Night's Magic

by SteampunkBrony


"Woah, woah woah!" The brown intruder said after he recovered from the shock. "I'm Time Keeper, this is Shade. We were just exploring and we didn't think anypony lived here. We're scholars and the only reason for our curiosity with this place is the symbols on the gateposts, we've seen them before but we do not know what they mean."

"I could tell you, but then again I still have to decide on what is to be done with you... I can't just send you on your way seeing as you know what that book is, where did you learn of that book?" I said, curious now. If luck is on my side for once these two will be with the order... then again luck is not something to rely on.

"Well, I'm the only one who knows that language between the two of us, I attended Celestia's school for gifted unicorns when I was younger an-"

"Enough with the story, just say it, I can tell you're lying." I said. "Tell me, did you recognize the mark on the front door?"

"Well..." Time was about to speak when Shade cut him off.

"Look, we work for an organization that hope to preserve forbidden knowledge, and yes we recognized that symbol, why?"

I chuckled as I walked over to the Naturon Demonto, taking care to stay between them and the fire so they couldn't see my cutie mark. "Depending on your answer I may make you a copy of this thing, what's the name of your organization?"

The two looked to each other, "Er, may we have a moment?" The unicorn said before casting a sound damper around them. I couldn't help but chuckle at the earth pony's animated behavior, it was pretty clear that he wanted a copy of the Naturo Demonto. The unicorn however, seemed like the wiser of the two and kept his cool, probably denying the earth pony his request. This proceeded for a moment or two until they dropped the sound shield.

"I swear Shade you're an idiot for not wanting that book..." The brown one said sighing. "How about this, We know that that symbol on the door is the cutie mark of the Order of the Moon's founder."

"Hmm... glad to hear they still remember me." I said with a chuckle allowing the torches to re-light and reveal me.

"S-Starlight Sparkle!" Shade yelped and froze up like one of those fainting goats. Time's jaw hit the floor, well figuratively of course.

"Er, do you mind showing us a spell? We have to be sure you're not a Solaris." Time said.

"Of course, name a spell." I said chuckling.

"Hmm... Zoltiev's third shadow shield spell." Time said with a small smile.

"Hmm... child's play." I said as the arcane circle flared into existence around me as the semi-transparent shield formed. Once more the earth pony's jaw dropped.

"Okay, I'll take your word for it... Even Midnight Star has problems with that one and he's our most powerful." Shade said dragging himself up. "But how?"

"Well, after discovering my studies Celestia locked me in stone for a millennium. As I was writing down the Initiation spell too, probably screwed you guys over on that front." I said with a chuckle. "Trixie, you can come out now, they're with the order."

"That's good... Trix- sorry, I wouldn't want to have to fight anyone at this point." Trixie said as she stepped out from the bookshelves.

"In any case, I take it you two felt that pulse earlier?" I said with a chuckle as I noticed Shade was blushing a little. Time noticed this and cuffed the black unicorn on the back of the head. Oh these two are entertaining.

"Yes, we did and we came to investigate. It felt like the order's magic. What was that spell?" Time said as Trixie started giggling at the wall eyed expression the cuff had left on Shade's face.

"That was the mark of the Lunar Scholar, the spell used to mark members of the Order so we would know if somepony was in the know or not." I said chuckling. "I was initiating Trixie here, she expressed an interest in dark magic and the oaths cast during the initiation ensure that she's trustworthy."

"Really?" Time said. "That would be useful to learn, we've had problems with spies of late."

"That it would be, but first, would you like to see the catacombs? Well, I like to call them that at least, has a nice ring to it." I said with a chuckle.

"Um, sure." Shade said.

"Don't worry, it's just the old school, the only dangerous part is full of water, and that's why it is dangerous." I said with a chuckle as I opened the hidden door behind the scroll rack. "Right this way, oh and mind your step, the first one is a doozy, old elevator spells are always fun." I said, stepping out into the open air of the shaft behind the bookcase and falling the sixty or so feet before the spell caught me and placed me gently on my hooves, followed shortly by the other two who screamed the whole way down, and then Trixie.

"NEXT TIME WARN ME!" Shade said, his legs shaking as he rounded on Trixie. Time, meanwhile, had broken down into fits of laughter from a combination of his friend's reaction and adrenaline.

"Please, Tr-sorry- I knew you wouldn't want to jump so I decided to show you it was harmless." Trixie said, chuckling to herself.

"Oh by the moon Shade, your face... that was just priceless!" Time said in between gasps of air. "I have never seen anypony's eyes get that big!"

I just chuckled as I started down the corridor towards the training room where Trixie and I had been.


in Canterlot


Deep in the dungeons of Canterlot Castle, a soundless conversation was beginning between a pair of statues.

Ah, finally, I can contact you. A voice sounded through Ghost Spear's head.

Who is this if I may ask. The petrified warrior replied.

Oh come now, you don't recognize the voice of one of your most powerful enemies?

Discord... lovely now you can torment me.

Oh I intend to do nothing of the sort. Instead I am offering you a chance to be free, I can free you seeing as your entrapment spell is weaker, however I need your word that you will help me with something...

Name your terms draconequis.

It is simple, do as you do best and cause a war, find an existing conflict and escalate it as you so love to do. Promise me to do this and then I shall free you.

Would that not free you due to all of the disorder?

Yes, well that is kind of the point my fellow statue, however this time I do not wish to throw the world into chaos, just add a bit more to the existing one, give the ponies a little more strife for my years trapped.

I knew I should have killed you when I had the chance... but I've changed since then. I accept your terms discord.

Very well, I shall free you, but be ready to run, as you noticed somepony else escaped recently so they'll be wary of the rest of you.

For the embodiment of chaos you sure do plan ahead...

I call it organized chaos, for if you are a step ahead of your adversary, you tend to loose less. Discord said as Ghost felt a pulse of magic shatter his prison


four others felt this pulse, The royal sisters, Twilight, and Starlight. In a sheer bout of irony they all uttered the same words at it: "That can't be good..."


author's note:

Hello again everypony, sorry about the length of this one, just haven't been able to write of late. In any case, this new direction should help me.

still looking for a pre-reader so if anypony wouldn't mind i'm sure i missed a few things in there... call em as you see em.