//------------------------------// // V: Friends and Plans // Story: A Certain Urge // by TheUnknownPerson //------------------------------// Well, that rest was certainly a long one. Hopefully I can get the chance to release some of her anger before I have to return to my rest. She has a lot of this anger pent up inside of her due to recent events that would rather not be mentioned. Maybe I'll even get the chance to... well, you really shouldn't know. It would make Nightmare Moon seem like the schoolyard bully. Now, if you'll excuse me dear, I need to take the time to plan this. Sweet dreams Pinkie. Hopefully things won't be too bad for you when you wake up... ================= Pinkie woke up from (thankfully)a normal dream. She got out of her bed and prepared herself for the day. I'm glad that I'm not having anymore of those dreams. Well, besides last night... Pinkie snapped away from the thought of the dream and continued to get ready. Gummy was still asleep. He was curled up in little ball on top of a pillow and was slightly snoring. "D'awwwww..." Pinkie quietly said. She grabbed a small blanket from the edge of her bed and put it on top of him, much to his delight. He looks so cute when he sleeps... Pinkie quietly opened the door and exited the room, shutting the door behind her. She went down stairs and saw that the kitchen was filled with ponies that had has medical masks on. Mr. Cake was standing beside the group. "Is it bad?" "It's nothing mayor, but you'll have to stay out of the kitchen for a couple of days at the least." The pony asked, his voice muffled by the mask. "Mr Cake? What's wrong?" Pinkie asked as she approached him. Mr. Cake turned to Pinkie before saying, "Oh, hello Pinkie. I'll tell you about it in a moment. Just go back upstairs with the twins.". Pinkie tried to get a look inside the kitchen, but every time she'd try, he would block her view. "Okay..." Pinkie said, slightly worried. As she trotted up the stairs another one of the unknown ponies spoke. "How, the hay can somepony do something like this?" I wonder what the hay is going on... Pinkie trotted upstairs and waited for Mr. Cake to come up stairs. After what seemed like a lifetime, Mr. Cake entered the hallway. "Hello Pinkie." Mr. Cake said, sounding very nauseous. His skin around his face was a light shade of green. "What happened? Is everything okay? Where's Mrs. Cake?" "Calm down, Pinkie. Let me take you through it step by step." "Sorry..." "Its fine, dear. Now, onto the story..." Mr. Cake said. Pinkie listened in intently. "Cup and I woke up this morning and prepared the shop for the day. Business as usual until Cup realized we were out of cake icing. She went to the storage area and found..." Mr. Cake stopped and put his hoof over his mouth. His skin tone became two shades darker. Is he gonna throw up? What the hay happened to make him so sick?! "What did you find?" Pinkie asked cautiously. She swore she heard Mr. Cake gag when she asked the question. "...she found s-some small pieces of meat on the floor..." Mr. Cake said. He looked like he would pass out at any moment(the sentence isn't completed yet, so there's no need to capitalize the first letter in. Just pointing that out). Oh Celestia... "...she decided it'd be best to try and dispose of the meat. Then we found the rest of it..." "we found the carcass... it had been cut up and mutilated beyond recognition!" Mr. Cake said, almost throwing up when describing the carcasses. "Oh Celestia... that sounds terrible!" Pinkie said as she trotted towards Mr. Cake and gave him a supportive hug. Who would do such a thing?! You're not much better. You did dream about cutting up your sister until she submitted. I'm trying to move on from that... from everything! Pinkie shut the conversation in her mind down at that point focused on Mr. Cake as he composed himself before speaking. "Cup and I became sick when we saw it. We called the guards when we found it. They pulled Cup outside and they're asking her some questions right now. The shop's going to be closed for the next couple of days to clean it up and investigate." Mr. Cake said, his voice a bit calmer now that he wasn't thinking about the dead animal. "Sorry if we awoke you." "It's alright, Mr. Cake. You didn't wake me up. Hay, even if you did, I'd still understand after what you just told me." Pinkie said in an understanding tone. "Thank you, dear. We've sent Pound and Pumpkin to my mother's while we sort out this whole