The Sun's Life

by DiscordFan

A Series of Journal Entries I

27 Suns After the King and Queen's Deaths

Dear most helpful Journal,

Forest Flame has been most pleasant. He seems to understand not to hurt life-forms like me, 'Mom-mom.'

Though what surprised us all the most, was how Forest followed Rare Gem around. The only time he'll leave her side, is when I call him over. Once I do, he wears a sad expression as he trudges over to me.

His most recent parting with Gem went like this:

"Um," Rare Gem said, "'Tia? Could you uh... *cough, cough*" She smiled.

"Of course Gem," I responded pleasantly. "Forest Flame? Come here, baby!"

His ear-scales wilted. "Ba-ba, Ware Clem," he stated sadly. Then, very slowly, he dragged his feet and body towards me.

I admit, I feel bad for making him part with her, but at least he knows to obey. Imagine if he didn't! He probably might have gotten eaten by a monster by now.

On some stranger notes, my mane and tail have a blue streak in them now. I don't know why. I just woke up with it today. (But Rare Gem says I look more beautiful now, and that the color complements the pink nicely.)

I must go. Forest Flame is trying to eat Rare Gem's tail while snuggling with her.

Now Rare Gem is calling for me. I'll write within you again later, Journal. 'Til then!



31 Suns After the King and Queen's Deaths

Dear most helpful Journal,

It has been four Suns since I've 'spoken' to you, but my friends and I have been, ah, encountering troubles, such as a hydra, a manticore, ursa minors and majors, Cebereus, zombie ponies (please don't ask, Journal. You don't want to know.), a shadow pony, and a river serpent.

We only had big problems with the ursa minors and majors (quite an aggressive bunch) and the shadow pony. I must say, Soldier Sparkle and Firefly's teamwork is most commendable. They are fantastic! Apple Cider isn't so bad as well, but Sparkle and Firefly have been doing the most damage.

Oh my. Seems that Forest Flame needs me. By the way, he's seeming to take an interest in Humble Flitter. If she has something to do with it, she hasn't said anything, and that would be most unlike her.

Until the next time, Journal.



38 Suns After the King and Queen's Deaths

Dear most helpful Journal,

I have great news to tell you! After running from monsters for a few Suns, Apple Cider refused to go on further, and that we should all rest. Reluctantly, we agreed.

Rare Gem set up 'camp' on a stable cliff with a fantastic view.

Oh, but before I continue, important fact: I had hurt one of wings the day before.

Continuing, that night, the ground rumbled, and we all woke up to find ourselves sliding down the now broken cliff. Only Surprise, Firefly, and Luna were spared because of flight and were soon zooming towards us. They were able to grab Forest Flame, Rare Gem, and Humble Flitter. Apple Cider quickly bit down on a root that was stuck in the cliff, but I, however, was still sliding. I was near the edge. My hind legs were now dangling over the cliff.

That's when Apple Cider let go and said, "Hang on, 'Tia. I'ma com'in!"

Apple slid down and grabbed my forelegs. She tried to pull me up, but I am larger than an average pony, so she couldn't.

Then Apple Cider looked up then back down on me. "Let go."

"What," I screamed.

"Please, 'Tia! Believe me, if you want to be safe let go."

Tears wavered in my eyes. I let go and began screaming my heart out.

But then I stopped moving. I hesitantly opened one of eyes. "Huh," I asked. Luna and Surprise had caught me, and Firefly was flying over to Apple Cider. The orange mare winked at me.

This is where the miraculous part happened.

An orange gem appeared over Apple Cider, floated there for a few seconds, and then zoomed away towards the East.

"Uh," Soldier Sparkle said, "does this mean we're going East?"

Luna nodded.