//------------------------------// // Prolouge // Story: Finding Home // by flanigomik //------------------------------// The forest path was unnaturally dim, even more so that what was the norm for the Everfree. Storm Charger's grey fur blended into the shadow, but his emerald eyes shone out past his mane like green bulbs. He wore no armor whatsoever, and his horn was longer than most, typical of a Lunar Guard. He moved another vine from his path, trying to get his bearings in this seemingly endless forest. He heard a twig snap. Storm's ears perked straight up, and he whirled around, the electric blue glow from his horn lighting up the path. "W-who goes there?" he asked. He heard a scream and what sounded like a filly running. Storm tilted his head, Searching or the source. "W-what? Hello?" he yelled, taking of after the sound. The sound kept moving, twigs snapping and leaves crunching. "Stop! I-I wont hurt you!" he said, beginning to pant. he heard the sound of something tripping. there was a loud crunch as it hit the ground. "H-hello?" Storm called out, looking for the pony. he saw a rainbow colored tail sticking up from a bush and he trotted over, carefully opening up the bush. "H-hello?" he parted the bushes finding a small filly laying unconscious with a cut on her forehead. Storm gasped in surprise, and lifted the little filly out of the bust with magic, laying her carefully on a log. "My L-Luna..." she was out cold and bleeding lightly. He took a clump of moss and secured it around her wound with a strand of grass, trying to wake her. she mumbled a bit but did not wake up. "Come on...." he mumbled, wiping some of the blood from her small face. she stirred a little. "Yes, that's it..." he said, letting a bit of magic into her to help her wake up. she awoke slowly and stared up at him her eyes full with fear. "It's alright, little one. I pose no threat." She screamed and tired to stand falling with what seems to be a broken leg. "S-stay still, you are hurt....." Storm advised, emerald eyes glowing. "We need to get you out of the forest." he saw the filly try, and fail to escape, collapsing. "I mean it, little one." Storm said, at least trying to sound soothing. "Where do you live?" The filly remained still as a stone, hiding behind her legs. "Listen...do I look like a creature meant to harm you?" he asked, hiding his fangs. "At least tell me your name, little one." "d- don't eat me! p- please!" the little mare pleaded. Storm couldn't help but laugh. "Eat you? Why would I ever do that?" "y- you are a- a everfree m- monster! d- don't hurt me..." she said trembling. Storm's ears drooped, slightly hurt from her words. "I-I am no monster......" "b- but you aren't a p- pegusi... o- or an earth pony..." "Im a unicorn......" Storm replied, slightly confused. "a- a wh- what?" the filly replied "A unicorn..... are you telling me you have never seen a unicorn before?" he asked. the filly shook her head nervously. "Strange...." "s- strange? w- what's w- wrong with y- your head?" Storm chuckled. "Nothing wrong. That's my horn, it lets me cast spells." "s- spells? a- are y- you a witch?" she asked in fear "Hardly. Just a unicorn, little one." he paused "I am just a pony like you...." "b- but... i- i have never s- seen a- anypony like you..." She trembled looking terrified. "Does being different make a pony dangerous, little one?" "i- it can... p- people a- are scared of me..." "Scared of you?" Storm asked, sitting on the loamy ground. "Why ever would ponies be scared of you?" "b- because i- i have wings... l- like the h- high class..." "the......high class?" Storm replied, clearly confused at this point. "Where....do you live, exactly?" "i- in the town... o- over there... what do you mean?" she replied looking equally as confused. "A town? In this part of the forest?" "the forest edge is over th- there. wh- what do you mean?" "I do not know of a town around here, on any map......my Luna...." Storm exclaimed, getting more curious by the second "wh- what? what d- does th- that mean?" "What does what mean, little one?" "L- Luna?" Storm's eyes widened, aghast. "You...do not know of the princess? What of Celestia, and Twilight, ring any bells?" "my mommy s- says that name sometimes.. T- Twilight?" "Yes, princess Twilight." Storm replied, slightly relieved. "Can...can you take me to the town?" "i- i can't walk... please don't tell my mommy..." she pleaded "I wont. Come on, i'll carry you." Storm said, levitating her onto his back. "Just show me the way, little one." She looked completely terrified to be in the air and not flying "o- ok... th- that way..." she said pointing in to the distance. Storm began to trot in that direction, careful to keep the ride comfortable. "You still have not told me your name." "A- Apple Crisp..." she replied, fear still in her voice. "A nice name. You may call me Storm Charger, or just Storm. It is a pleasure to meet you, Apple Crisp." "y- you too S- Storm... oww... my leg..." she said in pain. Storm looked her over, there was just something about her he could not place. "You know..... you look very much alike somepony I have seen before. In ponyville, perhaps." Storm said, slowing a bit for her leg. "I cannot put a name on them though." he said thoughtfully "Ponyvil?" she asked looking up at him like she knew the name but not it's meaning. "A small town, very cheery. Not a place for me, but still a good place to visit." he said. "o- oh... mommy used to say that a lot..." she paused "when we were little..." "Who was your mother? Was she from ponyville?" Storm asked, looking over his shoulder at her. "ummm...." she hesitated seeming timid. "why?" "She may be the pony I was thinking about.....Rainbow Gust or something along those lines." "Rainbow D- Dash?" she asked looking somewhat fearful of anyone who used to know her mother. Storms ears perked up. "Yes, her!" he exclaimed, then stopped, the realization hitting him. "Wait .... YOU are the daughter of Rainbow Dash?" "y- yes..." she coward a bit feeling small "h- how do y- you know my m- mommy?" "I was friends with Twilight for some time. They were friends, so I met her a few times." timidly she asked "u- um... ok... a- are you my daddy?" Storm's eyes widened. "N-no, of c-course not! Me and Rainbow w-where never close!" "oh..." she blushed a bit "i wish i had a daddy..." "You...do not know your father?" Storm replied, ears drooping as he continued along. "n- no... m- mommy won't talk about him... ponies make fun of me for it..." she said sadly "That is....terrible." Storm said quietly, moving a vine out of the way with magic. "I never knew my parents, myself...." "y- you didn't? wh- why?" "I am a....special breed of pony. When I was born, my parents left me in Luna's care. She is as close to a parent I have..." "a- are all unicorns like that?" she asked Storm chuckled. "Very few of the Guard are. I was a rare occurrence. Most of us are pegasi, like yourself." "o- oh... real pegasi?" Storm nodded. "Wings and all." "not the fake ones?" she asked "Fake ones? There is no way to fake that....beyond some very powerful magic, of course." "nooo.... it's really easy... i think... all the rich people have them... there are only a few real ones... like eight i think..." she said sounding unsure of herself. "Fake....wings?" Storm replied, noticing they were reaching the edge of the forest. "yeah... mommy says me and my sister are special... b- because w- we are real..." "How odd....." Storm mumbled to himself.."Are we almost there?". the trees began to thin and a small hill came into view. at the top seems to be a small house with a balloon on top. "over the hill..." Storm raised an eyebrow, and made his way up the hill. the farther he went, the bigger the house got but it didn't seem to be getting any closer. "What in the...." Storm breathed, still moving forward. they reached the top of the hill. below was a sprawling city, industry everywhere. Storm took it all in, there was a lot to see. pegusi flew about, this way and that moving cargo and running errands, the streets were full of ponies all going about their business. the buildings increased in size the farther up the valley they were until it was all mansions fixed to the opposite cliff face. right at the top was a dock like nothing Storm had seen before. four massive ships, suspended by blimps were docked, some taking on people, others offloading cargo. "In Luna's name...." Storm said, completely astounded, almost not believing what he was seeing.