situation, so you won't have much to do for the next few days." "Carrot, get down here quick! They may have found out who did this!" "Coming dear!" Mr. Cake said as he walked down stairs. Pinkie wanted to follow, but her body wouldn't follow her command. She decided to try and listen in on the conversation from the staircase. At first, hoofsteps and indecipherable chattering ruled over the room. Until two voices she finally recognized spoke up. "What?" "There's no way she would've done this..." They sound upset... Pinkie heard hoofsteps the coming from the stairwell and decided that now would be the best time to return to her old position in the hallway. "Pinkie..." Mrs. Cake said as she reached the top of the staircase. Mr. Cake wasn't fair behind. "Yes, Mrs. Cake?" "What is this doing in the storage area?" Mrs. Cake said as she showed a small piece of Pinkie's confetti. It was stained with blood. "I don't know! I haven't been down there since yesterday!" Pinkie said as she got up and inspected the piece of confetti. "Do you know anyone that could have access to your confetti, Pinkie?" "I make it myself, so no." Pinkie said. After a moment, she realized just what she said and face-hoofed. "It wasn't me, you two. I Pinkie Promise!" Mr. and Mrs. Cakes' faces were riddled with confusion and suspicion. They looked at each other, then the confetti, then Pinkie, and finally came to a decision. "Alright Pinkie... we trust you." Mrs. Cake said. Pinkie felt relieved. "Thanks for trusting me. It feels nice to know I have you two trusting me." Pinkie said as she gave the two an affectionate hug. She released after a moment. "Just think of this as a vacation. It'll go by faster that way." "Yes, Mrs. Cake." "..." "..." The air in the room became tense in the room. Pinkie, wishing to break the tenseness in the room, spoke up. "I'm going to go out for a while. I'll be back this after noon." "Okay, dearie." Mrs. Cake said as Pinkie went down stairs and grabbed her saddlebag before exited the bakery. ================= I can't believe someone would do that... Welcome to the real world. Also, remember earlier? Maud, cutting, submission? Yes... I'm trying to accept it and move on, so please shut up. Pinkie walked down the streets of Ponyville. The events at Sugarcube Corner ruled over her thoughts. Pinkie decided to travel to the Farmer's Market. She was going to pick up some apples for Mr. and Mrs. Cake. Now that the kitchen was sealed off, they'll have to eat from here for the next few days. I'm glad that the twins don't have to deal with this. Pinkie walked through the crowds, trying to find Applejack's stand. It should be somewhere around... here! Pinkie found the Apple's Stand and trotted over to it. "Howdy, Pinkie! What can I get ya today?" Applejack said in a welcoming manner. "Hi Applejack. I need some apples." "Alright. How many do ya want?" Applejack asked as she went behind the stand. "Six will be fine!" Pinkie said in a cheerful manner. "I'm guessin' ya feel better since that dream?" Applejack said as she gathered the apples. "Yep. I'm just gonna try to accept it and move on..." "Great. Hope it all turns out well turns out for ya." Applejack said as she came back to the counter and gave Pinkie the apples she requested. "Thanks! How much do I owe you?" "It'll be 8 bits." Pinkie pulled out her bit-pouch and opened it. She then pulled out thirteen bits and sat them on the counter. "Keep the change. Think of it as a temporary thank you for helping me with that dream. I'm gonna get all of you something a bit better." "Are you sure Pinkie? Ya don't have ta give me any extra bits." Applejack said, offering the five bits back to her. "A hundred fifty percent sure!" "Ok, well thank ya, Pinkie!" "No problem-o!" Pinkie said as she put the apples into her saddlebag and trotted out of the Farmer's Market. I won't be able to host that thank you party until the kitchen is opened again. Won't be able to make any goods! Pinkie trotted over to the Golden Oak's Library. She guessed she could read, "Daring Do" since she wouldn't have too much to do for the next few days. Pinkie knocked on the front door of the library. "Come in!" Pinkie opened the door and entered. When she entered, she saw Twilight in the middle of a pile of books. "Um... Twilight?" "Yes Pinkie- oh. You're probably wondering about this. I've been looking for more information on the origins of the Tree of Harmony. If Spike would get up and put up these books after me, it