//------------------------------// // Ch.10: My Enchanted Comic: Harems are Super. // Story: Pimp Spike's Swag Vol.5: The Comeback! // by trahzo //------------------------------// "Next...the Power Ponies? Why a group Shipping?" Then another letter came. "Dear Brak, I...can't imagine the Power Ponies being seperate. Signed Nathan Bryon Alcantara. P.S. Trixie & Princess Luna quickly switched roles because after she convinced Luna to spare me, I thanked her by saying, Thanks yah Cheap Las Pegasus Magician. So, if she returns with a tooth necklace, that's my bicuspid." "Ouch, well I guess that makes sense, begin the story." Spike was sucked into another Power Ponies Comic because with the mane 6 gone to spread the magic of friendship across Equestria, and nothing exciting happening in Ponyville right now, he thought why not meet his favorite super heroins, then team-up with them to fight this issue's bad guy, a portly Griffin by the name Dr.Eggmask! Yes...you can tell right away this is going to be a great comic. Spike entered the scene after The Mane-iac was captured by Dr.Eggmask! "Hohohohohohoh!" Now that I've captured 1 of the 7 chosen ones, I shall return!" "Minions, stop him!" The minions fired at Eggmask with their heat dryer guns, but to no avail, he escaped with their leader. "Just so you know, I wont be leaving you boys alone, Mask bots, attack!" Then robots crafted after Eggmask's own image fell from the sky, and began attacking! Spike began running through the carnage! It was a losing battle, the Mask bots were far superior! "Oh-no, it's one of the issues where he's through with playing around! That's where he's at his most vicious! Even though I like his viciousness, I may have entered into a mistake." "HALT!!!" Cried out a voice. "Yes, they're here!" Spike said with glee. "Masked Matterhorn, Radiance, Zapp, Mistress Marevelous, Fili Second, Saddle Rager!" They've all entered the scene & quickly dispatched all of the Mask bots. "Girls! Girls!" "Oh, there you are Humdrum, glad you're safe." Said Matterhorn. "We let you patrol alone, and this happens? A turf war? See Matterhorn, I told you it was a bad idea to let the little guy go alone. I mean, he's great in bed, but not here." said Zapp. "What happened here Humdrum?" Asked Radiance. "Egg Mask kidnapped Mane-iac, and said something about her being one of the 7 chosen ones." "WHAT?!" They gasped. "But she isn't a heroine." "Whuh? Why can't you girls ever tell me the big secrets?" "You can't even take care of a patrol, why should we trust you with this info?" Asked Marevelous. "Come-on Mistress, he's just a kid." Saddle Rager defended. "Yeah, at least he's saved our flanks every turn." Fili Second added. "So what is this 7 chosen ones thing anyways?" "Legend has it when 7 heroines have been captured, their grand energy of divine can bring about doomsday to the world!" Matterhorn explained. "Doomsday? We better stop Egg Mask before he gets the last remaining 6! Though, I'm kinda worried that those remaining 6 are you girls." Spike said"I'm just very concerned about your safety this time." "Don't worry Humdrum, we can take Egg Mask, anytime." Radiance assured while scratching his chin. Spike then began drooling because of how gorgeous Radiance was, so happy that his waifu was here with him, right here, right now. "Come-on everyone, Egg Mask couldn't have gotten..." Then Matterhorn was cut off as an electric net caught all 6! "Hohohohohohohohohoh! I only pretended to leave as I hid in the shadows to capture you girls as well! Toodle-loo Humdrum, next time you see me, I will be king of the world! Hohohohohohohohoho!" "Humdrum!" The Power Ponies screamed before being hauled away. Spike had to think fast before it was too late, then an idea hatched in his head! After 10 minutes on the bus, and half an hour of running, Spike arrived to Mane Enterprises, where he'd meet Bruce Mane, AKA Batmane! "Please, you gotta let me in! I need some Mane tech!" "Sorry, not even superheroes are allowed in." "Please! I gotta save me friends!" "Let him in guards." said Bruce Wayne, I mean Mane as he exited his limo. "B-but sir, he doesn't even have powers." "So? Batmane, his many Robins, Catmare, the many crime bosses in Maretropilis, Huntress, and...even that Stallion with the bow and high tech arrows don't have powers, though they've saved the day more times than anyone can physically count." "We see your point sir, please don't fire us or deduct our pay." Then before Spike ran in, Bruce Mane gave him a list of recommended tech for him to use. Then after Spike was well equipped, he was off with the speed shoes he was wearing! Then Spike made it to Egg Mask's lair as he fought through the guards and then soon, he was face to face with Egg Mask & his mech, that held