404: Signal not found

by Royale With Cheese

Ready or not here they come

The next morning, Twilight woke up and walked downstairs where she saw Spike packing for him and her.

"Oh hey Twi!" Spike greeted "I packed our stuff for the big weird trip!"

Twilights ears drooped down a little "...Don't you mean my stuff?"

"What? What's the matter?" Spike said worriedly

"Sit down Spike, we need to talk..."

Spike then urgently grabbed a chair and sat in it in front of Twilight.

"You can't go on this mission..."

"But..." Spike interrupted

"Don't say anything Spike..." Twilight interrupted him back "I think it'll be best for you to not go. I did a little research on the planet were going to... And it looks and sounds pretty dangerous, it's not a peaceful place, there is usually a lot of wars, attacks on places and civilians, and a lot more, but I don't know how that whole planet will react to a bunch of us coming there... Spike, I'm not trying to scare you or anything... But... This might be the last time I'll see you..."

Spikes eyes started to tear up, opened his mouth trying to say something but instead he got out of the chair and hugged twilight as she hugged back "I'll be careful just for you Spike"

A few hours later, the six ponies took the train to Canterlot and walked up to Celestia's castle where they met up with the Wonderbolts and about 60 other ponies. "Not a big group, but not too small either, it's just right" Twilight exclaimed.


Twilight excitedly looked around and locked eyes on her brother who was trotting up to her "Shining!"

The walked up to each other and hugged.

"Are you going on the mission?" Twilight asked

"Yea, I was pretty much the first one to get invited by Celestia" Shining said.

Twilight nodded and saw Celestia trotting the front of the castle ready to speak. "Here she is!"

"Ahem! Mares and gentlecolts, whoever is coming on this trip, listen to me, I have done a little research on the suspect. A 17 year old goes by the name Joshua Budd, the one that just yesterday, shut down our signal, the signal means everything to us and we need it to get it up and running!"

The ponies cheered to Celestia

Celestia continued "But we need to be careful when we go to this planet, it's not as peaceful as it is here. Now it's time for instructions, when we first get there, we will be teleported in the front yard of the White House, which is the President of the United States' house, we go to him and get him to report about us hunting down Mr. Budd, then it will be world wide news. If you need to get ready, do it now, we're leaving in 30!"

Then Celestia motioned the six ponies to come to her, they came to her and bowed down.

"Girls, don't disappoint me, this is your biggest challenge yet" Celestia boldly said and the six nodded there heads

"We always never disappoint ya, Celestia, even when it is our biggest challenge" Applejack said.

"It feels like we're missing someone..." Pinkie Pie said

Celestia then saw a huge cloud of dust in the background "He's here, he's the one that we need"

Everyone then saw what Celestia was seeing, as it came closer, the shape of the figure in a mysterious rectangular yellow box became obvious to everypony.

The big steel yellow box with wheels came to a stop in front of the castle.

"Doesn't everyone like field trips? Ah I miss those days" he said

"Heheh yea right... And Discord what's this... Big yellow steely wheely thing?" Rainbow Dash asked

"It's a school bus, it's a thing the human children ride to school with, but we won't be needing that today" Discord said as he snapped his fingers and the school bus disappeared.

Everypony then continued what they were doing.

"Hey Dash!" Spitfire said as walking up to her

"Hey Spitfire! What's up?" Rainbow Dash asked

"The Wonderbolts need one more Pegasus to be an air sweeper, we will pretty much look down from the sky to find the suspect, are you up for that?" Spitfire asked

"Yes! I'll be glad to help" Dash excitedly said

"Awesome, see you there!" Spitfire said

"Mares and gentlecolts, please look up here" Celestia demanded

Everypony stopped what they were doing and looked up at her

"I have gotten the picture of the suspect, but I have to use a special type of magic to show you the picture of him, I only have ten seconds to show you it from my horn since my head will be pounding from pain, get much of this picture into your head as much as possible, here we go..." Celestia said.

As Celestia's horn started to glow for a few seconds, she took a deep breath, and emitted a breath taking unseen picture of the 17 year old they were trying to capture, everypony deeply looked at it then after it was over, the picture disappeared then Celestia fell to her hunches breathig heavily.

Shining Armor ran over to her "You alright Celestia?"

"Yes, just give me a few moments" Celestia said as she rubbed her head

She then got up and went to the microphone and looked up at the clock "Mares and gentlecolts... It's almost time, say your goodbyes, you'll be gone from here for a long time"

Twilight then turned to Spike and immediately hugged him, then the next five hugged him

"I'll miss you Twilight"

"I'll miss you too Spike, I'll be careful, take care of the library when I'm gone... Even if I don't come back" Twilight said sadly

"Listen up again" Celestia back on the microphone "Go into this circle and in five minutes, you'll be teleported, the hunt will begin at 9:30AM earth time"

Then everypony gave there last hugs and went into the circle. A few minutes later, Celestia was the last one in the circle.

"Let Operation 404 begin" Discord said as he, Celestia and the other ponies disappeared from the circle