//------------------------------// // The Mare in the Moon // Story: My Little Pony Rangers: Enter the Nightmare // by Lance Skyes //------------------------------// Foreword: From what I have heard, an “aliacorn” (which I likely spelled incorrectly) is a Pegasus-Unicorn. Now, Chapter 2: Pinkie Pie was throwing her weekly party at Sugarcube Corner. Her friends Applejack, Rainbow Dash, Rarity, and Fluttershy, were all there. “Oh, this party is truly one to behold!” commented Rarity. “Yeah, I think you really topped yourself this time, Pinkie,” added Fluttershy, quietly. “Oh, you guys are just saying that,” replied Pinkie. “No, you really topped yourself,” said Applejack, indicating whipped cream on Pinkie’s mane. Pinkie noticed it as the others sat there, laughing. “Hehe... I have been kinda busy lately...” said Pinkie Pie, slightly embarrassed. Meanwhile, there was a hatch on the moon that looked like a garbage chute. There was a small red gem that began to glow. Suddenly, the hatch exploded open, and there stood Nightmare Moon, an aliacorn with a dark black coat, a flowing mane that resembled the night sky, and a crescent moon cutie mark. “Ahh!” she said. “After 1000 years, I’m free! It’s time to bring Equestria into eternal night! But not without my minions. Come out! the door is open!” As Nightmare said this her minions came out one by one. First, a Griffin named Gilda. Then, a blue unicorn named Trixie. After Trixie came a zebra decorated with gold rings named Zecora. Last, a manticore. “It is nice to finally be out,” commented Zecora. “Now our plans will succeed without a doubt.” “Honestly,” said Trixie, “I don’t see why we failed in the first place.” “It was my sister, Celestia,” replied Nightmare. “She used the Elements of Harmony to seal us here. But she is trapped in a time warp and unable to escape. Now we will conquer! But first, lets put a scare into the Equestrians...” As she said this, her horn began glowing and a large ball of energy formed at the tip. After it got bigger, she hurled it down to Equestria. It hit and caused a large earthquake. At Canterlot Castle, there was a purple baby dragon named Spike, and he was going crazy with the earthquake. “It’s the big one! I knew it was coming! We’re all doomed!” Suddenly, the head of Princess Celestia appeared in a large tube. “Calm down spike!” she said. “It’s Luna, she’s escaped. Teleport to us five able-bodied and over-emotional ponies.” “No!” Spike protested. “Anything but tenagers!” “We have no other choice, Spike.” “Fine,” sighed Spike. Back at Sugarcube Corner, the effects of the earthquake were not being ignored. Ponies were running left and right. Even pegasi forgot they could fly in the panic and continued to run. “Everypony!!!!” exclaimed Pinkie. “Try to leave in an orderly fashion!” “Pinkie!” said Rarity, “Even I can’t think about fashion at a time like- oh, I see what you are talking about.” As Pinkie and her friends were running, they were suddenly stopped by an invisible force. “What’s going on?” asked Fluttershy. “Everypony hold on to something!” shouted Rainbow Dash as they were instantly turned into beams of light and carried into the air, speeding toward Canterlot Castle. When they finally stopped, they found themselves in a strange, dimly-lit room, full of computers. “Well, ah’ll be,” exclaimed Applejack. “We are definitely not in Ponyville, anymore.” “No, you’re in Canterlot,” said Spike, coming out of the shadows behind them. Fluttershy jumped with fear when she saw Spike. “That’s a... that’s a... that’s a dragon!” she exclaimed. “Oh, he’s so adorable!” said Rarity, her comment being met with a `one of those days` stare by Spike. “Eh, why are we here again?” “That will come in due time,” said Celestia, appearing in the tube. “But first, I am-” “Princess Celestia!” exclaimed Applejack, cutting Celestia off. “Yes,” replied Celestia. “I am the guardian of your world, raising the sun and the moon every day and night.” “And I’m Spike,” said Spike. “You five have been sent here to protect Equestria from the evil clutches of Nightmare Moon and her army of Putty Ponies.” Then, necklaces with gems on them were placed on the ponies. Rainbow Dash’s had a lightning-bolt gem, Rarity a diamond, Applejack an apple, Fluttershy a butterfly, and Pinkie Pie a balloon. “To do this, you will need the power of the Elements of Harmony and the dino-zords. Pinkie Pie, playful and ecstatic, you will command the element of laughter and the pterodactyl zord.” As Celestia said this, a rainbow went down the entirety of Pinkie’s body, morphing her into the Pink Ranger. “Fluttershy, caring and agile, you will command the element of kindness and the Sabretooth tiger zord.” The same happened with Fluttershy, except morphing her into the Yellow Ranger. “Rarity, selfless yet strong, you command the element of generosity and the mastodon zord,” Rarity morphed into the Black Ranger. “Applejack, truthful and fearless, you will command the element of honesty and the triceratops zord,” Applejack morphed into the Blue Ranger. “Rainbow Dash, strong and brave, you will command the element of Loyalty and