//------------------------------// // Chapter 1: A Not-So-Normal Day // Story: Hey Hey Hey, Stay Out of My Head! // by Dashie4Life //------------------------------// Fluttershy is looked at as an overly shy pony who usually keeps to herself, with the exception of her friends. Everypony knows she's scared of basically everything. But what nopony knows, including her friends, is that her biggest fear is falling in love. She's heard enough love stories to know that it doesn't always last, or that one of them dies, or anything else that could possibly destroy a relationship happens. Fluttershy has never actually fallen in love, but just the thought of it frightens her. But what will she do when she does fall in love? How can she stop it? It was a normal day in ponyville. Fluttershy just got done taking care of her animals, and was on her way to find Rainbow Dash. Every Friday at two in the afternoon, they got together for an hour to spend time together. Every week they took turns deciding what they would do. Usually Rainbow Dash chose something like racing or some other athletic event that she knew Fluttershy couldn't do well. Fluttershy usually picked something with animals or picking flowers. Last week she picked a critter picnic, making it now Rainbow's turn. 'Knock knock knock' Fluttershy's hoof barely touched the door. Although her knock was nearly silent, Rainbow's door swung open with remarkable speed. Fluttershy had to step back to avoid getting smacked in the face. "Oh, hello Rainbow Dash. How has your day been?" "It's been okay, I guess," Rainbow stated calmly. "I have something awesome planned for today." "I'm sure you do," Fluttershy muttered. She knew it was going to be something she didn't like, but at least she had quality time with Rainbow Dash. "So," Fluttershy interrupted her own thoughts, "what are we doing today?" "Going to Sugar-Cube Corner to get some ice cream!" When Fluttershy started looking utterly confused, Rainbow continued. "I guess I started to feel bad, wearing you out everyday with ridiculous activities. I know how much you value this time, and I value it just as much. So I figured we should do something that gives us more time to just hang out together." They happily walked to Sugar-Cube Corner and got their ice cream. They quickly finished the ice cream, leaving a lot of time to talk. Most of the conversation was pretty normal. Rainbow talked about new tricks, or how much she deserved to be a Wonderbolt. Near the end of their time together, she turned the spotlight over to Fluttershy. "So, you got a crush on anypony?" Rainbow asked smugly. "No." Though Fluttershy sounded confident, she wasn't even sure herself. Either she really didn't have a crush on anypony, or she wanted to deny she did, even to herself. "Well," Rainbow Dash started, getting up from her seat, "our time is up. I guess we should go join the other girls in whatever they're doing." "I think Twilight wanted us to meet her at the castle when we were done. She has something planned." She didn't know what it was, but judging by how excited Twilight was, Fluttershy assumed it was going to be fun. When they got to the castle, it was exactly three in the afternoon. Three of the others were already waiting outside. "What's going on?" Fluttershy asked, a bit confused. "Only Twilight knows," AppleJack pitched in. "She didn't want to say anything until you two got here." Pinkie Pie bounced around in excitement. "She said it was going to be super duper fun!" "Calm down Pinkie," Rarity demanded. "She said fun, not 'super duper' fun." "Same thing to me," Pinkie retorted. Suddenly the castle door opened, revealing a very enthusiastic Twilight. Even though she could see them all clearly, she counted anyways. She didn't say much. She just beckoned the five, very confused ponies into the castle with her head. They all sat down in their chairs as Twilight silently instructed. "Ugh," Rainbow complained. "Just say something already." Twilight glared at her before she spoke. "I've called you all here for something fun." Pinkie started bouncing in her seat at the prospect of fun. Twilight ignored the energetic pony and continued. "Tonight, I thought we should have a slumber party in the castle." "I think it's a great idea," Fluttershy chimed in. "We haven't had a slumber party in a while. Nor have we had one in the castle. It'll be fun to spend the night together." After getting strange looks from her friends, other than Twilight, who was happy for the support, Fluttershy started to get a bit irritated. Do none of these ponies want to spend time together, she thought. "Unless any of you have anything better to do," she countered. They all stared at each other, looking defeated. "A slumber party it is," Twilight concluded. "You girls should go and get your things, and meet back here in an hour." Despite the disappointment of Twilight's definition of fun, everyone was pretty excited. Fluttershy went to her house to get her things. Since no one was with her, she was alone with her thoughts. She couldn't stop thinking about what Rainbow Dash asked her earlier. I don't want to like anypony, she thought over and over again. I wonder why she even asked me that question. So caught up in her thoughts, she ran straight into Big Macintosh on the way back to her cottage. "Oh, I'm so sorry," Fluttershy apologized. "I should have watched where I was going." "It's okay," Big Mac began. "It was an accident. Clearly, I wasn't watching where I was going either, or I wouldn't have crashed into you. Are you okay?" Fluttershy's never heard Big Mac talk that much before. She expected he talked like that around his family, but never her or anypony else. He was usually really shy. Yet, so was she. "I'm fine, thanks," she replied, finally breaking the silence. "Well, I should get going," he began. "Those apples aren't going to buck themselves." They both shared the same awkward laugh. Of course, that was expected considering what just happened. "Have a nice rest of the day," Fluttershy said at last. "You as well," he replied. "It's always nice 'bumping' into a good friend." They both laughed, and then headed their separate ways. Hmm, Fluttershy thought. Why do I all of a sudden feel so... happy? She pushed it to the back of her mind, and headed back to the castle to be with her friends.