//------------------------------// // Chapter 9 // Story: A war story // by Col_R4inbow_D4sh //------------------------------// Chapter 9 "Okay Everypony, You all know the chinese want to launch nukes and we need to stop them," Rainbow said "Yes but what are we gonna do?" Big Mac asked "We are going to push with everything we got, We need to destroy that nuclear silo," Rainbow answered "Okay what's the situation?" Soarin asked "The silo is surrounded by mountains and they are fortified with triple A not even carpet bombing will do anything, They got a big ass wall covering the only entrance, It has 2 gates, our MLRS are to weak to destroy the wall, all in all they got a fortress that in nearly invulnerable," Rainbow answered "That doesn't sound so good," Soarin replied "I will order laser guided ballistic missiles against the wall, That should destroy it after that we will go in and..., yea and that's pretty much as far as I am," Rainbow figured "Before we attack what is with the defence?" Soarin asked "Oh yea, They got around 5 armored battalions, 4 infantry battalions and even a company attack choppers," Rainbow answered "Okay, now what's the attack plan for the units?" Soarin asked "I uh I...," Rainbow answered "You got none did you?" Soarin asked "...," No answer, Rainbow just looked away. "How about we just take the army and rush in?" Soarin suggested "Ya serious? That would kill tons of ponies, how about we split the forces?" Big Mac suggested "No we need a full scale attack, but the choppers will stay in support," Spitfire suggested "What do you mean Rainbow?" all 3 ponies asked at ones "*wince* I uhh...," Rainbow began, "Ya know the split up would be best," Big Mac cut off "You serious? you want to split our force so they have the number advantage?" Spitfire asked This went on for a couple of minutes. by now Rainbow was on the ground hooves on her ears to block their talking and had her eyes closed so she didn't needed to see them fighting. But she still heard everything. "SHUT UP! BOTH OF YOU!" Soarin shouted "What is your problem now?" both Big Mac and Spitfire asked "Just shut up and look at Rainbow she's done thanks to you," Soarin answered "*Sniff*" In reply from Rainbow "Hey Dashie get up," Soarin said "Eh, Sorry Dash," Spitfire and Big Mac said at the same time "No no, it's okay, but I think I got a plan," Rainbow answered "Really? tell us!" all three off them answered "*Wince* O-okay, T-the armored battalions w-will go per right gate, the choppers per left and the artillery is on standby," Rainbow answered "Dash, I'll be honest that plan sucks," Soarin replied "Oh... Okay," Rainbow answered and let's her ears fall back and thinks again, the other 2 are fighting again "I-I got another plan" Rainbow said quietly "Shut up! Dash tell us!" Soarin said sharply "*Flinch* O-okay, T-the heavy armor will move per the right gate, the medium and light armor will go left with the infantry, The choppers will defend the artillery and the artillery will be ready to support fire, I-I'm sure the air force will standby too" Rainbow suggested a bit unsure "That," Big Mac began "Plan," Spitfire continued "Is awesome," Soarin finished "Then why are you still standing here? Move out!" Rainbow answered "Yes Ma'am," all three replied "Okay everypony, You all know the plan?" Rainbow asked "Yes Ma'am but what company has what?" Big Mac asked "Damn didn't thought about that... ehm, let me think real quick," Rainbow answered "Okay, I-I think I got it," Rainbow said "Alpha and Charlie will take the heavy armor, Bravo Medium armor, Echo Light armor, Foxtrot infantry, Delta the choppers, and Yankee-Five artillery as always," Rainbow ordered "Yes Ma'am," Everypony answered We began to march, Five minutes before we where there I ordered the missile strikes "Okay the entrances are free, Let's go!" Rainbow ordered "Yankee-Five, I need a MLRS barrage onto square: J14," Rainbow requested "Affirmative Ma'am, Firing for effect," The gunner answered a couple of seconds later "Perfect artillery hit, Keep those coordinates coming," The observer said "Damit, Enemy choppers incoming!" Big Mac informed "Air Force, we need an anti-aircraft strike onto square: H16-17," Rainbow ordered "Affirmative Ma'am, ETA: 15 seconds," A pony answered "Direct hit, Good job," Rainbow said "Okay, let's advance," Rainbow ordered "Dash, we got problems here, We could use support," Spitfire requested "*Sigh* Okay I send Big Mac over," Rainbow answered "Thanks," Spitfire replied "Dash are you sure? I mean we could get overrun here," Soarin figured "No were not, we will advance on this side because, most of their force will be on the left side now to interfere there ," Rainbow answered "Makes sense," Soarin replied "Then shut up and get this company moving" Rainbow replied "There it works! They are following