Pimp Spike's Swag Vol.5: The Comeback!

by trahzo

Ch.6: She Aint no Angel!

Trixie & Luna finally wake-up & then Trixie read the next letter.

"Next-up we have...Angela Bunny, the R63 of Angel Bunny...when opposites attract, that's mostly the reason why Trixie keep on being shipped with Twilight, because Trixie was her 1st personal bad guy, not Nightmare Moon, she was more of a Mane 6 bad guy."

"Begin the story while I have the guards spray my room & Brak with disinfectant."

"NO! Hold-on, the author sent another letter..." Then Brak presented the letter

Dear Trixie,

In this chapter both shall be ponified.

Nathan Bryon Alcantara

"Interesting..." Then as Luna kept that thinking pose..."Oh-no, I'm stuck just like Major Monogram in the episode when Peter the Panda became Doof's nemesis."

"Haha, no disinfectant for me!" Then Brak was held by Trixie's magic.

"Guards, let Trixie handle him."

"Angela, that was unacceptable! Say sorry to Spike."

"No! I that guy is a loser & he knows it!"

"Okay missy, guess what? You're grounded until you say sorry to Spike! Now go to your room!"

"Oh fuck you sis!" Then she ran to her room & slammed the door hard!

"Why did she have to inherit dad's stubborn nature?"


"Oh Spike, why does she keep on doing this to you? I swear I'm going to banish her! She's old enough to be banished now!"

"No Twilight, I keep on telling you, I can do...I can do this!"

Spike was all banged-up after the disaster caused by Angela Bunny.


Spike was enjoying himself at the Grand Galloping Gala, and when he noticed a little ways off that Angela was enjoying herself as well, he thought that it as the night for him to finally relax...and with no distractions, finally ask Rarity to dance with him. Nothing could make the young adult any happier. There she was in the spotlight, Spike swag walked to his crush, as the band played the Comet Observatory theme from Super Mario Galaxy. That's when Angela took notice, she had one of those love literally hurts kind of crushes on Spike, where she'd continuously hit Spike to show she loved him. Spike didn't notice those signs, he just thought Angela was beating him up. So, Angela studied everything getting ready to stop Spike. She tripped a passing mare, causing a disastrous chain reaction, resulting in Spike getting severely injured in 3 areas! The only 2 witnesses to this were Fluttershy & Twilight, who were both furious with Angela's actions. Twilight helped Spike-up and went to Twilight's personal guest room, where she immediately called for some medics.

*Flashback over.*

"The medics said you'll be all better by the morning, just stay here, we're gonna have a lot of fun watching the movies from our childhood, I'm going to Celestia's movie library, don't go anywhere now." Then once she was gone

" *grunt!* H-hey you!" Spike said to a passing by guard.

"What is it young prince?"

"Get a carriage to bring me to Ponyville immediately."

"Yes young master."

Minutes later...

"Spike look, I found Batman vs. Dracula! Spike...? Spike...?" Then she saw the flying carriage. "Go get her Spike..."

Spike made it to Fluttershy's cottage.

*knock* *knock*

"Oh Spike, a-are you okay?"

"I really should be in bed to have the bruises heal, but I need to talk to Angela...I'm going to end this hatred right now!"

"Okay Spike, also take this." Then she placed something in his hoof...it was a condom.

"Bwuh?! Uuh...okay...just direct me to her room."

"Down the hallway & to the right."


Spike knocked on Angela's door.


"It's me you jerk!"


Then she unlocked & opened the door.

"What are you doing here?"

"To talk to you!"

"Geez, I'm sorry okay, now go away."

Then Spike caught the door before it met the thresh hold.

"I can go dragon right now, and torch the entire cottage!"

Fluttershy heard what Spike said & got ready to call the fire department.

Spike then forced himself into the room.

"You wanna fight Prince Charming?"

"Angela Fluffy Bunny, tell me why you had to ruin my chance to finally win Rarity over?"


"Why do you always hit me?"


"Why do you hate me?"

"Who said I hated you?"

"Then why? Why do you keep on hitting me?"

Angela looked away. "I have a crush on you..."


"I have a crush on you..."

"Once more?"

"Grr...I HAVE A CRUSH ON YOU OKAY?!!! That's why I keep on hitting you because I'm literally hitting on you!" She snapped. "...That's why I didn't want you to dance with Rarity. *sniffle.*" Then she lowered her head. "I...I didn't know how to express my feelings back then, that's why I hurt you every time." Then she turned her back to Spike & sobbed.

"All this time, you were in love with me, guess I was too blinded by my crush on Rarity that I couldn't notice what was in front of me." Spike told her as he embraced Angela by behind.

"Spike, what are you doing?"

"I'm gonna show you how sorry I am." Spike then closed the door & locked it, then used his magic to levitate the condom to Angela's night stand, then levitated Angela to her bed, then he closed the curtains.


Fluttershy could hear the moans from downstairs.


Twilight burst the front door down.

"Where's Spike?" She then heard noises from up stairs.

"Twilight wait, that's not a good..."

Then Twilight forced Angela's bedroom door open, only to faint from seeing Spike fire his load all over Angela's body.

"Woo-hoo, now that was a good one, now while you get the next letter, I invited my buddy Zorak here to recite his underwear poem."