//------------------------------// // 1 How Fluttershy vents // Story: How Fluttershy vents // by rock_on_5002 //------------------------------// After a long and exhausting week of caring for the many animals in her care a task not usually too great a burden considering her great love for all creatures big or small (excluding adult dragons and ponies the former cause they absolutely terrified her and the latter cause they absolutely terrified her in a different way.) always made her task so rewarding. As always though with spring came a boom in the animal population and again she had run her self ragged trying to be there for the birth of all her new potential animal friends not just because she adored baby animals but to over see the birth and do what she could to help should complications arise. This yeah happily there had not been many there had been a scare when one of Anna the Retriever's litter had trouble breathing after birth but after a through check the problem had been found and his breathing stabilized. On top of the new births had been another Evil having reveled it's self luckily it had been fond of plaid and tie-dye and had insisted on wearing them together they had had to pull Rarity off of the poor fool when she had tried to personally sentence him to death for crimes against fashion. So it had been a short lived adventure hardly taking up an afternoon after the idiot had announced their plans in Ponyville plaza luckily he had begun his monologue before Rarity had arrived so they had heard enough to be certain that he was evil and not just color blind and prone to loud self monologue. Poor old Mare Henderson was never quite the same and some of her developing coping mechanisms were starting to worry ponies around town. She had needed to calm many of the animals that had attempted to flee their instincts having warned them of impending danger. It hadn't helped when Discord had laughed himself sick over the event she wasn't quite sure what he had laughed up but if she never heard the words did I do that again it would be too soon. But with All that behind her now and Discord run out of town again she had the cabin to herself to unwind and she had just the indulgence in mind to do just that. It had been too long since she had been able to really let loose so after making sure all the doors had been locked and the blinds closed she had gotten out a small hoof held camera and set up. Focusing the camera and positioning herself she hit record and let all her frustration go. Swing her camera around she focused on a pile of kittens and began speaking "Hello everyone I'm going to show you a bipple pile. Their having their afternoon naps and I'm going to try to talk very quietly but clearly it's waking them up anyway but they have been playing all morning and their all tuckered out which is good cause their mommy is very tired she doesn't want to deal with them... that's okay". Moving her camera closer to the kitten at the bottom of the pile she continues her monologue "Lets get some close-up's of these sleepy little babies there's Twilight I wonder what she's dreaming about she's probably dreaming about getting A pluses and extra credit because she's a teachers pet and a nerd". Panning the camera to the left over a new kitten "Dash is probably dreaming about sleeping she really likes sleeping oh Butter's coming up to the camera she want's to see what her kids are doing it distresses her that their not awake and annoying her but then again Butter cries about just about eveything and now she's going to go have some munchies... that's okay". After following Butter's progress though the bipple pile to her food bowl she then focuses in on another kitten "Little Pinkie's asleep she's surly dreaming about playing in the trash she is a disgusting trash baby she knows nothing but garbage that's okay because she's a beautiful cloud" panning to the left she reaches a duo of kittens "Here are the dumb sisters AJ and Rare I don't know what they could possibly be dreaming about they don't know very much but they are quite sweet they try their best thankfully their not as big of trash babies as their sister Pinkie". Swinging back around to a previous kitten "Dash is probably dreaming of a way to play in the litter box without me catching her she is a fuzzy little love-kin and she looks like she's made of dust puffs. Who's made of dust puffs that's right Dash is made of dust puffs. Butters come back over to complain some more. What's wrong butter what bothers you what's wrong". A newly awakened kitten stumbles over to her mother "you woke up your daughter well it seems she's going to try to nurse even though she well too old for that so I'm going to stop the video and get her over to the kibble thanks for watching bye-bye". Going up stairs after taking care of the kittens down stairs she remover her new tape and hide's it away at the back of her dresser along side the few other's of it's kind she's managed to record she always felt guilty about it but it was always so much fun to tease the baby animal's a little and when her friends had insisted she name the litter of all girl kittens after them selves on one of their visits to her cabin and their mother Butter and gone into labor she found it extra funny to tease these ones especially. The fact that Twilight had named the kitten that had become the most inquisitive of the lot after herself and Rainbow had named the one most fond of sleeping after her self was a bit of serendipity as well it was too bad that AJ and Rare shared almost none of Applejack and Rarity's traits but they were rather sweet kittens if a bit of slow learners. They had fallen into the water bowl almost a dozen times in the last week and a half and she suspected the were going to do so a few more times before the figured out not to climb the curtains over their water bowl now if only she could get them to stop climbing the curtains all together and Pinkie well she wasn't sure if it would be better if she acted more like Pinkie Pie and been all over the place or that she was so easy to find because she could not stay out of the garbage. Feeling much better after that little bit of venting she had a simple dinner and after brushing her teeth decided to turn in unnoticed by her the newest tape in her collection had vanished alongside a serpentine shadow and found it's self in the mailbox in front of the Golden Oaks Library but that's a story for another time.