Counting Stars

by BronySoldier98

Counting Stars

One night, Twilight broke her telescope. So she had to buy a new one.
Once she did, she had to assemble it. After that, she had an idea. Her idea was to have a sleepover with Applejack and Fluttershy!
So, she invited them. She decided to give them the invitations in pony. She wrote them and then set out to find her two friends.
She knocked on Fluttershy's door. "Fluttershy, are you home?" she asked. Fluttershy opened the door.
"Oh, hello Twilight." she answered. "What is it?"
"My sleepover! You're invited! I just bought a new telescope and was wondering if you and Applejack would like to come over. We could sleep under the stars and use it!" Twilight said excitedly. "If you want to come with me to invite Applejack, you could bring your stuff."
"Oh my, that sounds lovely! Of course I'll come! Just give me a second to get my things..." She gathered her sleepover supplies and hurried back outside.
The two of them made a quick trip to Twilight's to drop off Fluttershy's stuff, then went to Applejack's barn. She was outside in the orchard, bucking apples.
"Hey, Applejack." Twilight says to her. "Sorry for disturbing you, but Fluttershy and I were wondering if you wanted to come to my place for a sleepover. I got a new telescope and wanted to try it out!"
"Well, that's real nice of ya to invite me." Applejack replied, pausing her work. "I'm sure I could come and finish this all later. Hold on, I've gotta get my stuff." She disappeared inside the barn and came back out with a bag. They were all ready to get their party on!
"I'm so glad you could come!" Fluttershy said to Applejack in her usual soft, quiet voice. "The more, the merrier!"
"Hey, Twilight? Why didn't you invite the others?" Applejack asked.
"They were all busy. But I knew you two would probably be available." Twilight answered.
"Yay! We're here!" Applejack exclaimed. She set her stuff down next to Fluttershy's. "Are you going to do it by that book again, Twilight? It might keep everythin' a bit more organized."
"Yep!" Twilight answered, grinning. "It's right over here on my shelf. Spike! Could you find my sleepover book for me please?"
Spike jumped. "Oh! Yeah!" He climbed up the ladder to the place where that particular book always is and scanned the shelves. Not finding it, he moved the ladder over and over again to new spots, still not seeing it. "Twilight, it's not on any of the book shelves. You must have left it somewhere."
"Spike, it has to be on one of them. The last time I used it was at Rarity's and Applejack's sleepover. After that, I remember putting it away on the right shelf!"
"Well then either it's invisible, or you just don't remember where you put it." Spike climbed down the ladder.
"Um, Twilight?" Fluttershy said. "It's ok. We don't have to use the book. We can just have fun and do things in our own order."
"That's very kind of you, Fluttershy, but I'm afraid this sleepover may be a total bust if we don't do it by the book." Twilight explained. "Anyway, I'm sure it's around here somewhere..."
Twilight, Fluttershy, and Applejack turned the library upside down looking for hours for the book, and still it was nowhere to be seen. Twilight sighed sadly after checking under her bed for the 5th time. She just couldn't perfect the sleepover without that special sleepover book!
"I'm sorry, everypony." she said. "We might not have fun tonight all because I misplaced my book. I'm very sorry." She felt Applejack pat her on the back.
"Come on, Twilight." she said. "We don't need no silly book to have fun! Didn't you say you got a new telescope?"
Twilight looked up. "You aren't mad?" she asked. They shook their heads. "Then, I guess we could go test my telescope now then!"
She took her two friends up to her room and showed them her telescope. It was very fancy with a bunch of buttons and details and designs. They ooohed and aaaahed.
"Wow! That must've cost a fortune!" Flutters commented. "It's so beautiful!"
"Thanks. I actually traded my old one in to get it! They said my old one was very valuable, even though it was broken, and gave me this in return!" Twilight said. "Pretty neat, huh?"
They brought the contraption outside and set it up. It was pitch black, but the sky was lit up by billions of stars and the moon. There was a slight breeze, but other than that, it was a warm Summer night.
Twilight peeked through the lens of the telescope. The crescent moon was what it was zoomed on, and it made it look more beautiful than ever.
"Wow. This is much better than the one I used to have." Twilight said dreamily. "Fluttershy, want to take a look?"
"Sure." Fluttershy replied. Twilight took a step back to make room for her. She looked at the moon and all of the glimmering stars. "This is amazing! It zooms closer than any other telescope I know!"
Next it was Applejack's turn. The cycle kept going until they had started to get sleepy.
"Why don't we sleep under the stars tonight?" Twilight offered. "It's a very wonderful night."