushed and tried to remember, but it wasn't coming. Just when he decided to give up on the search, he thought of something. He thought of a name that his friends and family used to call him, or at least that's what he thought. Rainbow, intently watching his face intently, was feeling a bit worried. She saw his face contort between extreme concentration, and then into anguish and sadness. She was about to speak up when his face brightened and he looked her directly in the eyes and said, "Bear. That's my name, or at least a nickname, that everyone use to call me. At least I think it is, I can't remember jack shit for anything else. So, I can't help you with any of your other questions." Rainbow couldn't respond. Really, she thought, he's lost his memory? That must be horrible! "It's kind of weird though," Bear said, "It feels like I would be able to, but there's something blocking me from remembering." "Wow, that is pretty weird." Rainbow responded with a bright smile enveloping her face, "But I might have a solution to it, I have an alicorn friend named Twilight-" "She's the purple one right?" "Yea she is, and I could ask her to find out a spell to get your memories back!" Bear sat up straighter, smiling, while his eyes lit up with excitement. "Really, she can do that!" "Yep, so you want me to get her for you Bear?" Now his face falls into a deadpan expression. "Nooooo, Rainbow, I don't want Twilight to find a spell to get my memories back." Bear says with obvious sarcasm, "Of course I want you to get here!" He practically screamed. "Got it. I'll be back tomorrow with Twilight if we find the spell. Would that be alright?" "Yea, that would be cool. Wait, could you also bring all my things that I came with and my clothes?" "Sure!" "Thanks, Rainbow. I will see you tomorrow." Rainbow immediately opened the door after his confirmation and left to find Twilight. Celestia was in her personal study area, extremely focused on the scrolls levitating by her head. She had noticed a massive magic flux had caught her attention. It was a familiar type of magic surge and she was desperately trying to see where the epicenter was located. Celestia was extremely worried. It was different this time, I can't track it this time! What if this one kills even more before I find it? That magic trace, it was a creature Celestia thought was long-gone. A creature filled with hate and violence. Celestia was abruptly interrupted by a scroll popping into existence right in front of her face. Dear Princess Celestia, I know I haven't written a lot in the past few weeks, but the reason that I am writing this letter is of the upmost importance. There was a creature that was found by Rainbow Dash outside of Ponyville a few days ago. I hadn't written to you about it because shortly after Rainbow encountered it, it ran into the Everfree forest. Rainbow came to us in hopes of tracking it down, so after an hour of tracking it through the Everfree, we found it. When we found him in the forest, he had already literally obliterated most of a timberwolf pack. He stopped and looked at us when we came within view, and that's when a couple of wolves attacked him from behind. One cut open his back, while another bit his shoulder. He then proceeded to scream and smash the timberwolves into splinters! I am slightly scared of this thing, it calls itself 'Bear' and he is definitely a male. He is bipedal, has no fur except for the top of his head, and a flat face. He doesn't even have hooves, he has these little claws like spike, but they are dull. After that he passed out and we took him to the hospital. He had three objects with him. A soccer ball, a sword, and what I have inferred to be the mouthpiece of an instrument. I don't know what to do Princess, but it also seems that Bear has lost his memory, I am going tomorrow with Rainbow to see if we can restore it. Rainbow seems to say that Bear is a pretty nice guy, but I'm not so sure. Wish me luck, Twilight Sparkle Celestia was horrified. The flux of magic had to be near Ponyville, and it had brought a human into Ponyville. Twilight and her friends could be in danger! She was having flashbacks to three different incidents similar to this. Years before Equestria became as diverse as it was, there were two different magical fluxes that had been located a small town of farm ponies. When she went to investigate what the magical disturbances were, when she found two of these humans. What she found there terrified her. The two humans had massacred the ponies. They cut them dawn and defiled the bodies. Celestia went into the town, and saw how they had strung the ponies' entrails along the ground, put their heads on pikes, and when she got to the humans they were wearing the skin of all the ponies that they killed. She was paralyzed with dear as they turned and almost carved her up, but her fear turned to fury and she killed both of them. But she could feel the magic radiating off of them. It was a magic she had long forgotten. Hatred. That had scarred Celestia for all her life, but there was a third incident like this, but a lot more recent. By the time she had tracked down the human this time, it had killed two apple farmers... They were Applejack's