//------------------------------// // Ch.3: Losing Your Head. // Story: Pimp Spike's Swag Vol.5: The Comeback! // by trahzo //------------------------------// Somewhere outside of Canterlot...Black Kirin, Panzerbrony, Fatboi1000, Blood Brandy, Geoice, Ember Queheran Discordia and Pinkamena meet. "What are we doing here?" asked Fatboi1000. "Allow me to explain." Said Captain Veetrix. With Spikerulez302-a-tron 100,00 Mk.2 next to him. *GASP!* "Next is...the Headless Horse? Isn't she just an old ponytail?" Luna said in confusion. "What?! The headless horseman from cirrhosis of the liverpool is here? Take the women & children to safety, time for me to summon my lightsaber ponytail!" Then Brak was smacked in the back of the head by Trixie. "Ow! What was that for?" "Luna said Headless Horse, why are you so stupid?" "I don't remember, I was told I used to be a formidable foe when fighting against Space Ghost, but something happened, now I'm just a fun loving guy, and I love this version of me, now begin the story as I tell these 2 about my school days." "Spike, will you get us some firewood?" Asked Twilight. "Right away." Spike walked through the woods, picking-up dry pieces of wood, the howling wind meeting the howling wolves, and rustling of leaves throughout the night. Spike saw a note on a tree. "Please, like I'm stupid enough to do that." "Aw-man!" Then Slendermane snapped his fingers. "Alright, next one then, ooh, here comes a another mare." Then as soon as she takes the note. "And let the games begin." Spike had gathered enough wood, and was heading back to the campsite, he wasn't scared of anything, he even waved to Slendermane as he finally captured his pray. "Haha, game over girl!" *Rip!* *Crack!* "Ouch, glad I didn't participate in that." "Hey, over here!" "Huh?" Spike looked around. "Up here!" The voice said. Spike looked up. "Um...could you get me out of here? I'm kinda stuck." "No Problema." Spike put down his wood, don't laugh you dirty jerks. Now anyways, he climbed the trees to where the poor stuck pony was. "Alright, take a good handle on my head." "Here we go." "Watch those claws dragon boy, now tug hard." "What ever you say princess." Spike pulled hard, and then harder...until he pulled her out with an audible pop, and they began falling with Spike still holding her head close. They conveniently landed on Spike's pile of wood. Spike was momentarily knocked unconscious. He awoke a second later with her face in front of him. "Thank you, for freeing me from that stupid tree! I've been stuck up there for years , while my body freely roams trying to replace e with some other mare's head!" "Wait what?" Spike lifted her head, and realized that's all that was! Spike shrieked in fear, grabbed half of the wood he had gathered, and bolted! "Hey, come back here, I need help finding my body...drat! Well congratulations, I'm going to find you then stalk you as my curse! As soon as I find my body that is, then you'll be sorry!" Spike returned to the campsite. "Whoa Spike, what happened? Asked Pinkie Pie." Don't do the same thing Discord did in the previous chapter you moron! "Bite my furry pink flank! Anyways, what happened?" " *Gibberish, and then German* and then, tree, and then the head, and then pop, and body missings!" "Body missing?" "I-I-I found the missing Head of the Headless Horse!" Then thunder struck across the night! "You found the Headless Horse's head?" "Yes, I pulled it out of a tree, and ran like Tartarus when I realized it's body was missing." "Hmph, you hear that Applejack & Rarity? My story is true." Rainbow Dash said with a smug look. "Twilight, can we go home now please? What if she reunited with her body and is heading hear right now?" Fluttershy suggested. "I don't believe you Spike." Twilight said in disbelief. That's when the Headless Horse, finally reunited with her head arrived with her head being held in the left hoof.. "There you are!" "Ah! it's her!" Then Pinkie pulled out a remote and used it to catapult the entire campsite back to Ponyville. *Slam* "Pinkie...when did you find time to put that there? We've been watching you the entire time." "I thought we already established the fact that I have the reality bending powers to rival Uncle Grandpa." "Yep, that's definitely a good explanation." That's when debris from a bunch of tents were falling apart. "You thought that was enough to..." Then as the Headless Horse took her 1st steps off of the pile, she accidentally slipped off and fell. "Okay this is embarrasing." "Man, the Headless Horse is much less intimidating than I thought." Rainbow Dash said in unamusement. "Now then...I'll be moving in with you Spike." "What?" "I cursed you, now I shall stalk you, forever!" "Now listen here, I'm not going to let you..." "Welcome to my castle!" Twilight then began shaking her hoof. ""Twilight, what are you..." Then Twilight pulled Spike close to whisper into his ears. "Look, you got a free girlfriend now, don't mess this-up, I want grand kids!" Then after that, Spike spent his life with a girl who sticks to him like glue. Whenever Spike woke-up, he'd awake to a pretty face, despite that face not being attached to it's body. "I hate to admit it, but you look absolutely beautiful." She blushed. "Y-you think so?" "Yep, now I'll be busy freshening-up." As Spike took a shower, he had a pair of extra 'hooves' to help out. "Yeah...that feels good, lower if you know what I mean...oh yes, there." "Yeah, you like that?" She said as she grasped Spike's wood. Now I'm the hippo-campus hippo-crate. "(Hmph, this stalker deal is alright with me.)" Then after he exited the shower, Spike made breakfast in bed for Twilight, with help of course and then he left the castle, while he held the Headless Horse's right hoof. As the Headless Horse stalked Spike in plain sight, she then began forgetting about the curse, and went on to thinking that she actually is Spike's lover. Spike didn't mind either, besides, it's like having 2 girls in one. "And that is why my mom tells me to never trust a monkey, also that was an interesting one." "Next letter please, we cannot take anymore of Brak!" Meanwhile... "Are you serious?" Asked Ember Queheran Discordia "Yes, we must brake into Anna's Hotel and rescue a certain somepony whose been kidnapped for she holds a secret to something terrible." "Can't you and your uncle handle this?" "My uncle is sick, and he said that you guys are the best choices for this job. Do you really want to take a chance on what that pony may be holding is something of incredible importance that may doom Equestria?" "Fine, I'll help you." Geoice agreed Then everyone else agreed as well. "Great, now we need to meet-up with my Uncle's Mii Swordfighters at the Hotel's front gates, let's move."