The Mane 6 Finally Find Their Stallions

by RainbowBlitzkrieg

A Friendly Questionnaire

“Dear Journal,

It has been three weeks since we all landed here and gotten to know our mare-selves and being the gentlecolts that we are, (me more than the others for I have to keep up with Solaris and Artemis all day), we, I believe, have done the same thing every morning: wake up without disturbing anypony, going to make breakfast and surprising the mares with how delicious our cooking is (thank you, Bubble Berry! I bet he isn’t having any trouble with Pinkie…#lol, as humans would put it). And so, I now understand why we are so attracted to our mare counterparts, not just because they are perfect images of ourselves (mirror images, are we that self centred?) but because it be as if light matter and dark matter, polar equations of higher potential that normally exist in different worlds be in the same place for a split second. It would equate to the cliche that “opposites attract,” and as Tesla proved (to no small contribution from yours truly) it only takes a spark to ignite and keep the coil hot--in this case a sort of love attraction to our opposite-gender counterparts…By George, Steve, you’re a genius in a box for asking me to keep us here.”

“What?! I thought you said your ‘Tar-dice’ was broken and that we couldn’t leave?!” Dusk Shine scolded as he slammed the journal onto his desk.
“Are you kidding me? You think a highly advanced machine, such as my ‘TAR-DIS’ would stay broken this long? I dare say, you have a lot to study, my friend.” Rainbow Blitz, being a little pompous, yet gentle in tone, sat back in his chair and crossed his forelegs across his chest. Dusk and Twilight had been circling that chair, in the middle of their foyer, like sharks waiting for a drop of blood to appear in Blitz’s vulnerability, but he’d been able to dodge all their assaults all morning.
Dusk stomped up to Blitz and put his snout to his, intimidatingly, “Don’t undermine me, ‘friend’, in front of all of us. It’s a bad decision.” He looked around and acknowledged the gathered friends, again, to intimidate Blitz.
Dash seemed to be the only one not asking questions, “Guys, why don’t we just leave him alone? Get back to our spa day and everything?”
“O-Or we could ask him nicely about his answers,” spoke Fluttershy, a little more louder than usual.
“Yeah, it ain’t like he’s going to fly off without us. I mean, look at him and Rainbow Dash, they seem like a strong pair.” AJ smiled, holding back a chuckle as he looked from Dash’s blushing face to Blitz’s astonished look.
AppleJack elbowed him in the ribs to keep him quiet.
“Now, hold it right there, Work Horse. You have no business bringing that up--” Blitz started.
“Actually, Darling, I believe he does in this matter,” Elusive, letting go of Rarity’s hoof, for the first time all morning, stepped forward. “Look, I dare say that you two are right about Blitz not telling us the truth. However, I believe that his speech falters to my accented way too many times to count, when talking on the matter.” He looked at Blitz, offering a convivial smile.
“Your point?” asked Twilight.
“My point, my lady, is that I don’t think ‘this’ Blitz knows anything about the reasons or causes as to why we are here.”
“Now, how can you tell that?” Butterscotch asked, stepping forward to be his friend’s advocate.
Dusk thought out loud, “Yeah, your right, Elusive. We never heard of his ‘TARDIS’”--he shot a glance Blitz’s way--“until that day when he ate the Poison Joke.”
“Wait, what are you talking about, Duskie?” Twilight blushed as the last word came out of her mouth.
“Well, we won’t know till we let him go.” Dusk turned towards Twilight with an idea in his head.
There was a chorus of questioning about the idea, but through the chaos, Blitz caught Dash’s gaze. They smiled to one another for a little while until he gave her a wink, just as Dusk turned back to him.
“Though he hasn’t really told us anything, nothing of these ‘hoomans’ nor of this concept of Tesla or light matter, I believe that we should let him go...and force him into the Poison Joke grove within the Ever Free Forest.” He nodded to his idea as almost everypony gave similar nods.
Blitz spread out his wings and put his hooves in the air to motion for silence, “Alright, alright. If you truly want to meet my less attractive side, so be it. I have nothing to ‘hide’ anymore.” He looked up at Dusk, then slowly rolled of the chair, onto his hooves, folding in his wings. “Dashie, Sweetheart, care to bring me my saddle bags?” he gave her a grin.
Dash’s ear tips slowly became pink at the utterance of her name, in that fashion, though she had gotten used to Pinkie calling her that in public, she thought it embarrassing and dare say it sweet, for a stallion to call her that. She weaved through her friends and found their saddle bags, clustered in a corner, and retrieved Blitz’s. Then she trotted back to Blitz, with a sense of pride, and put them on his back. “Good?” she asked him.
Being the romantic Blitz was, he gave her a kiss on the cheek and whispered to her, “Better than ever.”
Dash blushed profusely and smiled all the way back to her spot between AppleJack and Fluttershy, who both in turn started talking to her with little giggles here and there.
Blitz turned to Dusk, “Alright, since I have a sample of Poison Joke,”--he retrieved a small vial of blue liquid from his bag, and continued with it in his mouth--"then I will force my other to appear. Just...hold me down this time." He gulped, staring about the group of friends, and stopping his gaze on Dash. “What’s the worst that could happen?” He sat down, uncorked the vial with his forehooves and drank it all down. He then looked up at Dash, then at Twilight, “If I get out of hoof there’s an antidote in my saddle--,” he keeled over before he could utter another word.

