Lost Memories and New Experiences

by Brony4life360

Chapter 1

Darkness. That's all I see while I am laying face-first in the grass. All I can feel is the grass I am laying on, and the fresh air blowing across my body. I wonder where I am, because I don't remember falling asleep on a hill. I should be at my home in... I can't remember where my home is... Wait I can't remember anything! My eyes shoot open as I quickly push myself up. I have to squint as my vision gets assulted by the bright landscape. What the hell! Why can't I remember anything! "Wow," I say to myself out loud, "This is just fan-motherfucking-tastic. I can't remember anything, and I don't know where the hell I am. But hey, look at the bright side, at least the view is nice."
Now taking a better look now that the countryside, I am amazed by the view! Soft hills stretch forever it seems. Their are majestic looking mountains in the distance, and looking closer at the mountains, I can see a city on the side of one of the mountains. I think to myself Is that even possible without it falling? I can't even think to know how the heck that thing is staying up there. Now abandoning that train of thought, I look for any sign of a nearby town. There! I say in my mind just as I spot a little town in the distance. Maybe I can get someone to help me! I start to walk twards the town when I trip over something. "Shit!" I yell as I try to keep myself from faceplanting.
Looking at the object that I tripped over, I notice that there are three objects sitting in the grass. One looks to be a ball for some type of sport. The second object is just a small piece of oddly-shaped metal, and the last one is an unusual looking sword.

Well, This is... Different. Maybe I should take these things with me.Looking down at my jeans and t-shirt, I see that I, somehow, have a sheath for the sword, and I can store the metal piece in one of my pockets. I will have to carry the ball in my arms though, unfortunately.
Sliding the sword into its sheath, the metal piece into my pocket, and picking up the ball, I set off towards the town. I hear a quiet noise behind me, like the beating of some wings. I turn and see that there's nothing there, so I just shrug and keep heading towards the town.
Now that I am closer to the town, some more features pop out to me. The first thing that stuck out to me was the style of housing. most buildings seemed to be made out of wood with thatched roofs. Odd, but if there is something that can help me here, I won't question it.
Before I can shout out a call for help, I hear a soft whump right behind me. Startled, I quickly turn around and I find a...
It's a cyan colored pony with a rainbow mane and wings. It has fucking wings. Yes thats right, that's the first thing that goes through my mind. This thing that looks roughly like a pony has wings. Also the fact that it is extremely brightly colored and has magenta eyes the size of dinner plates is well, pretty unnatural. What. The. Fuck.
"Alright you... creature, you take one more step towards Ponyville and you will regret it." it growled.
I observed that it spoke with a higher-pitched voice that was a little scratchie. Based off of this I could only assume it was a female. Wait, she just spoke perfect English. I was so shocked that I didn't even realise that I just remembered something from my past.
"Hey!" she shouts, snapping me back to reality, "If you don't start talking right now I am going to kick your flank into next week!"
Oh shit she seems pissed! I was freaking out because I didn't know what to do, so i did the only thing that my mind was telling me to do. Although it probably wasn't the best decision, I went and ran into the nearest forest.
"Hey wa-" She tried to call me, but I was already in the forest. Not even slowing down, I was dodging trees left and right. After a little while,(felt like a few goddamn hours) I tripped on a vine and flew towards a huge tree. SHIIIIIT Apparently I had enough momentum to smash through that tree. And the other two behind it. "MOTHERFUCKER!" I scream in pain as I land. Suprisingly though, as I look at my body, there dosent seem to be much damage exept for a few bruises and small cuts. I also notice that I had left my ball at the place that I had started running from. Damn. Okay, so running full-speed into a unknown forest where it might be pretty dangerous was not a very good idea. Let's try to head back to the... awww SHIT. Where am I? Okay calm down. First of all was that a fucking pony back there!?! Are there more of their species? I sigh, then growl to myself in a low voice, "Well let's try to find that town again, even I have no idea what's going to happen it's probably better than this for-." I'm cut of by a chours of loud growls. Looking behind me, I see at least ten pairs of glowing green eyes.


Rainbow Dash was just having a regular day. She just woke up at six in the morning, went to her job at Ponyville's weather center, got her job done early, as always, and was just about to go out and practice some of her new tricks in the cool afternoon air. But today, she spotted soething pretty odd at the edge of her vision.
What in the hay is that? She asks herself before slowly flying closer to the creature. It looked similar to a monkey, it had four limbs and seemed to be walking on only two of them. It seems to lack a fur coat, but has clothing over most of it's body. The only mane that it seems to have is at the very top of its head a short, light-brown mane. Silently flying closer, she can see that it dosent have and hooves, instead it has hands like Spike, just that the ends are rounded unlike Spike's claws.
The one thing that really caught her eye though, was the sheath that held what looked like a sword. Now extremely worried, she tried to sneak up on it and tell it to go back home. But she saw it stop and start to turn, so she quickly flew up about ten feet to keep herself out of its sight. Looking back down at the weird creature, she glimpses it shruging and continuing on it's route. She lets out a breath of relief and tries to look ahead towards its destination.
Oh buck. Her eyes widen and her heart leaps into her throat, it was going directly towards Ponyville! Oh Celestia what do I do! She screams silently before she regains her composure, after all she is the most awesome pony in Equestria. She could definetaly stop this weird creature, whatever it was.
She quickly bolts down to the ground behind the creature, "Alright you... creature, you take one more step towards Ponyville and you will regret it." Okay, if I keep this up, I can probably can lead it away from town. As the creature turns around, she gets a good look at its face. It had no real muzzle, it was round and pretty flat all around. The thing that really got her attention though, was its eyes. They acted kind of like her mane exept if you moved your head only slightly, its eyes changed colors. It looked at her with one kind of expression she didn't think she would see off of the creature, bewilderment. It was like the creature had never even seen a pony before! Enough of that! Let's see if I can get it away from town. She waits a little bit for the creature to speak, but her patience had run out "Hey!" she shouts, "If you don't start talking right now I am going to kick your flank into next week!"
Now she sees that that last little bit was too much as the creature started to twitch and fidget, obviously terrified. Crap. Rainbow Dash thought. She didn't want to terrify it, she just wanted to lead it away. But before she could say anything else, the creature was allready sprinting in the direction of the Everfree Forest. "Hey wait, come back!" She yells, but there was no way it could have heard her.
Now nearing panic levels, Rainbow thought to try and go after the creature, but there was no way she was going to step into that forest alone. And aswell, she probably couldn't track it if she tried.
Rainbow now realised that she had one option left. Flying as quick as she could into Ponyville, there was only one pony that could help her get that creature out of the forest. Twilight