Squarepants are Magic

by yodajax10

Big Problems

It was now morning in Ponyville, and Strife, wearing a large brown cloak was walking through the town with Plankton on his head.

"Are you sure we're going to find something?" Strife asked, bitterly.

"Positive, Strifey." Plankton smirked. "I heard in an a paper, that 'anything you need, we got it in Ponyville and we'll leave you smiling!'" Plankton realized how stupid that sounded and growled. "But let's hurry up, the cuteness here is making me ill."

"Hi, Mister!" said Pinkie Pie as she jumped up in Strife's eyes.

"Oh, uh...what do you want?" Strife said, covering his face.

"WellIusuallyknoweveryponyhereinPonyvillebutthenyoucamealongandIneversawyoubeforeandIthoughtIusuallyknoweveryponyhereinPonyvilleso-" Pinkie Pie stopped when Strife grabbed Pinkie Pie's snout and pulled her close.

"Quiet..." Strife growled, trying to keep his temper under control.

"Okie-dokie-lokie!" Pinkie Pie said. But then Pinkie Pie looked at Strife's cheetah paw. "Hey," Pinkie Pie asked. "Where did you get that paw from?"

Strife's eyes widened at this.

"I haven't seen anything like that since..." Pinkie Pie started to think.

Strife and Plankton both started sweating nervously.

"I know!" Pinkie Pie said, grinning. "My dream of a second Nightmare Night is real! I never thought it wouldn't be in summer, but whatever!"

Strife and Plankton sighed in relief.

"I should get my costume ready!" Pinkie Pie said happily as she was about to run off. But Strife grabbed her tail.

"Wait a second!" Strife yelled.

"N-ye-e-e-e-e-e-e-e-e-e-e-es?" Pinkie Pie asked.

"I am looking for something that could spark a lot of electricity! Where is something like that?" Strife asked.

"Oh!" Pinkie Pie said turning to a shop that said Buy Our Bunny Slippers . "How about that place? It has some of the most fuzziest bunny slippers ever!"

Strife grinned evilly. "Perfect."

"Well, I gotta go, now!" Pinkie Pie said as she walked away. "Happy Summer Nightmare Night!"

As Pinkie Pie was gone from sight, Strife looked at Plankton.

"Alright you," Strife told Plankton. "We were very close to getting caught. You're going to have to get the slippers."

"I can't set foot in that place!" Plankton whimpered. "It has too much pink!"

"Get in there!" Strife yelled as he threw Plankton through the window.

Plankton immediately got up from the floor and noticed that the whole inside of the store was pink, and he quickly covered his eye. "Okay, keep it together." Plankton muttered to himself, sneaking a pair of bunny slippers.

"Hurry up SpongeBob!" said the voice of Sweetie Belle.

"Don't worry, I'm catching up!" SpongeBob said.

Plankton peeked through the window and saw SpongeBob running with the Crusaders. Plankton leaped on the ground and saw Twilight waving to SpongeBob, with Spike on her back. Plankton recognized that unicorn and decided to follow her, thinking of what she had planned for Strife.

"SpongeBob is really doing good with the whole friendship thing!" Spike told Twilight.

"Yeah," Twilight said. "But I am still wondering if the Elements of Harmony would be any use though."

Plankton's eye widened. The Elements of Harmony?

"Don't worry, Twilight." Spike told Twilight. "You used them to defeat Nightmare Moon and Discord, even if SpongeBob couldn't help us, defeating Strife would be a synch. Besides, Who else would Celestia trust holding on to them more then you?"

"Yeah," Twilight said as she nuzzled Spike. "Thanks Spike,"

"Well, I try," Spike said with a shrug.

Plankton grinned evilly as he watched Twilight and Spike leave the library. Plankton leaped up to the doorknob and went through it, unlocking the door. Once the door opened, Plankton walked inside, snickering. "I think I'll just take a look around."

Meanwhile, Fluttershy was busy feeding her animals. But all of a sudden, she had a visitor in the trees, something that looked like a giant squirrel.

"Hiya, Fluttershy!" Pinkie Pie spoke, dressed like a squirrel.

"Oh, hello, Pinkie Pie!" Fluttershy said, smiling. "How are you doing today."

"Haven't you heard? There's going to be a Summer Nightmare Night! How do you like my squirrel costume?" Pinkie Pie asked.

"It's nice, Pinkie Pie." Fluttershy spoke. "But please keep it down, Wilson is trying to sleep."

"Wilson?" Pinkie Pie asked.

"Yes," Fluttershy asked. "He's a giant I found, lost in the woods." Fluttershy took Pinkie Pie over to the gigantic pony sleeping, with a bunch of ropes around him.

"What's with the ropes?" Pinkie Pie asked.

"Wilson tosses and turns in his sleep." Fluttershy explained. "So, do you think you can keep it down a bit, please?"

"Abso-positively!" Pinkie Pie said aloud, but then whispered. "I mean, abso-positively!" Pinkie Pie then hopped away as Fluttershy went back in her cottage. But neither of them noticed that the ropes around Wilson started to snap.

Meanwhile in the CMC clubhouse, the Crusaders were holding a ceremony for SpongeBob.

"And so on and so forth," Sweetie Belle spoke. "We hereby make you an honorary Crusader!"

The Crusaders and SpongeBob all cheered for this moment.