“Uh…..what behind the bloody gates of Hell hit me!?” Blitz opened his eyes, tossing his black mane out of his face and struggling against the ropes he was bound to the chair with. “Untie me, you Dalek--” he looked around the room. “Oh, ponies...friends?” He spake as if he only had just woken from a dream, not recognizing anypony and then looked straight at Dusk.
“Sorry, Blitz, but the ropes are for all of our protection,” Dusk answered.
“Oh...right--Wait, now I remember who you all are! So why in bloody hay are you interrogating me?!” he struggled more, flicking his black tail and wings about.
Twilight stepped forward, “Please, control yourself Rain--”
Blitz stopped struggling and barked at her, “If you address me as “Rainbow” at all, you are mistaken. The name’s Haiex Romanov.” He put his nose in the air, snobbishly.
Dusk intervened, “Hi-what? Look, we just want answers.”
“'Hi-ex' it, scientist?” He looked at him, then around the room till his eyes met Rainbow Dash’s. “Well, if it isn’t a cute mare when I see one," he gave her a smile that bared his four k-9 teeth.
Rainbow Dash was taken aback a little. “Really, Blitz? You honestly don’t know me?
“Well…no. I just remember the guys in this room, not the pretty mares at their sides.” He gave another pompous grin.
“Alright, enough. Why have you brought your...TARDIS here?” Twilight asked, politely, coming around to Blitz’s front. She noticed his cutie mark and was taken aback, and a little bit intrigued. “So, you’re not Rainbow Blitz, are you?” She stared him down.
Blitz, or the black stallion that called himself “Haiex,” stared back at her, with an unblinking glare, until he broke into a smile. “Final, someone who gets it. I am the bi-product of The Professor’s attempt at making Blitzkrieg into her image.
“What, who’s this Blitzkrieg?” AJ interrupted.
“Surly you’d recognize your best friend’s name, Work Horse," he smirked at AJ.
“So then, who’s ‘The Professor?’” asked Butterscotch.
“Well, that’s really hard to say...a-pony-Gallifreyan that gave me the TARDIS. She was sweet, trying to make Blitzkrieg into a Gallifreyan too...but the procedure was too much for him, so his psyche split between him and me.” There was a pause, then Haiex murmured, "Or was I that was being turned into him and things got out of whack...?"
“And the only way to bring you out is the consumption of poison joke, am I right?”
“Why, yes. What, you think it was a coincidence that Blitz ‘happened’ to eat some before meeting you in the clearing?” He looked at Dusk with an unwavering smile. “I’m always half in control of the body. A sort of subconscious, if you will.”
“That still doesn’t answer the lady’s question on why you brought us here or why any of this.” Elusive gestured at the group of friends.
“Well, Elusive...all I can tell you is that war is upon us and that we need all the help we can get. Twelve elements are better that six, I might say.” He instinctively wiped his mane out of his face again, and continued, “Oh, and as for your instantaneous romance with your other, I’d have to say that Blitz was right when he characterized it as light and dark matter. Now, if you’ll excuse me…I must be leaving.” Haiex quickly used his nose to press on his watch twice and his form, as if it were a hologram, quickly shifted into a very scruffy looking dog. He then started chomping into the ropes with is teeth, swiftly cutting through the top one.
“What the?!” Dusk stepped back, protectively getting in front of Twilight. The other colts did the same for their mares, but Dash was left to be by AppleJack’s side, her colt no where in the room.
The wolf looked up, “Seems I bid you a due.” He barked something in some tongue that none of the gathered friends could understand, and the ropes just fell to the floor around him. The wolf quickly jumped off the seat, leaving behind the saddle bags on the chair, and jumped out of the window.
“What just happened?” AJ asked.
“Dang it, I had the antidote right here too.” Twilight quickly went to her desk where she had put the antidote vial when Blitz was out.
“Well, looks like our friend made off with it...but not the notebook?” Elusive pointed out, seeing that the notebook the vial had been sitting next to was untouched.
“I’ve had enough of this. I’m out.” Dash flew over to get her own saddle bags and then to pick up Blitz’s.
“Rainbow, wait.” AppleJack called.
“I’m okay, seriously. I’m just gonna...go home and relax.” With a worried look on her face she dashed out the door and down towards the spa.
“Maybe we should all go home and relax,” Twilight said, heavyhearted as the lot of them stared at the empty chair.

