//------------------------------// // Why Me? // Story: The Diddling Duet: Morning Mishap // by Glitch Hooves //------------------------------// Quite and still. Mornings as such come almost as common as breathing. But when around Vinyl, they are as rare as a three legged snake, sadly. But one such occasion had this still morning occurred, even for a such a little time. Once again... sadly. Vinyl was simply using her turntable. But something was different, normally she would turn up that blasted thing to the point that even the spine of the world would begin to tremble, but today, she decided to subjugate her own ears to this torment by wearing ear phones. Though I could still hear it from the other side of the room, it was as close as I would get to a quite morning. Sadly. I was sitting by the windowsill, a warm cup of tea by my hoof, exotic type it was; came from a land farthest away. Although the ingredients were... questionable to say the least, the taste was magnificent. I must remind myself to find some of this. "Vineapple," some other day. I could hear the gentle breeze on the park nearest to us, the birds singing, the leaves rustling in the warm summer breeze. It was as a morning should be, quite and still. It was nature's music, and it was beautiful. Then suddenly, everything went dark. All the lights that helped the city shine brightly were extinguished, like a simple candle flame in the middle of a storm. Simply gone. The only light being the one entering through the window. Vinyl was the first to react. "Hu-wha? Hey, who killed the wubs?" she complained as her turntable powered down "Looks like the lights went out, perhaps a power outage. No need to fuss, they'll come back soon enough," I said "I've never felt so alone," I heard Vinyl whisper. "I'm right here, Vinyl," I said. Upon closer examination of her, I noticed her eyes were becoming the size of pinpricks. "Are you alright?" "I'm on edge Octy! Do you know what it's like to be on edge!?" she exclaimed in a growing panic. Slamming her hooves on the table. "Everyday," I replied simply. "What are we gonna do?" she asked, her head meeting the turntable's edge. "Oh we could do many things, simply chat, perhaps some card games to help pass the time, oh! What of Cuttle?" I suggested. Vinyl's head suddenly shot up, she looked to the door nearest to me as if she saw something. Her eyes were vacant, as if she was staring at a higher plane of existence. "Something the matter?" I asked, growing slightly worried. #### "Vinyl..." the ethereal version of Vinyl's head said to the alabaster unicorn. No seriously. It was a floating head. "Who-who are you?" she asked. "I am your consciousness, Vinyl," the head answered. "Why do you have Octy's accent?" she asked again. "For I am smarter than you, Vinyl" the head answers again. "I guess that makes sense..." "Wonderful day, is it not?" the head asked. Vinyl turned her attention to the window, a grey glob was blocking half of it, but she could still see sunlight pouring in from the window. "Yeah, I guess." "Don't you wish to explore it?" the head asked. "Not really," she answered. "Why must you be such an ignoramoose?" the head asked in a disappointed voice. "Wait what!?" "Do you not remember your youth, Vinyl, when all you would do was frolic in the fields. To feel the wind in your mane, the feeling of freedom, and the rush of adrenaline. Do you not miss it so?" the head asked. "Hey, yeah you're right!" Vinyl announced getting on all four hooves. The head gave an approving nod. "I'm gonna seize the day!" Vinyl cried. "There you go!" the head agreed "I'm gonna grab the lemons Life gave me, and burn sompony's house down with it," she exclaimed. "Right..?" "I'm gonna go out there and make the world my-" "Too much, Vinyl," the head warned. "Hey how'd you know what I was gonna-" "I am you Vinyl, the smarter you, remember?" "Oh yeah... well thanks bye!" Vinyl Said before the head faded out of existence and into the deep recesses of Vinyl's head. #### "I'm gonna do it Octy!" Vinyl announced, snapping out of her trance. "Do what, Vinyl? And don't you dare say 'me'," Octavia said. "I'm gonna go outside," Vinyl answered. "Vinyl, we went outside yesterday, we went for a walk together, remember?" Octavia said; unamused look on her face. "No, Octy! You cannot convince me otherwise, this is something I must do... alone," she said this last bit in an overly dramatic tone. "Okay? Have fun? I suppose.." "Fare thee well, Octavia! May our paths cross again in the future!" Vinyl announced before walking out to the outside world beyond. Octavia stared at the door, confused expression at the events that had just transpired. She was near ready to go after Vinyl and tell her to snap out of it when she realized. It was morning, it was silent, and best of all, it was calm. No interruptions, no loud music, just silence. With a warm smile, she took in a deep breath and stared out the window. Enjoying the warm light, listening in on the sounds of outside. 'On this world, there is no heaven, but pieces of it.' It was quite and still. As a morning should be. Mornings such as this are as common as breathing for any other pony. But for Octavia, they were as rare as a three legged snake. She wasn't going to let it pass, she was going to savor it for however long it will to last. SLAM For bucks sake. She heard the door slam to an open and close as a very messy Vinyl suddenly burst through the living room. Twigs were in her hair and she had a small cut on her muzzle. "Don't ask how, Tavi, but I think I made something really mad!" she cried. "Vinyl, what in Equestria are you-!" A deep growling noise was heard outside their home, soon followed by screaming and an earth shattering roar. "*sigh* Follow me," Octavia said with an exhausted tone. "Wait? Where are we going?" Vinyl asked. "After your birthday, I invested in a fail safe," Octavia explained. "Oh cool. Fallout shelter?" Vinyl asked. "A variant you could say," Octavia answered. "Sweet," Vinyl followed Octavia downstairs as the sounds of carnage continued outside.