the tyrannozord.” Rainbow Dash morphed into the Red Ranger. “When you are in danger, wear your Elements and call their name out loud morphing you into an elite fighting force known to one and all as... the Pony Rangers.” The five just stood there, de-morphed, as if they had heard something that changed their lives forever. Then, Applejack started walking away. “Applejack,” called Fluttershy, “where are you going?” “Off the loony express,” she replied. “Dinozords? Elements of Harmony? Pony Rangers? It sounds to me like one big prank.” “I have to agree with AJ, here,” said Rainbow Dash. “Girls, Princess Celestia chose us, specifically to save Equestria,” said Pinkie. “And besides, I know a prank when I see one, trust me.” “You can leave,” said Spike, “but you’ll be as powerless as any other pony and therefore, doomed.” “Well, I do happen to like these morphers,” said Rarity, indicating the gem on her power morpher. “Well, mah decision is final,” said AJ as she walked off. “Yeah... this doesn’t seem like it would be very exciting,” said Rainbow Dash, following AJ. As the ponies were walking out of the castle, Nightmare Moon noticed them from her lunar base. “ZECORA!” she shouted. “Are the putty ponies ready yet? They should have been done by now!” “I apologize for the delay, my lord, but patience is something that we must afford,” said Zecora. “This machine has been idle for some time-” “And it isn’t worth a dime!” said Nightmare, cutting Zecora off. “Hurry it up!” The manticore walked in, seeming impatient. “Why can’t I just go down there, myself?” “You underestimate the Elements of Harmony,” said Trixie from a corner of the room, seeming to come out of meditation. “Celestia used them to seal Lord Moon here. They could make short work of you, on your own.” “Fine,” said the manticore. “The last of the putties are almost ready. You will not regret this, you shall see.” said Zecora, putting one more dozen of putties in the oven. “This last dozen will fight those mares, five. They will not be able to survive.” Meanwhile, the ponies were leaving the castle through a large and empty field. They seemed lost, both physically (being in the middle of nowhere) and mentally (pondering the “Pony Rangers” happening). “I’m not sure if we should have walked away like that,” said Fluttershy, breaking a long silence. “That all seemed pretty legit...” “Legit, my hoof,” replied AJ. “The only way I’d believe all of that is if we happened to run into a group of her `putty ponies`.” At that exact moment, they were all jumped by a group of putty ponies, moving around them intimidatingly. “Ok,” said AJ, “I believe everything Celestia said, now.” “We have to fight them,” said Rainbow Dash. At that, the five went in different directions to take on separate groups of putties. Applejack went head on toward two putties, ducking at the last second to split-kick them both to little effect. The two putties took advantage of Applejack being off balance and threw her into a large rock. Pinkie Pie pulled a cake out of nowhere that said “Yay! Friends!” and handed it to her group of putties. The putties looked at eachother for a moment, then one took Pinkie’s head and smashed it into her cake. When Pinkie got up, her cake said “Go bronies!” “How is that even possible?” she asked herself. Then the putties knocked her into Applejack, who was just then getting up, only to be knocked down by the thrown Pinkie Pie. “Cake?” she asked Applejack, holding the smashed desert in her hoof. Rarity, being a unicorn, used her magic to hurl small rocks at the putties with little success. She was then knocked into the air by a putty behind her and thrown toward the others. As she fell, she used her magic to make a large lounge chair appear where she was falling, which happened to be on top of the others. Rarity landed safely, but the others were stuck under the lounge chair. “Well, you didn’t expect me to land on the ground and get dirty, did you?” said Rarity, trying to justify her actions. Rainbow Dash was flying toward her group of putties, knocking some of them to the ground, but she was having little success in keeping them down. She was fighting very well until several putties swarmed her at once, throwing her by the wings into the pile of the others. Fluttershy was being closed in on by several putties. When she noticed what happened to the others, she just casually walked over to the others and sat. “There’s no way we can beat them,” said Rarity. “Wait,” said Applejack, “Celestia gave us these Elements of Harmony for a reason. Ah think we need to use ‘em.” “Ok,” said Rainbow Dash. “It’s morphin’ time!” “Honesty!” shouted Applejack. “Kindness!” “Laughter!” “Generosity!” “Loyalty!” As the ponies shouted their respective Elements, they morphed into Pony Rangers. “They did it!” shouted Spike. “They morphed!” “That’s good,” said Celestia. “Teleport them back to Ponyville, Luna’s manticore is attacking!” The Rangers were then teleported to Ponyville, where they battled a large number of putty ponies with surprising ease. Then, after the putties were gone, they all went after the manticore. “The