A face of names

by DTFluttershy

Chapter 2: Tell and Show

The next morning the sun shone. A clear sky was the promise from the weather team and Ponyville was bustling about with life. Twilight was on her way to her favourite cafe. She had organised with her friends to meet there for a mid morning snack. This was rather unusual but she had organised it so that she could give her friends there presents. Spike had decided to stay at the library and clean up, although Twilight knew he was actually going back to bed. But after her encounter with Borealis the day before and her date with him tonight, she just didn’t care.

After a quick trot, Twilight finally arrived. She looked around for her friends who were sitting around the table on hay stacks, all except Rarity who brought her own private sofa along. “Hi girls.”

“Howdy Twilight.”

“Good Morning darling.”

“Hey Twi.”

“Um, hello Twilight.”

“TWILIGHT.” Out of all of the greetings, Pinkie Pie’s was by far the loudest. She jumped out of her seat and gave Twilight an enormous bear hug. “Oh Twilight, I was so worried about you. I mean I haven’t seen you in nearly a whole day. I mean that’s like, a whole day without me. I can’t imagine what my day without me would be like. Wait, you’re not a changeling are you. WHO ARE YOU AND WHAT HAVE YOU DONE WITH THE REAL TWILIGHT?”

Pinkie Pie had at this point had pointed an accusing hoof at Twilight. Twilight, now use to Pinkie’s logic, approached it calmly. “Don’t worry Pinkie Pie it’s me. Anyway Celestia promised me that changelings will never bother us again.”

“Pinkie Promise Twilight?”

Twilight sighed as she prepared herself for the ritual. “Cross, my heart and hope to fly, stick a cupcake in my eye.”

“Okie dokie lokie,” said Pinkie as she bounced back to her seat.

Twilight followed onto the other remaining seat. “I got you all presents,” said Twilight. The others squeeeed with glee as Twilight took the precious stones out of the satchel. She gave the white one to Rarity, the blue dotted one to Pinkie, the cyan one to Rainbow Dash, the pink one to Fluttershy and the Red one to Applejack.

Rarity was most amazed. “My, my Darling, these are lovely. So this is why you stayed in Canterlot for another day.”

“Bleugh,” went Pinkie Pie sticking out her tongue. The others noticed the precious stone falling out of her mouth. “My candy tastes horrible. It’s like eating rocks. Can I try yours Applejack?” The others stared at Pinkie Pie with wide eyes. “What?”

“Pinkie,” began Rarity trying to hold back her rage, “these are not candies. They are precious stones.” Her voice began to build in anger. “They cost a lot of bits and are extremely rare. You don’t eat them, you don’t lose them and if you find anymore in the ground, you must, give them, to me. Got it.”

“Okie dokie lokie.”

“Thank you Pinkie,” said Rarity. “What I still don’t understand Twilight is how can you even afford one stone, let alone 6.”

“Well the seller recognized me and decided to give me a discount. They were 900 bits, got them down to 680.”

The others were stunned. “Did you um, use Pinkie’s way of bargaining,” asked Fluttershy quietly.

“No I didn’t have to confuse him. He was just such a gentlecolt.”

“Speaking of gentlecolts,” said Rarity, “a little bird told me that you had a stallion over during the rain yesterday.”

Twilight blushed in embarrassment. “How did you find that out?”

“Like I said darling a bird told me. Well, when I mean bird I mean one of Fluttershy’s birds told her and then she told me before you all arrived.”

Twilight looked at Fluttershy. “Oh I’m so sorry Twilight,” she began. “It’s just after the storm, the birds wanted to go outside and, Clarence is just such a gossiper and I just had to tell someone. Please don’t be mad at me.” Fluttershy hid under her hooves. Twilight just smirked a bit.

“Don’t worry about it Fluttershy,” she said. “I was going to tell you anyway. I’m going with him to the open concert this evening.”

“And I suppose you’ll be wanting some tips on dating then,” said Rarity.

“I don’t need anyone’s help Rarity. I have gone on dates before and I do read about them from time to time.”

“Besides,” added Rainbow Dash, “after that night with your ‘Prince Charming’, I don’t think anyone’s going to come to you for dating advice.”

“I thought we agreed to never speak of him again. So Twilight, what he like? Is he a proper gentlecolt? Will you need me to make a dress? Oh what am I saying, you haven’t told us his name yet.”

“His is Borealis Aura. He’s from Lonmane and is very much the gentlecolt. In fact he loves studying as much as I do.”

“Well boy howdy,” said Applejack. “He sounds like the perfect match for you.”