Scootaloo looked outside. "Did you hear something?" Scootaloo asked.


"Yeah," Apple Bloom spoke. "It sounded big..."


"It's sounds close..." SpongeBob added as a shadow loomed over the clubhouse.


"Too close!" Sweetie Belle yelled when she peeked out the window, and saw the giant!


The giant boomed by the clubhouse and the Crusaders and SpongeBob quickly escaped the clubhouse, trying not to get noticed by the giant.

But the giant quickly saw the Crusaders and SpongeBob.


"Aah! Help!!!" The Crusaders and SpongeBob yelled.

Meanwhile, Twilight, Spike, Applejack, Rainbow Dash, Pinkie Pie and Rarity were all eating lunch together, when Fluttershy ran into the scene.

"Girls! Girls!" Fluttershy yelled. "The escaped has giant! No-no! The escaped giant has-no-no!"

"Fluttershy, what is it?" Twilight asked putting her hooves around Fluttershy.

"The giant I found, he escaped and I found footsteps leading to the Crusaders' clubhouse!" Fluttershy said, scared.

"Giant?" The ponies said in fear.

"Yes!" said Fluttershy. "What if something happened to the Crusaders?"

"Well, what are we waiting for? Let's go!" Applejack said as they ran off to find the giant.

Pinkie Pie jumped out of her squirrel outfit. "Another day," Pinkie Pie said determined as she followed the ponies.

Later, the ponies and Spike were walking through the forest following the giant's footsteps.

"So, where did you find this giant?" Twilight asked.

"I found Wilson lost in the woods and he was exhausted. It was much easier talking to him then, but now, awake and full of energy, not so sure." Fluttershy stammered. "I heard that they have ten times the strength as a dragon or an Ursa Major, despite being the same gigantic size!"

Spike gulped at that and held onto Twilight.

"Aww, it's alright, Fluttershy!" said Pinkie Pie. "Talking to a humongous giant is no different then....talking to a little bunny!"

Fluttershy looked up and smiled. "Really?" Fluttershy asked.

"Why sure!" Pinkie Pie asked. "Well, except for the humongous part, they're pretty much similar!"

Fluttershy's grin turned into a nervous look. The ponies then heard a shriek.

"That's the girls!" Rarity exclaimed.

"SpongeBob's down there too!" Twilight added. The ponies followed the shriek to where they would be.

The Crusaders and SpongeBob were in a gorge, where the giant was trying to find them.

"Okay, guys," Apple Bloom said, shaking. "Confession time!"

"Okay! Remember that bear I said took your Apple Pie?" Sweetie Belle asked. "That was me."

"And remember that twin sister that keeps showing up when I'm not around?" Scootaloo asked. "That was me."

"Uh, I already knew that." Apple Bloom stated.

"Psst!" said a voice that sounded like Rainbow Dash.

The Crusaders and SpongeBob saw Rainbow Dash with the other ponies hiding in a crack and quickly ran to them.

"Oh, Sweetie Belle, thank Celestia you're alright!" Rarity said, hugging her sister, tightly.

"Are ya hurt?" Applejack asked Apple Bloom.

"No," said Apple Bloom. "But if it wasn't for SpongeBob who helped hide us, we would've been under that giant's hoof!"

The ponies smiled at SpongeBob as Rainbow Dash rubbed his head. "That took guts, kid!" Rainbow Dash laughed.

"Now hurry up, girls!" Twilight whispered. "We have too escape before it's too late!"

"Wait!" SpongeBob whispered. "What about the giant? We can't just let him crash the place!"

"He's right!" Rarity added. "There has to be someway to calm that giant down."

The ponies looked at Fluttershy, who's eyes widened.

"Well, I, uh..." Fluttershy stammered.

"Flutters," SpongeBob said. "You're good with animals? Right?"

"Well, yes." Fluttershy replied.

"Then if you can take on a tiger monkey, then this is child's play." SpongeBob spoke.

The ponies grinned at Fluttershy as she took a deep breath. "If you're so sure, okay." Fluttershy said.

"Alright!" SpongeBob said. "Now, I have an idea, to have the giant in our place for Fluttershy."

The ponies, Spike and SpongeBob all huddled together to hear the plan.

The gang all waited for the giant to arrive. Once the giant got closer, the gang wrapped a bunch of ropes around the giant causing him to fall over.

"Okay, Fluttershy!" SpongeBob said. "Do your stuff!"

Fluttershy cleared her throat and started to sing.

(Replace 'Gonna make you proud someday' with 'Don't be looking down that way')

The giant was now put to sleep and the ponies, Spike and SpongeBob cheered for their victory. Twilight and her friends were very proud of SpongeBob, of his quick thinking and how he helped save the Crusaders. But meanwhile, in a dark cave off in the high distance of Ponyville, Strife was waiting for Plankton.

"Hey, Strifey!!!" Plankton called he walked into the cave. "Look what I got!" Plankton set the slippers on the ground in front of Strife.

Strife grinned evilly as he picked up the slippers, feeling their electricity. "Yes, yes!"

"And that's not all," Plankton added. Plankton then pulled from behind his back, five golden necklaces and a crown. "Behold!" Plankton announced. "The Elements of Harmony!"

Strife looked at the Elements and could feel the electricity coursing through his veins. Strife could only let an evil cackle, after finally discovering his powers.