parents. She had never told the Apple family about this incident. It would scar them all. This time though, it seemed a little different. This human hadn't immediately killed whatever he got close to, and he actually talked to a pony! I am going to have a chat with this 'Bear', and we'll see if he is indeed friendly. She thought as she teleported to Ponyville. Bear was woken up suddenly from his slumber by a loud pop right next to his hospital bed. Turning quickly, he was facing a huge, white alicorn. He sits A little irritated at being woken up so suddenly, Bear says, "So, who would you be to wake me up in the middle of my fuckin' nap?" Celestia, a little taken aback by the human's, no, his name is Bear, initial greeting replied, "Hello, Bear I am Princess Celestia, co-ruler of Equestria." I still have to be careful. Who knows if he is only acting friendly so that he can get to me! Suddenly awake at the mention of 'Princess', Bear sits up, "And why would a princess be here to see me?" Celestia fakes a smile, a little curious at the way Bear was acting, still she had to be cautious. "To hopefully get a little information out of you, and to see you're not a threat to my ponies." Bear, still a little confused, replies, "Well, you see there's a little problem with giving you all that information... I lost my memory-waitaminute how did you know that I was here?" Celestia was not expecting this, a human that actually that was having a conversation with her. She responds, "Well, Twilight sends me letters every so often, and when she sent me a letter pertaining to you, I had to come and see for myself!" Bear could sense the underlying tension in her words. "Really? I guess that works. So are you supposed to be an all-powerful god or something, because I don't think you came for just a little check-up." Celestia wasn't going to give him any ideas, so she just stuck with the topic of his memory, hoping to distract him from the topic of her past with humans. "I wanted to see if I could help with your memory loss." Bear was not totally convinced, but went with it anyways. "Cool, you're here to help. So, how are we going to this?" "Well, first of all, when you try to remember something, what does it feel like?" "It feels like there is something blocking me, like a veil over my memories that I can't push through." Celestia sat down, a focused expression on her face. "Alright I have a spell in mind, but I will need all the things that you came into this world with, and we will also need Twilight here." "Alright, I can get behind that, but why do we need these things?" "Well, I would need the objects that you had with you, because they could have a connection to the magic that sent you here. That would make it easier to identify the magic and be able to 'lift the veil' off of your memories." Bear nodded in understanding, "Yea, that makes sense, but why do we need Twilight here for this?" "She needs to be here, because when I release your memories, they are going to be in a jumbled mess. Magically speaking of course, but your memories will be sent to Twilight to unscramble them, then be sent back to me so that I can clear away any extra magic that may leave any lapses in your memory that weren't meant to be there." Celestia lied. " I don't actually need her here for the spell, I just want her to be there to keep him contained anything goes wrong or Bear goes crazy. "Alright, so since we just now have to wait for Twilight and Rainbow to get here, how about you answer some of my questions." "Alright." After about an hour of Bear asking a whole slew of questions, ranging from 'How are you the co-ruler of Equestria' to 'What's that mark on your ass?' Twilight and Rainbow finally came into the room. Twilight instantly saw the Princess and ran up to her. "Hey Celestia! I didn't know that you were coming! Actually, why are you here exactly?" Celestia turned away from Bear, who flops down on the bed trying to digest all the new information, and looked at Twilight, a huge smile plastered on her face. "Well hello Twilight! It is nice to see you here, oh and the same goes to you Rainbow Dash. As for the reason I am here, I am here to help you with the memory spell for Bear over here." She says with a tense undertone that both Twilight and Rainbow picked up on. Twilight's face fell, "But, Celestia, the spell only requires one unicorn--" "I will be here to supervise, because it is a pretty complicated spell..." Celestia quickly interrupts, starting to sweat a little. Both Twilight and Rainbow Dash look at each other, knowing something was up. "Uhhh, Princess?" Rainbow says. "Yes, Rainbow Dash?" "Is there something wrong? Did Bear do something, because your sounding a little stressed." Celestia sighed, knowing that she better tell the two ponies about what she was planning on doing. "Alright girls, please come with me. I need to tell you something before we begin." Celestia turns to Bear, "We're going to be stepping out for a moment, we will be right back." "Bear just sit's up and half-mumbles to them, "Alright, that's cool. I'll be right here when ya get back." But as soon as the ponies walk out of the door, Bear thinks to himself, I have a really bad feeling about this.