The broken song

by 27


About an hour later the carriage pulled up to Octavia’s house. She paid and thanked the driver then walked to her front door.
Tavi knocked on the door but no answer. She sighed and took a spare key out of her bag.
She opened the door only to be met with pizza boxes laying on the ground and a sleeping unicorn on the couch.
“Vinyl you pig.” Tavi mumbled to herself.

She then made her way upstairs to her room planning to scold Vinyl tomorrow but right now she was too tired.
“Oh why yes I would love to play at your birthday princess.” Tavi said

“Thank you.” Tia replied.


Octavia awoke.

“Vinyl I was having a nice dream.” She sighed and made her way downstairs but was stopped.

“TAVI I’m so sorry I can explain, it was a mistake.” A frantic vinyl spoke while facing Tavi blocking her way.

“What did you do this time?” Tavi replied in an annoyed voice while pushing her way past Vinyl.

Laying on top of some scattered pizza boxes was a broken cello.

“WHAT HAVE YOU DONE?” Tavi yelled at vinyl.

“I’m sorry.” Vinyl replied.



“No Vinyl just go I don’t want to see right now.”

Vinyl made her way to the door mumbling “it was a stupid instrument that played stupid music.”

“What was that?”

“YOU HEARD ME.” Vinyl yelled back while running out the door.

Octavia closed the front door then made her way back upstairs. She went to her closet and pulled out a spare cello. She had one hidden that Vinyl did not know about. Just in case something like this happened.

Octavia felt bad for yelling at Vinyl but she did need to learn to be more careful. Tavi would apologize when she got back but right now she had a performance to get to.
With cello in hoof she made her way downstairs and out the door.

The trip to the concert hall was slightly longer than she hoped it would be. Due to the fact that it was raining but she made it in time. In fact she was about ten minutes early.

Lyra was still performing on stage.

Tavi decided to sit amongst the audience and watch till it was her time to come up.

“Hey Tavi.” Bonbon said tapping her right shoulder.

“Oh hey Bonbon. Are you here for Lyra?” Tavi replied.

“Of course.”

“Her music seems better”.

“Yeah I made her practice all night last night”.

“Shouldn’t she be dead tired then?”

“Coffee. Lots of coffee.”


“Yep. So will Vinyl be showing up today?” Bonbon asked.

“Probably not we had an argument this morning and then she ran off.” Tavi replied.

“Oh sorry to hear that.”

“That was Lyra everypony. Next up is Octavia but first we shall take a short break to set up.” The blue stallion spoke from the stage.

“Well that’s me. Will I see you and Lyra after the show?” Tavi asked.

“Sure.” Bonbon replied.

Tavi made her way out of the audience and onto the stage. It took her about three minutes to set up her cello.
The performance was pretty long. Lasting a little bit over an hour.

After the show Octavia waited outside for Bonbon and Lyra.

“Hey Tavi nice performance.” Lyra spoke while walking up to her.

“Thanks. You too.” Tavi replied

“So shall we get something to eat?” Bonbon asked.

“Oh yes Please I am STARVING.” Lyra replied.

“Ok calm down Lyra. So shall we walk or ride?”

“Let’s walk the rain has stopped and its nice out.” Tavi replied

The three friends made their way to the nearest restaurant they could find.
After about a few minutes of silence Lyra spoke.

“So where’s Vinyl?”