//------------------------------// // A Pink Smile // Story: Stardust in the wind // by StarDustShine //------------------------------// Stardust began following principal Celestia through the school to her office though his mind was on other things so he wasn't able to fully take in what the school was like. After just a few minutes they had arrived at her office but before entering the principal turned around with a look on her face like there was something she didn't quite understand. "Is there any reason you came to this school specifically?" She had asked Stardust because to her there was something that didn't quite add up. "Well I had read about this school and it seemed a lot better than my old school, it was only two towns away so it was an easy walk," he responded only half lying. While this statement wasn't the full truth it wasn't actually a lie, comparing this school to his old one was like comparing the empire state building to a genaric Indian teapea. Not only was it a lot bigger it had a lot more to offer. Though something still didn't seem right to her, the principal didn't question it as she opened the door and lead Stardust into her office. Then a couple hours later, which was a couple hours more than Stardust initially thought it was going to take, he had signed all the appropriate paperwork and was officially registered for his classes. "Ok, now I just need to file these and alert the teachers. Also before you go I need to show you where your is locker and the combination... you know how to use a padlock, right?" the principal asked while getting up from her desk and walking towards the door. Stardust responded by just nodding slowly, "Alright, follow me," she sated while walking out the door with Stardust behind her. This time around he was able to focus on the school itself and he realized how different it was from his last school. For one the school had multiple stories to it plus it had a huge library that he got a glimpse of when walking to his locker making a mental note to check it out later, the closest thing to a library at his old school was a cart of books everyone was always stealing from. Yeah... he didn't go to the best of schools. After walking a fair distance, considering the size of the school, the principal stopped in front of a set of lockers. Looking at them they were indistinguishable from the other lockers in the school though it still raised a concern in Stardust's mind. "This," she knocked on the locker to the far right edge of the set, "is your locker, the combination is 03-21-35." Looking around Stardust found it wasn't actually too far from the main entrance, it would be easy to remember the location. "Get here tomorrow morning at 7:30," she continued, "classes start at 8:00 when the main bell rings, tomorrow you will find the text books you need as well as your schedule inside your locker, if you need help finding the classrooms just ask some of the students, any questions?" she asked now leaning on the lockers. "Yes one actually," Stardust answered with a concerned look, "is there anyone occupying the locker next to mine?" "Um... yes there is, why do you ask?" she answered returning the look of concern. "I just wanted to make sure I wasn't put next to someone who'll I'll end up hating," he lied. Well his statement was partially true but in the end he was hoping to not be near anyone. "Oh well you don't need to worry about her, everyone in school just loves her, I think you two will get along," "Well thanks for the reassurance, I guess I'll see you tomorrow," after finishing this statement Stardust started walking towards the entrance. A thousand thoughts were racing through his mind, while Celestia through this girl, whoever she was, was a good choice it might end up not being so good for him. There was no way to tell at the moment so he would just have to wait for tomorrow. Stardust had arrived the next morning at 7:20 am and was quite shocked by the amount of people there considering how early it was, he was so used to people trying to stay away as long as possible. He got over the initial shock and started making his way to his locker, along the way a couple people had asked him if he was new here but he pretended not to hear them, after all the hallway was fairly loud, eventually he reached his locker. "3... 21... 35" he said under his breath as he punched in the combination, he had a fairly good memory. Opening the door to his locker he saw exactly what he was expecting, 4 text books stacked there with two pieces of paper on top of them. He picked up the papers, one was his class schedule the other was a detailed map of the school he guessed it was to help him find his way around. "How thoughtful..." he said sarcastically. He was about to close the locker after grabbing his chemistry text book, chemistry was his first class, when suddenly. "OH MY GOSH, ARE YOU NEW HERE? I DON'T EVER REMEMBER HAVING SOMEONE USING THE LOCKER NEXT TO MINE, THAT THING'S BEEN EMPTY FOR YEARS. I CAME HERE EXPECTING TO SEE IT EMPTY AGAIN BUT, TO MY SURPRISE YOU WERE HERE SO I HAD TO RUN OVER AND SAY HELLO!!!!" a very high pitched voice, talking faster that an Italian plumber on shrooms can run I might add, practically yelled this at Stardust from the other side of his locker door. After hearing this Stardust leaned his head forward a bit as he thought to himself "Oh please don't let this be...". He closed the locker door, keeping a glum look on his face, to see a girl standing there, about as tall as him. Her hair was pink as was her skin but a lighter shade. She was wearing a purple and white shirt with a small pink heart on it and a light blue jacket type thing over it, a light purple skirt with a depiction of three balloons on it, light blue wrist bands, a purple ribbon around her waist, as well as light blue knee high boots each with their own little pink bow. Her hair itself looked as though it had just went through a cotton candy machine but, with this kind of person who knows maybe that's what she actually did. Her overall appearance practically screamed "Excitement". "Hey... what's with the long face?" her beaming face slowly turned to a blank stare. "Don't worry about it," he responded. He turned away from the girl only to immediately jump back as somehow the same girl was right there standing directly on the opposite side she previously was. He didn't understand it but he didn't question it either, he's seen weirder things. "I am going to worry about it, cause at this school it's my job to make sure everyone is smiling," she said with a smile about as wide as a kilometer. "Uh huh, and how's that working out for you so far miss... um..." saying this Stardust realized she hadn't yet stated her name. "Pinkie Pie!! But my friends just call me Pinkie and, so far it's worked great every one is always smiling around here thanks to yours truly. And you are?" She leaned back against the lockers now with a cocky smile on her face. "Stardust Shine, but you can call me Star," he started leaning back on the lockers same as she did "Answer me this Pinkie pie, what is a smile?" his eyes were now closed and his head pointed toward the floor. "Pfft, well that's easy, a smile is what's on someone's face when they're happy. How could you not know that star?!" she stood up giving him a look as if he had just murdered someone. "Hmm, A smile, in essence, is one of two things," he looked up towards the ceiling, "either a way of showing joy or a way of covering up sadness," he stood up and started Pinkie directly in the eye, "Just because I don't hide it doesn't mean I want people trying to make me feel better about it. So even though your thing is making people smile, I hate to break it to you, but I don't think you'll make me smile so if you could please just stop trying," "That's silly, I can make anyone smile," she then pulled a cupcake out of seemingly nowhere, although if I had to guess I'd say she was probably hiding it in her hair, "How about a cupcake?" While Star was initially shocked by this that shock quickly turned into anger. "I don't want your damn cupcake!!" he yelled as he smacked the cupcake out of her hand, he looked back to her seeing she was on the verge of tears and immediately felt bad for what he had done, "Listen, I'm sorry for getting mad. I appreciate what you're trying to do for me, I really do, I just don't want anyone wasting their time on me, my wounds are too deep to deal healed," everyone stopped for a second as a loud bell sounded overhead, " I gotta go, it was nice meeting you," Stardust turned around and started walking away leaving the pink girl to ponder what it was exactly that he meant.