Survive the Night


12:20 AM-Upper Left Hallway

Twilight walked down the hall with utmost caution. As she was walking, she wondered if this was how Luna felt after she was banished to the moon, for the place felt dark, ominous, and void of anything uplifting or happy. She looked to her left and saw pieces of paper attached to the walls. The slips had events written on them, some more distinguished than others. One stood out to her in particular, and it read:

Missing: Faline Oyful,
Last Seen: The Royal Canterlot Museum
Description: Champagne skin, red and green tail and mane, and dark blue eyes.
If found: Notify Canterlot Police immediately!

As Twilight walked further down the hall, she found some more slips of paper that generally said the same thing: the name of a missing pony, the location they were last seen at, a description of what they looked like, and what to do if they were found. She couldn't help but notice how each pony was last seen at the Royal Canterlot Museum, wherever that was. She then began to wonder where she was. Could she be in a different world, continent, island, town, or city? She even reached the possibility that she was walking in the Royal Canterlot Museum, but then she heard a loud bang.

Twilight jumped.

What was that? She thought to herself.

The loud noise sounded like it wasn't too far away. Her mind raced. It could have been the mysterious pony, or it could have been something else entirely. She was frozen; she had to make a decision, and she had to make it quickly. She could either run away, or she could do some investigating. She then realized that the mysterious pony could be galloping down the hallway at that very moment. Twilight quickly turned around, bolted down the hallway, and refused to look back. She just had to find a way out of this forsaken place!