rangers are stronger than we first thought,” said Zecora, “Perhaps it is time for a change in our plot.” “Just one minor change,” said Nightmare Moon. “Or should I say... a mega change.” She then walked outside of her lunar base, charging her horn. “Powers of the moon, make manticore... grow!” she shouted as she fired a ball of energy from her horn down to Equestria, hitting the manticore square on. In Ponyville, the Rangers noticed the ball of energy hit the manticore. Suddenly, the manticore started growing to enormous proportions. “Now, I will crush you rangers to dust!” shouted the now gigantic manticore. “Ohmygoodness! Ohmygoodness! Ohmygoodness!” repeated Fluttershy out of fear. “How are we going to fight him now?” asked Rarity. “We need dinozord power, now!” exclaimed Rainbow Dash. “How did you know you had to say that?” asked Pinkie. “I dunno... instinct?” At that moment, the dinozords came charging in. There was a red tyrannosaurus, a blue triceratops, a black mastodon, a yellow sabre-tooth tiger, and a pink pterodactyl. The rangers jumped in to their respective zords and started charging at the manticore. However, the manticore was too fast, and managed to easily dodge the attack. “We need to form the megazord, now!” shouted Rainbow Dash. “Right,” replied Fluttershy, Applejack, and Rarity. The sabre-tooth and triceratops tucked in their legs, revealing wheels. The tyrannozord folded it’s legs, causing it knees to face forward. The tyrannozord’s knees then connected to the triceratops and sabre-tooth. The mastodon split it’s head from it’s body. It’s body came up in front of the tyrannozord, forming the chest, while the head came up behind it, it’s tusks going over the tyrannozord’s shoulders. The mastadon’s tusks became guns as the tyrannozord grabbed them with its tiny arms, and the tank-like zord coasted to a stop. “Now, we’re ready for battle!” shouted Rainbow Dash as the tank started charging toward the manticore, guns ablaze. However, the guns did not seem to do as much damage as the rangers would have desired, and the manticore knocked the tank on its side. “We’re sitting ducks!” shouted Rainbow Dash. “WE LANDED ON DUCKS?” shouted Fluttershy, obviously scared. “No, Fluttershy, we didn’t land on any animals,” said Applejack, reassuring Fluttershy. “You’re still all mine,” said the manticore, advancing on the fallen tank. “Not if I have anything to say about it!” shouted Pinkie Pie, charging at the manticore with the pterodactyl zord. The zord’s wing started to glow as it slashed the manticore away from the tank. “That’s why we weren’t strong enough,” said Rarity. “We left Pinkie out.” “Ok, Rangers,” called Rainbow Dash, “Let’s try this again. Megazord, go!” “Megazord sequence initiated,” said a robotic voice coming from the zord as it went into a standing position. The guns spun around until they were hands. The pterodactyl flew toward the zord, tucking in it’s wings and head to form a chestplate. The head of the tyrannozord tucked in, being replaced by a human-like head. As the pterodactyl chestplate attached to the megazord, the horns extended from behind the zord’s head. The completed megazord went into an offensive stance. “Megazord, complete!” shouted the Rangers in unison. “Now, to call the Power Sword!” said Rainbow Dash. A large sword came from the sky and stabbed itself into the ground in front of the megazord. The megazord then grabbed it and held it toward the manticore. “No, you are not killing me with that,” said the manticore. “I’m outta here.” Then, the manticore teleported away. The megazord then went into a triumphant stance as the rangers inside celebrated their victory. Then, Pinkie raised her hoof to quiet the others. “I have something very important to say,” she said. The others paid attention. “This calls for a...” but the rangers knew what she was going to say. “USELESS!” shouted Nightmare as the manticore returned. “You fled from the battle when the Pony Rangers showed you their greatest power!” “This wouldn’t have happened if you hadn’t run in with your guard down,” said Trixie. “I’m sorry,” said the manticore. “I will try to get more data next time.” “You better,” said Nightmare. “Now leave me alone, I have a headache!” Later, Pinkie Pie was holding a party to celebrate the Pony Rangers (who were there, but not morphed) and their defeat of the giant manticore. Doctor Whooves and Derpy (dropping tray after tray) were helping Pinkie serve the large crowd of ponies. “I can’t believe Pinkie threw this party,” said Rarity. “Really?” asked Rainbow Dash. “Really? This is Pinkie Pie. She throws a party at the drop of a hat.” “I’m just glad she has help,” said Fluttershy, noting Doctor Whooves. “Yeah,” said Applejack sarcastically, noting Derpy, “Help.” “I know I should be having fun here,” said Rarity, “but I can’t sit idly with the thought of what happened today. It was all just... and Canterlot Castle...” As Rarity was saying this, Sweetie Belle was walking up to her, but stopped. “Why is my sister talking about Canterlot Castle?” she asked herself. “Eh, it’s probably nothing,” and she walked off. TO BE CONTINUED!