the Power Ponies and Mane-iac hostage. "Hohohohohoh...is this seriously Maretropolis' last hope? Humdrum? Hohohohoh, pathetic!" "Shut-up Egg Mask, Don't forget he's defeated me once!" Mane-iac defended "Yeah, he's also helped us defeat that pharaoh guy." Added Masked Matterhorn. "He also taught us friendship, allowing us to have a stronger & deeper bond of trust." added Saddle Rager & Mistress Marevelous. "You thinking he's pathetic, is only a misconception." Zapp added. "Will all of you just shut-u..." Then Egg Mask was interrupted as Spike used something similar to Sonic's homing attack, where he jumped, wrapped himself in the new high tech cape, and zeroed in on Egg Mask, hitting him in the face! "Gack! What in the?" Then he saw the Mane Enterprises logo on Spike's cape. "Of course Bruce Mane, that jerk is dying 1st once I rule the world! But now, let's focus on killing you!" Then an elevator lifted them into a space station! "You like it? I designed this place as my palace once the world belongs to me! Now prepare to die Humdrum!" The Mech then began chasing after Spike as the final boss theme from Sonic lost World began playing in the background! Spike was able to out speed the mech with his high tech boots! His new high tech mask then alerted him to Egg Mask's mech about to use Mane-iac's power, where pointed tendrils came out of the top of the mech, and tried to spear Spike! The Mask showed him all of his options on avoiding the attack, and Egg Mask missed every one! "Man, we gotta advertise Bruce Mane's tech someday." Suggested Masked Matterhorn. Then the mech was in front of Spike! Eggmask then was going to use Radiance's power to shoot fire balls at Spike, but he still dodged! That's when his mask told him to attack now! So Spike bounced off one claw, then the other, then once he was in front of Egg Mask's face, bam! and with that attack, burst 2 tubes open, freeing Mane-iac and Radiance, who then hugged Spike. "Hey, why are the 2 of you flying?" "No! Radiance was supposed to be the gravity button on this mech!" "The mech is the remote to this space station?" Then Spike had an idea in his head. "Wait, which button was I?" Asked Mane-iac. "The media room...now I gotta get-up and walk to the TV, what if that disgusting shake wait commercial plays as I press the channel button, thanks a lot you jerks!" Then Egg Mask fired giant horseshoes, which Spike dodged, then fired a giant lasso, that Spike avoided as well! Then he tried rushing our hero, but he countered by doing the same thing as last time to strike at his face! Then Fili Second & Mistress Marevelous were free, who gave Spike a kiss on the cheek. "Oh-no, the snack room button, and the gym button!" Then snacks and soda burst from the left, and gym equipment burst from the left! "You got him Humdrum, just one last push!" Said Masked Matter horn! "You think that right now don't you? I got him in my sights!" Then Egg Mask fired a Freeze ray, Lightning, and then the claws on Egg Mask's mech expanded & tried to crush Spike, but nothing still! That's when Spike finally freed the Maked Matterhorn, Zapp, Saddle Rager, who rewarded Spike with, well they didnt have time to do that right now. "No, my library button, greenhouse button, and Staff room button!" Then mini explosion began happening around the mech, as the Final Boss theme phase 2 from Sonic Colors played in the background! "You...you, you YOUUUUUUUUUUUUUU! YOU HORRID LITTLE HEDGEHOOOG, I MEAN DRAGOOOOON!!!" "I wield the power of the 7 chosen ones now Egg Mask...and it seems they prefer it that way considering the seductive stares they're giving me, um could you girls not stare like that? I might blush" "Just finish the nerd off so we can give you an award!" "Sure! Unlimited Copyright Infrigments: Matterhorn, Marevelous, Saddle Rager, Fili Second, Radiance, Zapp, Mane-iac! Then all 7 formed a ring, targeting Egg Mask! Final Power Blaster!" Then Spike finished Egg Mask off with one last good homing attack, destroyed the mech and defeating Egg Mask. After all of that, Spike was then given a big hug from the 7, then a peck on the cheek followed after. "Thank you girls, it's been fun fighting along side you, next time we meet, we're enemies again...except for Humdrum in bed, that's where our truce is." Then they all looked at Spike. "Agreed." So later that night, the Power Ponies & Mane-iac met at a cheap hotel. "Oh Celestia, I didn't think the night would end with me getting laid to all of my waifus!" Spike said while sporting a goofy smile. "How come it took so long to write this chapter?" Asked Brak "Well, considering the fact that Fimfiction was down for 2 days, I guess that's the reason." Explained Trixie. "Bring the next letter." Meanwhile... "You'll never make it past the 1st floor!"