Pimp Spike's Swag Vol.5: The Comeback!

by trahzo

Ch.2: The Wedding that Broke the 4th Wall.

"Doo dee doot doo! Okay, next is..."

"It's my turn to read it you stupid alien catman!" Then Luna read the letter. "It seems that this time Spike shall be shipped with Femanon."

"Femanon? Who's that?"

"Anonymous, except female."

"Whoa! Nathan is shipping Spike with the female readers? How's that for breaking the forth wall? Kinda like how me, Dad, Zorak, Space Ghost, and Sisto went to a bar called the 4th wall & broke everything! Hahahahahahahahaha....oh my goodness we destroyed the 4th wall, hahahaha."

"Yeah...Trixie says it's time for the cameraman to pan over to the next scene."

"Wait, it ended with my Mom being able to pay bail for everyone except Zo..."

The Church was bright, everyone in anticipation of a fantastic wedding. Spike stood with Discord the cleric waiting for his bride to enter. His sweat showed all over.

"Spike, what's wrong? Asked Discord." HEY! Asked Discord was supposed to go after you finished speaking.

"Oh why don't you go suck on my tooth Mr.Narrator? Anyways, you feeling fine Spike?"

"I have feet so cold that you can cut 'em off with a chainsaw."

You, in a wonderfully beautiful dress waiting behind the double doors with your father figure ready to see Spike as soon as the music plays, until you hear...

"Hey boys, Spike's got cold feet, can everyone in relationship, wedding or dating please help him?"

"He's seriously that scared? That chicken told you about how he was a narrator for a play, and the guy who saved the Equestria Games, why is he scared now? I'm not sure I want to give you away now." Your father figure grumbled. Yeah I'm saying father figure because who knows, you might live with other relatives or have lesbian parents, maybe you're living with foster parents, who also might be lesbians.

"Don't worry Father figure, have faith in Spike, he'll get his 2nd wind after his guy friends talk to him."

"Hope you're right because this his 1st strike, 2 more & I break out the spy gear."

"Dad, could you not?"

After Spike had a talking to from the guys, he was now ready.


Then the music began & Spike wore a confident smile, ready to marry you.

"(Wow, my wife is such a beauty, I'm so lucky I got to marry someone like her.)"

Just so you know this isn't the wedding march, it's Serah's theme from Final Fantasy XIII-2. Your father looks Spike in the eyes.

"Here, you take great care of my daughter now."

"I will, you can trust me."

Then with that, your father figure went to their seat.

"I heard what Discord said behind the doors."

"Oh...heheheh...you heard that."

"Yeah, but don't worry, you're going to be my husbando soon, so that'll make up for it."

Then once the music died down, it was time. Twilight Sparkle, Twilight Velvet, and Celestia all had tears of joy. Rainbow Dash, Scootaloo, and a bunch of others, played their New 3DSXLs low, as they held a secret SSB4 tournament. Pinkie Pie, Party Favor, and Cheese Sandwich were readying to be the 1st to get a slice of the cake after the married couple get the 1st slice. Fluttershy and Rarity were standing with other Bride's Maids. Applejack was well, just their.

"*Ahem* We're gathered here today to witness the joining of Spike the Dragon, and Femanon in holy matripony, I believe you 2 wrote vows?"

"Yes, we did." You answered.

Then after you 2 read out loud your vows.

"Spike, do you take Femanon in all of the jive we've heard lots of times in romances?"

"I do."

"What about you Femanon?"

"I do."

"Is there anyone who objects to this?"

"I object, marriage is a huge scam!" Dan from Dan vs. blurted out. That's when all of the unicorns & alicorns threw him out of the church.

"Now that he's out of here, I now pronounce you 2 dragon and wife, you may kiss the bride, or sniff her a little."


"Sorry, I was watching the episode of That's So Raven when Corey's pet rat gets married before I got here, but yeah, go kiss her champ."

Then as you & Spike's lips got closer & closer, the both of you start flashing back to how your story of love made it to this point. You finding him crying on a park bench in the middle of the night. Comforting him, taking him on a night on the town. Feeling care for him because he's the 1st guy you've met with real emotions & feelings. How your feelings transcended further than friendship, and into love. How he managed to reform your Ex-boyfriend and have him apologize to you. Then as soon as your lips touched, all of your loved ones cheered. While you & Spike were thinking about how incredible the future will hold, for you, and your husbando.

"Oh Spike..."


"I love you." You 2 said in unison.

"Woo, I'd really like to give him some dating advice if it was a date episode, but no it's a marriage episode so to bad."

"What pray tell kind of dating advice would you have? Trixie thinks you've never been on a date because of the lack of brain cells, or any grey matter in that head of yours."

"Matter, matter, splatter on the Mad Hatter."

"I'm going to kill this guy!" Luna said, then a letter came.

Dear Princess Luna

You'll be banished to the sun if you do that.

From Trahzo.
