Cloud's Adventure Into Chaos

by DJMasterWubs

Chapter 1

It was a day like any other, the sun was shining, the birds were chirping and everypony was doing their normal business except for the new recruit on the ponyville weather team who was laying on a cloud not doing his job.

"Hey new guy you're supposed to be clearing the clouds." said Rainbow Dash in an aggravated tone.

"But I'm on my break Dash." Cloud Buster whined.

Cloud Buster just arrived in ponyville a few weeks ago looking for a job. He was wanting to do something he was good at something that involved flying which was what he loved to do the most when he isn't sleeping. Lucky for him he found out that the ponyville weather team needed some new members so he tried out and passed the tryouts with ease.

"Your break ended an hour ago Cloud," Rainbow crossed her hooves."So get back to work."

"Oh alright." Cloud Buster got up from the cloud he was on and busted it.

"Good now come and help me." Rainbow turned and started flying.

Cloud followed right beside her watching her from the corner of his eye, as he watched her he thought of how beautiful she was, how her mane flowed in the wind as she flew, how her eyes shined in the light, she was perfect but now wasn't the time for that he needed to focus on the task at hand.

"H-hey Dash where are we going?" Cloud asked nervously.

"We're going to go and clear some strange clouds that have mysteriously appeared near the everfree forest." Dash said as she started picking up speed.

"B-but that sounds dangerous." Cloud said with a hint of fear and worry in his voice.

He started to think this might be a bad idea cause of all the stories he heard about the everfree forest, he wanted to stay as far away from that place as he could.

"What's wrong you scared?" Dash knew he was.

"W-what me, ha of course not!" He said trying to mask his fear.

"Alright then lets hurry and get this over with." Dash said as she got even faster.

Cloud was now starting to struggle to keep up with her, she was going a little too fast for him but he kept on going as best as he could. "Hey could you slow down a bit?" Cloud asked his wings finally starting to give out on him, he wasn't used to pushing himself to keep up with somepony else like this before.

Rainbow grinned. "Why, too fast for ya rookie?"

She was but he wasn't going to tell her that, that would be crazy. "N-no I'm just not in any hurry to get anywhere close to the everfree forest is all." He said calmly hoping she'd buy that.

Rainbow made a quick stop and turned to Cloud. "I thought you said you weren't afraid to go to the everfree forest." She said with a raised eyebrow.

"I said I wasn't Dash!" Cloud said getting a little defensive and quickly covered his mouth. 'Oh crap why did I say it like that she's going to kill me now, ponyfeathers I'm such a idiot.' He thought to himself.

"You better watch the attitude rookie or else you're through, do you understand me?" Rainbow started to get ticked off.

'Yeah I'm so dead.'He thought to himself before speaking. "I'm sorry boss I didn't mean to get that way honest." He was starting to panic.'Any shot I had with her is probably gone with dead and gone.' His panicking grew ever stronger.

"Are you okay Cloud you look a little shaky?" Rainbow asked looking a little worried.

Cloud just simply nodded and started flying trying to shake off the nerves. A few minutes they finally reached the edge of the everfree forest and Cloud came across a pink cloud."I didn't know clouds could be pink," He then touched it with his hoof. "or be sticky like cotton candy."

Rainbow Dash rushed over to him to get a good look at the cloud. "Oh no not one of those clouds." She said shakily and she started sweating.

"What's wrong boss?" Cloud asked seeing the look of dread on his bosses face.

"The only one I know who can make these kinds of clouds is..." Her eyes widened as the lord of chaos appeared floating in front of her.

"Hello there Rainbow Dash." Discord said with a big grin on his face.

"Discord." Dash said with a fire in her voice, even though Discord was reformed she still didn't trust him she always thought he was up to something.

"What's wrong Rainbow Dash, aren't you happy to see me?" Discord asked.

"No, now why don't you tell me why you're here!" Dash shouted.

'What is this thing?' Cloud thought to himself, he has never seen a creature like this before and to be honest he was a little afraid of the strange creature before him.

"Oh I'm just having a little fun is all Dash no need to get all worked up," Discord turns his head to look at Cloud, "and who might you be, I've never seen you before?"

"I-I'm Cloud Buster s-sir..." Cloud was starting to shake and sweat heavily.

Discord picks up Cloud by his tail. "Nice to meet you I'm Discord the newly reformed spirit of chaos and disharmony, so I take it you're Rainbow Dash's special somepony."

"He is not my special somepony Discord, I don't even like him that way." Dash said unknowingly crushing the spirit of the pony in Discord's claw.