//------------------------------// // prologue // Story: Changing My Mind // by LunarFire234 //------------------------------// Beep! Beep! Beep! Beep! A hand slammed down on the source of obnoxious noise, which had woken up the sleeper from the land of dreams. Although the alarm was off, the sun shown through the window, shining through the sleepers eye's. I guess I should get up, I mentally sighed, I started to get up and off my comfy bed. looking across the blue colored room, my computer in the corner, some family pictures on the wall. I head to the bathroom to start my morning rituals, Relieving myself, taking a shower, and getting dressed. I hope dads home so we can all eat together one last time. "Jack its time for breakfast!" Christine, my younger sister yelled from the kitchen. "Ok! I will be there in a second!" I yelled back as I walked down the stairs, smelling the eggs and bacon. "Christine do you have every thing ready, you have to leave tod-" I tried to say until I was abruptly cut short by a small piece of pie to the face. "Ha! I told you I would get you back for messing with my shampoo, here's a towel," she said mockingly while handing me a towel to dry myself off with. "That was a good one," i chuckled 'I knew this was going to happen,' "sorry again about that though." I said snickering. 'man I remember that like it was yesterday, her hair was green for days.' "Sorry doesn't cut it Jack, now go eat," "I have to go get some thing done, tell dad I said hello when you get back," she said as she left to her room. Somewhere in In Canterlot Castle, a weak after the changeling attack. "So, Oxy have you found your special somepony yet?" Clean asked curiously to her sister while they were walking down one of the many hallways of the castle. "No, clean I haven't." she said very shyly. "Oxy, your lying." "No I'm not," Oxy said while she started to blush as the were getting nearer to the maids closet. "Oxy you know I know when you lie, because you always get shy and flustered when you do," she said when they were getting close to the maids closet. "So who is he, what dose he do, is he a guard, what's his cutie mark?" she asked while putting her hoof up to open the maids closet. "Well he's cute, and nice, and strong," she said looking off into space dreamingly "those are all nice thing to have in a stallion, but I who is he." "His name is flaming he-" Oxy tried to say until she was cut off by her sisters screams. "Sister what hap-" she was then cut off again, but by her own scream. "What is it," said one of the guards running towards the sisters. "Ch-changeling!" and as the sisters said that, they got up and bolted away, leaving a very scared guard running the opposite way to the throne room. Back in the human world. "Christine, thanks for visiting me and dad for the weak." I said while driving down to the airport. "It's no problem jack, plus I've been meaning to spend time with you guys." she said as we parked. "Well were here, I hope you have a good flight. and don't forget your makeup," I said getting a little sad while she got her stuff. "once a year, is never enough time for us to get together." "I know, jack, I will talk with mom about it. But no promises" "man, I already can't wait till next year. By, and don't forget to tell dad I said hi." she said also looking sad "K, tell mom I said hi, and have a god flight sis, by." is what I wished I could've said but at that time a speaker came on." "FLIGHT 17 WHILE LEAV IN TWO MINUTES." "By again jack, I have to go." she said as she hurried off to her flight. Back in Canterlot in day court. "but, princess Celestia, if you give me the necessary findings for my bank, we cou-" one of the nobles tried to say but, he was cut off. "PRINCESS, PRINCESS!" a guard shouted while running through the giant golden door up to the throne. "What is the matter my little pony," Celestia asked when the guard was next to her, he whispered to the princess gaining him a shocked expression from Celestia. "What shall we do princes?" "Go wake up, Luna and tell her to meat me" she said with a look of devotion on her face. "sorry, Quick Change but I have important matters to attend." she said looking at the noble. "but princess what about my bank." "sorry my little pony but these matters are more important." "Yes your hiness." he said in defeat. Back on earth. 'I can't wait till we see each other again,' I thought while turning onto the freeway, after I left the airport. 'I think I might through her a party the next time she's here', 'there will be cake, and soda.' my thoughts abruptly stopped, as I hit the van that was suddenly in front of me. The last thing I saw before unconscious took me, was a person getting out of the van, and fire. Canterlot. "Sister, what tis the meaning of waking me up from the dream realm!" Luna asked angrily. "Luna, we have found something."