//------------------------------// // prologue // Story: The broken song // by 27 //------------------------------// The roaring crowd became silent as the red stage curtains began to open. In the middle of the stage stood a grey mare with a cello in one hoof and a bow in the other. The crowd watched in awe as the grey mare slowly brought the bow to the cello. With the first stroke the music started. As soon as the song ended the crowd cried out “ENCORE ENCORE” Not wanting to upset her fans the grey mare played one more song At the end of the performance the mare simply walked off the stage and was replaced by a blue stallion “That was Octavia who just played celestial’s morning and Luna’s night. Now why don’t we all give her a round of applause?” The stallion spoke The crowd stomped their hooves. “Make sure to come back tomorrow for another performance.” The stallion spoke again. A few hours later the auditorium was mostly empty except for a few ponies cleaning up Octavia stood outside waiting for a ride. “That was an awesome performance you did today Tavi.” A voice called out to Octavia startling her. She turned around to see who it was. “Oh it’s you Lyra. Thank you but weren’t you supposed to perform to today?” She spoke “Heh yeah I was going to but I broke my hoof.” Lyra replied holding up her casted hoof. “Don’t you use magic to play your instrument?” Tavi asked. “Well you see the thing…” “She also forgot to practice.” A voice cut her off. “Bonbon” Lyra said in an annoyed voice. “What? It’s true if you would just stop having fantasies about those creatures that don’t exist and started practicing you would be almost as good a Tavi.” Bonbon replied. “Umm so Tavi Vinyl did not come today?” Lyra asked mostly wanting to change the subject. “No classical music is not really her cup of tea or should I say cup of coffee. Plus she had her own performance at the other end of town.” Tavi replied A carriage pulls up. “Well this is my ride.” Tavi said while hoisting herself up to get in. “See ya tomorrow.” The two ponies replied while the carriage pulled away.