Big Mac!" Soarin exclaimed "Told you, now go!" Rainbow replied "How long till launch?" Soarin asked "around 15 Minutes," Rainbow answered "Then we need to move faster," Soarin figured "Didn't I just said that a couple of seconds ago?" Rainbow asked "Maybe...," Soarin replied "Let's just move," Rainbow answered We began to move as fast as we could, by half of the way. "Is that an earthquake?" Rainbow asked "Holy...," Soarin replied "Did they?" Rainbow asked "Yep, They launched the rocket," Soarin answered "Here's HQ, We are trying to find the abort codes," A pony said "Affirmative, We are keep moving," Rainbow answered We cutted though their defence like butter, We had around 40 minutes till the rocket would hit, But we still moved as fast as we could, We didn't wanted to risk anything. "HQ did you got the abort codes yet?" Rainbow asked "Yes ma'am "Okay we will get moving then," Rainbow answered "How are we supposed to get in the bunker?" Soarin asked "We are gonna knock and if no one opens, We are gonna bust through their doors," Rainbow answered "Sounds good," Soarin replied "Then let's do it," Rainbow answered We used our tanks against their "Bomb proof" gates and they were gone. "Squad 1 you go left, We will go right," Rainbow ordered "Yes Ma'am," Big Mac replied We began to make our way to the control room. We passed several halls took out many soldiers. "Okay to the end of this hall then right down that hall and then left and we should be there," Rainbow informed "Don't let your guard down," Soarin added "Yea but we need to move fas...," Rainbow got cut off as a grenade rolled around the corner "Oh fuck!" Rainbow exclaimed Soarin grabbed Rainbow and pulled her away and laid on top of her all in a split second and the grenade exploded, "Agh!" Soarin exclaimed "Looks like I owe you one," Rainbow replied "Maybe," Soarin answered a little pained A Hippogriff jumped around the corner and Rainbow instantly planted a shot into his face "And there goes that" Rainbow said with a giggle "Yea," Soarin answered and rolled his eyes They just looked into each others eyes for a couple more seconds "Sir we need to keep going," A pony said "Oops yea sorry," Soarin replied with a blush He got up from Rainbow and helped her up "Soarin you feel okay?" Rainbow asked "Yea, Why?" Soarin asked back "Just because of the shrapnel's in your back," Rainbow answered "Looks worse than it is," Soarin replied "Then let's keep going," Rainbow replied As we continued I saw that Soarin limped and Winced every time his right back hoof hitted the ground. "You sure you are okay?" Rainbow asked worried "Yea I am," Soarin replied with an wince "Soarin I'm serious if you...," Rainbow got cut off as she jumped in front of him The next thing I know is, That I jumped in front of Soarin but I didn't saw that I would show me around the corner by that and 2 bullet ripped through my right back hoof and 1 got stuck in my right flank. "Agh!" Rainbow exclaimed and jumped forward and knocked over Soarin In a matter of seconds I was on my back and a medic was bandaging my back hoof all the way up to my flank, As soon as they where done. "We won't be able to get through that, But I already got an idea," Rainbow said "And what?" Soarin asked "You Soarin throw a grenade around the corner and leave the rest to me," Rainbow answered "Okay... 3...2...1... Go!," Soarin exclaimed Soarin threw a grenade around the corner as soon as it exploded I rushed to the other side of the hallway and carried on, I went into the room behind the MG through a second door, It wasn't so heavily guarded but still, There where around 6 hippogriffs Rainbow threw her last grenade a flashbang, all 6 hippogriffs got blinded. Before they knew anything 4 of them were dead, She ran to one of the dead bodies tooked a grenade and threw it behind the MG gunner, And he was gone, But the 2 Hippogriffs who weren't blinded anymore jumped on top of her pinning her, They both nodded at each other they made themselves ready to beat her, but before they could something Soarin rushed around the corner and shot them down from Rainbow. "Thanks," Rainbow said as she stood up "No problem," Soarin replied as they began to walk again They walked out of the room and through the last hallway "Okay we are nearly there it should be around this corner," Rainbow said and peeked around the corner "Strange no one in here," Rainbow figured as she walked into the room "Let's just hope it keeps like that," Soarin answered They began to make their way further into the room and moved to a computer "Okay uploading the abort codes now," Rainbow informed "Launch aborted," Did a computer voice say, "Okay now let's get out of here," Rainbow said "Good idea," Soarin replied We fought our way back out and got back into our tanks and began to move against the Chinese main city.