“Well, I did get to know him a lot yesterday during the storm. I just seemed so comfortable around him. I was actually slightly upset when he pointed out when it stopped raining.”

“Don’t worry Twilight,” said Pinkie. “I’m sure he’s missing you as much you are him.”

“Maybe your right Pinkie.”

“So Twilight,” said Rarity, “what will you be wearing?”

“Well I was planning on wearing my yellow dress. It was a huge success in Canterlot anyway.”

Rarity cringed at the thought of that dress. She tried to regain her composure as best she could, but anxiety was still present in her tone. “Twilight, you can’t seriously wear that, dress, to a concert. Borealis clearly has very high standards as I expect he’ll be wearing a tuxedo of the highest standards. Perhaps cashmere. No. I insist on making you an entirely new dress. One that would even make Fancy Pants seem like he crawled out of the Everfree Forest.”

“Sorry Rarity,” said Twilight, “but Borealis doesn’t like to draw attention to himself and I don’t want to embarrass him by showing up and being the centre of attention.”

“If you say so darling, just, promise me you won’t dance okay.” Twilight huffed at her friends remarked, but conceded she wasn’t the best dancer in all of Equestria. She quickly changed subjects as other topics went through the mane 6’s discussion.

That evening Twilight was beginning to have second thoughts. Not about the date itself but what Rarity said. She had gotten on her dress and thanks to Rarity, her precious stone was now in a locket hung around her neck. But she was debating with herself weather she was to understated. She even considered the dress to be tacky and just shout cheap. Spike saw she was nervous and decided to help calm her down. “There ya go Twilight,” he said. “A nice cup of tea.”

Twilight tried to pick it up with her magic but she was so nervous, she couldn’t concentrate. As she picked it up the cup trembled violently so by the time it reached Twilights mouth, there wasn’t anything left. It was a miracle that none of it landed on the dress.”Twilight, just calm down,” assured Spike. “There’s nothing to worry about.”

“But Spike, what if Rarity’s right. What if his taste is extremely high? I’m sure he’s been with mares higher up the social ladder. I bet compared to them in this, I’ll look like something that crawled out of Boggy Bottom Bog.” Suddenly, there was a knock on the door. “Oh my gosh, oh my gosh, oh ,my gosh. It’s him. Spike, answer the door.”

“Why? He’s your date.”

“I have to go and do my mane up. And put on some make up. And get a flower. And...”

As Twilight kept jabbering on and trotting around like a headless chicken, Spike answered the door. There stood Borealis. His mane was combed back and he was wearing a ruffled tie and a red blazer. He also had a bouquet of flowers on his back and a picnic basket beside him. “Ah Spike. Nice to see you again. Is Twilight around?”

“I would leave her for a moment. She’s having one of her ‘moments’.”

“Oh dear. Maybe I should talk to her.”

“I don’t think that’s a good idea...”

“Spike,” Borealis paused, “please. She just needs a bit of reassurance that’s all.”

Borealis pushed Spike aside and went inside to find Twilight. Spike was now annoyed with him. “Twilight. Twilight,” he kept calling out. “Miss Sparkle.” Twilight finally emerged looking more nervous than ever. “My, my,” said Borealis.

Twilight had a good long look at what Borealis was wearing. She then turned her head in shame. “I knew it.”

“Knew what Twilight,” asked Borealis. He then trotted closer to Twilight and a hoof on her cheek. Then very gently, he pulled Twilight’s face to his. “You look lovely Twilight.”

“You really think so,” said Twilight, a smile finally appearing on her face.

“Of course I do.” Borealis then magically levitated the bouquet of his back and handed them to Twilight. Twilight then took them with her magic and sniffed them.

“Oh thank you Borealis. They’re lovely. Spike, can you get me a jug of water for them.”

“Sure,” said Spike in an annoyed tone. As he was filling up the jug, he heard Twilight and Borealis laughing. If Spike was honest with himself, he didn’t like Borealis. But, he made Twilight happy, then, Spike was happy as well. He hurried back into the first room and placed the jug on the table. Twilight then placed the flowers in the jug.

“They really do brighten up the room,” said Twilight.

“Well then Twilight,” said Borealis, “we must get going. The concert starts in half an hour and we must get good seats.”

“Oh of course,” said Twilight. “Remember Spike, don’t stay up late and don’t eat all the ice-cream.”

“I won’t Twilight.”

“Pinkie Promise?”

“Pinkie Promise.”

“Alright then,” said Twilight. “Come on Borealis.”

Before they exited through the door however, Borealis stopped. “Wait.”

“What is it,” asked Twilight.

