//------------------------------// // A Generous Offer // Story: Stardust in the wind // by StarDustShine //------------------------------// Stardust couldn't believe it, for one he gets a locker next to, probably, the most hyperactive person on the planet and, if that weren't bad enough he made her cry. Why? Because she was trying to give him a bloody cupcake. Even thinking about this made Stardust feel terrible, he didn't even see what happened to her but he felt like she probably broke down crying, he was a terrible person. He didn't have time to worry about it now though, he only hoped that his first day would go a little more the way he expected from this point on. He started making his way to his first class which that in itself was no easy task. Although he had been given a map of the school it was still fairly difficult to navigate but, he eventually found his way to the class just before it began. Once he got in the classroom the teacher apparently was expecting him as he was immediately directed to his seat. The classroom was set up so there were 15 tables with two to a table and Stardust was seated at one of the middle tables. Looking around the room is was very bland, white walls, white floors, white tables, white chairs, basically it was a whole lot of white. Something else he noticed while looking around was that every seat in the classroom was filled except for the one next to his, 'Finally' he thought 'maybe this time I'll be able to go without any further interruptions' though this thought was short lived as Stardust noticed a girl walk into the classroom and up to the teacher. She was talking with the teacher a bit, presumably explaining her tardiness, and quickly walked over to the table Stardust was seated at. He looked away hoping to not be noticed, but a quick glance back to her revealed that she had something to important on her mind and didn't take notice to Stardust's presence. He used this chance to get a good look at her. The first thing he noticed was her hair, it was colored purple and was very smooth and curly. Her skin was white and she was wearing a shirt with poofy sleeves that he couldn't necessarily tell if was white or light blue. She had a light purple skirt adorned with a picture of three light blue diamonds and purple high heeled knee high boots again with the blue diamonds. The last thing he noticed was the gold bracelets around her wrists, he thought these to be a little excessive but that was his opinion. She seemed to either not be noticing him or out right ignoring him. 'huh, maybe not everyone at this school shares that one girl's particular brand of crazy' right as he finished his thought she glanced up and seemed to notice him for the first time. "Oh my apologies, I didn't see you there. Are you new?" She asked turning so her whole body was facing Stardust. 'Nevermind, they're all insane!' he turned away "I am, but I don't like to make a big fuss about it," things just kept getting better and better. "Well let me be the first to welcome you to CHS, my name is Rarity. Everyone says I'm chic, unique, and magnifique," she said smiling and with her eyes half closed 'Yeah that doesn't sound pretentious at all' he thought sarcastically, "It's nice to meet you," he said hoping that conversation would end there, but alas things cannot be that simple for this character. "Might I ask your name?" Rarity asked batting her eyelashes, "it's much easier to talk to someone when you have something to call them by," He was intending on ignoring her as she gave both a good and bad reason as to tell her his name and ignoring her would most likely lead to the end of the conversation, but something within him strangely compelled him to say, in a tone slightly above a whisper, "Stardust Shine," and now that he said it there was no way things could get better from there. "Oh that's such a beautiful sounding name," Rarity said with a tone of wonder to her voice, "why just thinking about gives me all sorts of wonderful ideas for different styles and designs I could use," she pulled out a notebook, presumably to write down these "ideas". "So that's who you are," Stardust gave a slight smile, "you're a stylist. You like style and design things, interested in cloths and jewelry. If ask me all that stuff seems way too... unimportant and girly," "Oh that's simply not true, for one I know plenty of guys who wear jewelry..." before she could continue her thought she was cut off. "Well," he pulled out a necklace hanging around his neck that had, up to this point, been concealed by his shirt, "add me to the list" the necklace had a charm that was a white crystal in the shape of a circle pressed into a gold ring hanging from a gold chain. The longer Stardust looked at this necklace the memories it brought to him. Though he did not realize what kind of memories they were. "Oh, oh my are you alright? You're... you're crying," Rarity asked worried. It took Stardust a second to realize the tear streaking down his cheek. "Ah!" he hurriedly wiped his cheek "I'm fine, look shouldn't we be paying attention to..." a quick look around the room revealed that everyone, much like him and Rarity, were engaged in their own conversations, "... the class," "Oh we don't have to worry about that darling, the first day of each week in this class is just used to review notes from the previous week. Although usually everyone just ends up getting caught up in their own conversations," she gave him a cute little smile, "Anyway, I was hoping you could tell me more about that necklace of yours. Like you gave it to you and what it's supposed to be?" "Well..." he held the charm in his hand, "it's supposed to represent the full moon. As for who gave it to me..." Stardust felt a tear welling up in his right eye, he wanted to wipe it away but instead allowed it to slide down his cheek, "it was given to me by someone I thought I knew" he stuffed the necklace back into his shirt as he felt more tears start to form in his eyes. He turned away not wanting to show this weakness. "I see," she said with a slight amount of concern, "one more question I would like to ask. If that's alright," a worried smile was on her face while asking this although Stardust didn't notice this. "Sure, ask away. It's not like I'm in much of a position to be ignoring you," Star responded with a great amount of distaste. "Where do you get your sense of fashion?" Rarity asked wide eyed and hopeful , "I quite like it," "Huh?" Stardust was confused, "What do you mean?" he had never been asked that question mainly because people most often showed hatred towards the way he dresses but this wasn't what confused him. What confused him was that she didn't know why he was wearing what he was. "I mean the whole hair covering one eye thing along with the dark black jacket, why do you wear it like that, are you taking inspiration from someone maybe?" She smiled giving a look as if she expected this to continue like a normal conversation. What she didn't know was exactly what these words had done to Stardust. "This is why I hate people like you!" his tone raised slightly, which this managed to startle Rarity making Stardust realize he was getting angry, "I'm sorry, but do you really think I wear my hair like this for 'fashion'?" he asked looking down at the table. She responded "Why of course, I don't see any other reason why someone would do something like that," she had an look innocent on her face. Stardust looked away at the wall next to him, "Sometimes people are forced to do things they don't want to just to protect themselves, I wear my hair like this to hide something. From myself and the people around me. Always remember there are people who you think you can trust but in the end they'll hurt you more than you can possibly imagine," he turned around to look Rarity dead in the eyes, " Always remember that," a bell sounded overhead signaling the end of class, Stardust got up and grabbed his backpack which he had on the floor next to the table, "Goodbye, I guess I'll see you around," he turned and got up to leave. "Wait!" the word escaped Rarity's mouth as Stardust turned around to to see what she wanted, "What is it that you are trying to hide from everyone?" She had a worried look in her eyes. Stardust looked away and closed his eyes, "An ugly reminder of a past mistake," he walked out of the room leaving Rarity to ponder what he meant.