“Oh yeah...this feels so good,” Rainbow Dash sighed, relaxing in one of the spa’s hot tubes. Trying to mimic Rarity’s voice, Rainbow Dash proclaimed, “Now, all I need is a hooficure and i’m out.” She laughed herself silly as she slowly relaxed into the bubbling water. Then, from a distance, she heard a familiar voice.
“Hey, come on. Be careful. That’s a fresh wound.”
Rainbow Dash, being the curious type, got herself out of the tube, dawned a towel, and trotted around the divider about her tube to see a familiar colt in the next. “Blitz?!” she rushed over to get a closer look at the colt, spying some gashes about his mouth.
“Dashie? Dang...what happened to you?” he looked up at the mare, seeing her mane wet and matted to her neck was a first, but she looked good.
“I should be asking the same question,” she thanked the sister’s that were treating Blitz’s wounds and they soon left. After they were gone, she quickly took off her towel and got into the tube, right next to Blitz. “Where did you go and what the hay was that all about?” She stared at him.
Blitz gave an unsure, yet innocent, gaze back. “I honestly have no clue what you’re talking about. How did we even--”
“And your accent, it’s normal now.” She smacked him across the cheek with her hoof.
“Ouch! Seriously, I have no clue. I just know I woke up here, in this tube.” He rubbed his cheek, wincing at the pain and lowering his ears. “Look, all I know is that I must have cracked a bottle or something, in my mouth for I have these glass cuts all over my face.” He kept rubbing his cheek.
“Oh, really? Then explain the freaky thing about changing into a dog?”
Dash was mad and Blitz knew it. He knew he wouldn’t be able to hide everything but he certainly didn’t want something as crucial as secrets to ruin his relationship with her. “Look, take it easy--”
“Easy?!” With that she raised her wings in anger and started to get out of the tube.
Blitz stopped her and took her by the hoof. He stared her straight in the eyes as she sat back down next to him. “Look, no secrets between us, got it? So I’ll tell you, this watch,” he pointed to the watch on his right wrist, “is a magic gauntlet that allows me to change into whatever animal I want: human, wolf, dragon.”
“Wait, that was a wolf back there? And a dragon?” Her eyes got wide with interest and her wings stood on end with anticipation and once she realized she was also staring back at Blitz she blushed too.
“Hey, it’s hard to explain. So I assume you’ve met ‘Haiex’ which is my counterpart. He’s the TimeLord, more than I, and the one with the TimeLord brain. But he’s not as nice.”
“I could tell, he totally told off AJ and Twilight.”
“Really? Then he must’ve been mad.”
“Well...we did tie you up to the chair…” she smiled to him.
“Oh, that would make sense--”
“So he won’t come back?” Dash asked, putting her free hoof on top of Blitz’s.
Blitz smiled, “Of course not, Dashie. I won’t let him, as long as I am the Element of Loyalty, to you, I’m good.” He gave her a fangless smile.
“Good.” She hugged him, leaning into him.
Blitz, astonished by the gesture, blushed and put his forelegs around her. Wide eyed, he gently stroked her back.

“Now, don’t mind us bargin’ in, but this tube is already hot.” Apple Jack made a splash as she jumped into the tub, followed by AJ and the others.
Blitz and Dash just sat there, look at the lot of them and blushed; however, Dash sat up, next to Blitz, as to look strong around her friends and Blitz knew exactly what she was doing, so he put his foreleg around her shoulders and the conversation started with Blitz saying, “Okay, I’ll tell you everything.”
"Even about the dog thing?” AJ asked.
“Yes, even about that. You know, there’s a lot of references to me in history being another animal...just look at the Sphinx. That day my watch was on the fritz so bad.”
“The what?” Dusk asked and the day continued like any normal day in Ponyville, if there were such thing as that.

“Hey, Twilight?" Spike knocked on Twilight's open door as he poked his head into her room.
“Yeah, Spike?” Twilight looked up from the book she was reading as she laid the length of her bed.
“Uh, me and Barbara were out when I got this.” He handed her a scroll.
Twilight took it, teasingly asking, “Oh, you and Barbara?”
“Come on, Twilight, just read it.”
“Alright. Alrigh--” she undid the scroll and read the first line. “Emergency? Luna and I need to see you and you friends right away?” Twilight galloped down the stairs to the foyer, then she turned to the stairs leading to the basement, “Duskie?”