Borealis didn’t answer. Instead he used his magic to levitate a bluebell flower out of the vase. He brought it over to Twilight and pinned it onto her dress. “Now you look absolutely beautiful.”

Twilight blushed. “Come on,” she said, “we’ll be late. Don’t wait up Spike,” she called as she closed the door.

“Bye Twi,” said Spike. When he was sure she was gone however, Spike headed towards the freezer. “Time for an ice-cream binge,” he said to himself. As he opened the freezer however, he got a big surprise.


Pinkie had burst out of the freezer and slowly slunk back inside. Spike got over the initial shock and then looked into the freezer to see first, how she could fit in there and then how she got in there. When he looked in however, she was nowhere to be found. “Maybe I’ll just go and read,” said Spike. “Maybe I’ll read one of those H.G. Whooves books.”

Twilight and Borealis were on their way to the concert. The air was cool, young foals were playing in the streets and Luna’s moon shone bright over Equestria. “Ah the perfect night,” said Borealis.

“Princess Luna has really been putting some effort into these full moons,” said Twilight. “Celestia’s moon was okay, but it can’t even compare to Luna’s.”

“Tis true Miss Sparkle. Tis true.”

As they approached the park where the concert was being held, Twilight heard a familiar voice. “Apples get yer’ apple’s right here. Can’t enjoy a concert without an apple.”


“Huh. Oh hey Twi.”

As Twilight trotted up, she asked the obvious question. “What are you doing here?”

“Come on Twi, a bunch of ponies comin’ fer a concert. That’s prime business opportunity. So this is the stallion you told us ‘bout.”

“Please to meet you Miss Apple. I’m Borealis Aura.” He stuck out his hoof to shake with Applejack. She obliged.

“You were right Twilight. He is a gentlecolt. So, ya’ll wanna buy anything.”

“Mm. Do you have any apple pies,” asked Borealis.

“Sorry Partner. Soarin’ bought all of them.”

Up on a cloud high above the park, Spitfire was sitting looking miserable, whilst Soarin’ gorged himself in his 4th pie. “Mm. So good,” he moaned.

“This wasn’t what I meant when you were getting pie tonight,” said Spitfire. Soarin’ wasn’t listening as he started on his fifth pie. “Worst, date, of my life.”

“Oh what a terrible shame,” said Borealis. “A simple apple for me then and Twilight?”

“I’ll have an apple as well Applejack.”

“That’ll be 4 bits please.”

Borealis quickly handed over the money. “Oh Borealis, I could have paid for it myself.”

“Nonsense Twilight. What sort of a gentlecolt would I be if I let you pay.”

“Boy Twi, ya sure know how ta pick ‘em.”

Twilight blushed. “Come on Borealis,” said Twilight. “We have to find some place to sit. Bye Applejack.”

“See ya tamorra Twi.”

The concert had gone well. They played many musical pieces such as Wagnor’s ‘Flight of the Valkyries’ and Beethoovens “5th symphony. The picnic that Borealis had prepared was delicious. Sandwiches, salads and an extra helping of Crème brulee. Twilight had a wonderful time and all through the night, found herself growing more and more attracted to Borealis.

Finally the concert had ended and Borealis was trotting Twilight home. Twilight felt more and more nervous around him by the second. She was almost sure of her feelings towards him by the time they reached the front door to the library. But she had to make sure he felt the same way. “Well Miss Sparkle,” said Borealis, “it has certainly been a delight being with you for the past couple of days.”

“It certainly has,” said Twilight.

“Goodbye then Twilight,” said Borealis. “I’ll see you around. Then Borealis kissed Twilight on the cheek. Twilight face flushed with colour and her face was in shock. Borealis was just as colourful as Twilight’s. “I’m, sorry Twilight. I guess I got a bit carried away. I mean you are...”

Borealis never finished his sentence as Twilight had pushed her lips onto Borealis’. Neither of their eyes were open and after what felt like an eternity to both, they separated. Faces now both flushed with colour, but their faces wore a look of more relaxation then shock. “Well,” said Borealis, “looks like I’ll be seeing you more soon Twilight. But now I must head home. I left the place in such a state.”

“I understand. So see you tomorrow.”

“And everyday besides.” He then gave Twilight one last kiss on the cheek, then turned to head for home.

Twilight entered the library and slowly trotted to her bed, her face full of utter happiness. She passed were Spike was sleeping. He had clearly fallen asleep whilst reading a book. The title, the first mare’s in the moon. As Twilight finally got to her bed, she dozed of almost immediately, but not before saying one more thing.

“I think I’m in love.”