Friendship is Infectious

by Brony-327

Chapter 4 Encounter

Chapter 4

The dull whirr of the sewing machine was accompanied by the joyful hummings of the white unicorn who operated it. Rarity was in a very good mood this morning. Just last night, she had struck a fashion goldmine. Not only had she come up with a brilliant new line of dresses, but she had also gotten the perfect model.

“Oh darling,” She said casually over her shoulder as she worked. “I’m just delighted that you agreed to help me on such short notice. I couldn’t have done it without you.” The other pony smiled shyly, clearly embarrassed. “I’m just glad you think I’m helpful.” “Helpful?”

The unicorn turned toward her model, mildly indignant. “Fluttershy, you have been more than just helpful! Without your very keen insight, I wouldn’t have thought to use layered silks to achieve that flowing, liquid look in the skirt that is perfect for my ‘Creeks and Streams’ line. And don’t get me started on how you look in the outfits. Two words: Simply divine!”

Fluttershy blushed, and her pink hair went even pinker. “Oh Rarity, you’re just saying that.” Rarity sighed. She had forgotten how hard it was for Fluttershy to accept compliments. As Rarity turned back towards her sewing machine the front doorbell jingled as a pony entered the shop. “Hold that thought, dear. I’ll be right back.”

Rarity stepped through the curtain that separated her studio from the rest of the store. “Welcome to Carousel Boutique, where every garment is chic, unique and magnifique. What can I interest you in...I beg your pardon, but are you feeling well miss?”

The filly she addressed turned towards her, its mouth spread in a wide grin. “Oh good! You’re alright! Anyways, as I was saying, there are some charming and fabulous items here that I think would be perfect with your color...”

The green pony leapt, but missed as Rarity turned to wave a hoof at a nearby rack packed with vibrant outfits. Rarity gasped as the other pony crashed into the far wall. “Good heavens! Are you sure you are OK?”

She stopped in horror as with the sound of snapping bones the filly twisted its head completely around, so that while its front hooves were still rammed against the wall, it was once again facing Rarity with that strange grin. It began to walk backwards towards her, drool and blood now dribbling from a corner of the grin that seemed to split the ponies face in half.

Shrieking in a pitch usually reserved for calling dogs and shattering windows, Rarity bolted back into the studio, grabbed a confused Fluttershy and dragged her into the bedroom, where she slammed the door shut, turning the key in the lock.

“Um, Rarity. What is going on?” “No time to explain dear. We must go. Come Fluttershy, out the window!” “W-w-window?” Gasped Fluttershy. “But why can’t we just talk to her? Maybe she’s just lonely.” “Fluttershy, I know you want to be kind to everypony, but trust me! Something is very wrong here, and the only pony I know who can figure this out is Twilight.”

They both screamed as something hit the door with a loud bang. The sound of an unearthly groan came from the other side. Fluttershy gulped nervously. “M-maybe y-you’re right Rarity. We should go to Twilight’s house.” She squeaked in terror as whatever it was hit the door again. Rarity saw the hinges beginning to give way. “Follow me Fluttershy, and do hurry!”

Summoning up her courage, Rarity dove through the open window, landing awkwardly on the muddy ground below. Fluttershy floated down with a concerned expression. “Rarity. Your mane. it’s all...” “Pish-posh my dear. Mud washes out. Besides, it’s good for my skin.”

There was the sound of splintering wood as the thing finally forced its way into the room. There was a moment of silence, then a body tumbled from the window with a gurgle, crunching face-first onto the rock that had for a short time been known as Tom.

Fluttershy stood rooted to the spot, gazing at the carnage and splattered remains of the lime green filly. Rarity put a hoof on her shoulder. “Fluttershy,” she said with unnatural calm. “we need to go. There might be more of these unsightly creatures nearby, and I don’t want any of them to hurt you. Twilight will know what to do, remember? She always knows what do to.”

Tenderly, she began guiding a silent, shaking Fluttershy towards the library. Fluttershy’s expressed concern for Rarity’s mane would be the last words the yellow pegasus would utter.