wouldn't be so messy." "Huh? I-I'm coming Twilight!" Spike sluggishly walked into the room and began picking up the books burying Twilight's lower body. "Thank you." "Yeah... you're welcome." "Oh, hello Pinkie." Spike said as he made a complete circle around Twilight. "Hello, Spikey." "So, did you need anything, Pinkie?" Twilight asked as she tried to stand up. "Actually, yes. I need some books so I won't be completely bored for the next few days." Pinkie said. Twilight looked a bit surprised. "Oh, you don't know about what's happening at the shop. Silly me!" Pinkie said as she face-hoofed. She probably shouldn't know all of the details. If this got to the press, Mr. and Mrs. Cake would get in some deep trouble. "They found something in the storage area and they need some days to clean it up. So, the shop will be closed while they do so." Pinkie said, sparing the details. "Oh... is it safe?" "Yeah, they just need to clean it up." "Oh, alright. Is there a specific book you'd like to read?" "Daring Do will be good with me." "Ok. They're in the bookshelf over... there!" Twilight said as she pointed to a bookshelf over in the corner. "Alright. Thank you!" "You're welcome." Pinkie walked over to the bookshelf she pointed out and looked for the books. After a moment of searching, she one of the books and put it into her saddlebag. "Oh Twilight, I almost forgot. I've got a little surprise for you and the girls in the next few days..." Pinkie said as she approached the exit. "Alright. I'll be there." Twilight said without any protest. "Thanks Twilight!" Pinkie said as she exited. "You're welcome!" Twilight called back. Pinkie shut the door as she exited the library. I've already told two of my friends about the party. Why not tell everyone else? Pinkie went over to the Carousel Boutique. She had to give Rarity a hint about the party as well. Plus she forgot one of the containers she brought over to the sleepover there. Pinkie knocked on the door of the dress-shop. A few moments later, Rarity opened the door. "Hello, welcome to the Carousel Boutiqu- oh, hello Pinkie!" Rarity said, slightly dropping her professional tone in the middle of the sentence and changing to a welcoming tone. "Hello! Could I come in?" Pinkie said, slightly shivering when she thought about the dreams. "Sure. Come in." Rarity said, stepping out of the door path. Pinkie walked in and went to the kitchen. If Rarity hasn't moved anything, then it should be right here... "Do you want anything to drink?" "No, thank you. I actually came over to grab a plastic container I forgot at the sleep over." "Alright. So, how have things been?" Rarity said, standing a the kitchen doorway. "Super great now that I've learned not to dwell on the dreams and just accept it." "Oh how marvelous!" Rarity said, delighted that her friend was better. "How has thing been for you?" "Oh, wonderful! I gave Opalescence a new collar with a beautiful ruby and Sweetie Belle's been doing wonderfully in school!" Pinkie continued to look around for her containers while she listened in. "Great." Pinkie said. A few moments of silence went by until she finally found the container. "I found it!" "Great." Pinkie put the container into one of the pockets of her saddlebag and walked towards Rarity. "Oh, Rarity, just to let you know, I'm gonna be doing something as sort of a thank you for helping me with the dream." "Oh, marvelous. I can't wait to see what it is!" "Great. I'd love to stay longer, but I really have to go right now." "Oh, its all right, darling. I understand." Rarity said in an understanding tone. "Okay. Well, bye Rarity!" Pinkie said as she left the Carousel Boutique. "Ta-ta!" Rarity said as she shut the door behind Pinkie. Three down, two to go. ================= Pinkie entered her bedroom and collapsed onto the bed. She had been trotting around Ponyville all day, visiting her friends and hinting the party at them. Today's been such a long day. But its been fun as well. Pinkie laid back in bed and closed her eyes. After a few moments of watching the back of her eyelids, she fell asleep. ================= Good thing I got some of that rage out earlier in the morning. I'm honestly surprised that I got Pinkie to do that in to those birds this morning. For such a hyperactive pony, she is a really heavy sleeper. I just got her to sleepwalk and blam! Wings torn off. Now for her friends. But which one? Which one would be the easiest? I think I have the answer... =================