//------------------------------// // One morning I jolt awake... // Story: Behind Glass // by Xhadow //------------------------------// Celestia jolts awake, sheets and comforters flying across the room as her wings extend to a combat position. With senses sharpened by a sleepless night she scans the room for anything out of the ordinary, anything that could explain what she had just witnessed. But only the wholesome silence of her beloved sister's night greeted her frazzled senses and flaming nerves. She knows what the problem is, "but maybe I just dreamt it?" Celestia's justifications do nothing to soothe her back to sleep, and eventually she finds herself stirring, pacing the bedroom. Drawing up the plans for conferences that she never intended on going to. She even planned out next years Gala disaster. But, nothing, not even the most complex of tasks could ease her mind for more than a few seconds. ...that's when it came through the window. It was the sound of a pony, one of HER little ponies suffering. Suffering unbearably and alone. Celestia screams for help, for somepony to save her, it had to be a bad dream. It just had to be. "Luna, please, Luna wake me up! Wake me up, Luna! Please..." When the night guard and Luna arrive they find Equestria's leader and defender curled into a ball on her bedroom floor spewing morbid nonsense. Luna, try as she might, can't find any trace of foul play, nothing broke in, not even a trace of magic was to be found on her sister or in the room save her own, and the door was locked from the inside. "Sister, Celestia what happened," Luna, having finished with her search turned to her elder sister in a panic. "Please... wake me up, this can't be real, none of it... please Luna," Celestia's ranting filled everypony with sheer terror. "Tia, who did this to you," Luna demands ready to blast whoever it was to the darkest pits of Oblivion to spend an eternity in her own personal torture chambers. "Luna, please... they need our help, we must save them..." "Get a doctor, and have Celestia restrained!" Luna orders, never once taking her pained gaze off of her broken sister. "It's not too late... he's been spared," Celestia whispers before her head cracks into the marble floor with a wet smacking noise that threatened to make Luna sick. Blood leaked from the elder sister's ears and nostrils as if she had used a massive amount of dark magic. But there was no sign of it anywhere. "Princess, Luna," one of the guards pulled her away and sealed her in an enchanted shield, "we need to get her to the shelter now!" One of the other black armored guards nodded and together they shoved Luna out into the halls and the door slammed shut severing Luna's weeping gaze from her broken sister.