The Great Deception

by PrincessLenaLadyKittuna

Chapter One: The Evil Team Up and Capture

The Great Deception

Chapter 1: The Evil Team Up and Capture

The Black Pyramid, an ancient monument dedicated the will of evil! On the planet of Third Earth. It was here that the evil devil priest Mumm-Ra resided and planned a never ending campaign of evil against all those who were on the forces of good.


Slowly the sarcophagus opened up as a disheveled and thoroughly pathetic looking figure wrapped from head to toe in bandages covered only by a red ripped cloak made his way to the center of the tomb where a bubbling cauldron laid.

“You summoned me, ancient spirits of Evil!” He looked up at the fore statues that covered each corner of the Pyramid as their eyes lit up and fired a bolt of energy into the cauldron causing it to burst into flames.

"The forces of good continues to spread, not only does a threat to our power lie within this very planet but worlds beyond threaten our eternal rule."

“W-What...What are these forces evil ones...How will I know them, when I see them.”

"Look into the cauldron Mumm-Ra….and we will show you the latest threat to the forces of evil...BEHOLD!"

Mumm-Ra looked within the cauldron and saw a land of lush grass and blue flowing rivers, much like the rest of third earth it seemed peaceful and tranquil but it lacked a certain aura of evil that Mumm-Ra was so used to of his home world. “What is this world ancient ones? What do I see before me?”

"This! Mumm-Ra...Is the world known as EQUESTRIA! Land of the ancient race...THE PONES!"

“P-Ponies? Evil ones?”

"The Ponies of Equestria! A race and society formed around the concept of...Friendship!"

“And how? How? Does this FRIENDSHIP! Affect our rule Evil ones?”

"FOOL! If that Friendship spreads beyond its borders...then it could reach Third Earth...Then our power here will wither and weaken!"

“Then...I will destroy the Friendship of Equestria! But how?”

“That will not be an easy task, for there is an ancient mystical tree known as the tree of harmony that resides in equestria. This tree holds the most powerful artifacts known to Equestria, the elements of harmony, six gems that represent honesty, kindness, laughter, generosity, loyalty, and magic. These elements were once used to defeat the mighty discord spirit of chaos and disharmony. They were wielded by the immortal pony sisters Princess Celestia and Princess Luna. But when Princess Celestia use them against her sister when she became Nightmare Moon, the elements then became disconnected from the two sisters. It was then they chose new bearers who did not come into being until almost 1000 years from Nightmare Moons banishment. The new wielders were able to defeat many a great evil and now these wielders have become the Council of friendship."

After the Ancient Spirits of evil said this Mumm-Ra pondered over this, his mind raced with all sorts of schemes and plots. “These pony princesses seem as ancient as I….as well as these powers. I predict that much like the Sword of Omens they cannot be wielded by evil’s touch. But! Perhaps….perhaps maybe...if a council was formed...a council...can be broken. ANCIENT SPIRITS OF EVIL! Show me the names of this Council of Friendship! I must have more information so that I may fulfill your evil wish!”

"Very well...As said before the council is made of the former bears of the Elements of Harmony….The Leader of this band of good, is an Alicorn Named Twilight Sparkle, student to the Princess of the sun who wielded the Element of Friendship! As for sheer loyalty you look to Rainbow Dash, brash, and arrogant at times but never one to betray her friends. Now we turn to Kindness a weak and pathetic Pegasus named Fluttershy ….BUT! She is unique among them for she is friend with the former Spirit of Chaos, by the name of Discord.”

“BAH! I have faced several imps in the past...and I DEFEATED THEM ALL!”

"Now we move to honesty, the local farmer and peasant Applejack whose family has produced fresh fruit for the kingdom for eons! If generosity is what you seek then perhaps the unicorn Rarity! And Finally! We have! Laughter! The self-proclaimed Pony of Parties….Pinkie Pie! She is an unpredictable not let her stupidity fool you!"

Mumm-Ra looked upon his new enemies through the cauldron a sneer wrapped around his face. “Laughter, Honesty, Generosity, Kindness, Loyalty and Friendship, these attribute are just as weak and pathetic as the code of Thundera used by the Thundercats themselves….If these two had ever met and become allies, then perhaps they could! I will not allow this to happen my power is ETERNAL!” Then suddenly an idea propped up in Mumm-Ra’s head. “But...maybe….maybe they don’t have to be allies...he he he. Ancient one’s has there been any history between the Ponies of Equestria and the Thundercats of old!”

"No...No Thunderian noble or peasant has arrived or made contact with any Equestrian."

“Then they do not know each other.” Mumm-Ra got a wicked grin. “Now! I will head to this Equestria! And begin some...reconciles to learn about my enemy! And to Destroy them! MA MUTT"

Suddenly a horrible rabid dog arrived running towards his master. “Prepare the Mumm-Raft Ma Mutt...We must prepare ourselves"

"WAIT! Mumm-RA….If you are going to head to this new realm. You will need allies...Look into the cauldron once more!"

Mumm-Ra looked into the cauldron to see a horrid bug looking creature. “W-Who is this monstrosity evil ones?”

"This is Queen Chrysalis...Leader of a race known as the Changelings...They will be able to aid you in this world conquest. With yours and their combine power! You will be UNSTOPPABLE!”

“Then….I will do as you command evil ones….This planet will fall before our feet! And an era of PERFECT EVIL! Will REIGN SUPREME!” With that Mumm-Ra walked to his space vessel the Ma-Rutt and entered its bone fie tomb as Ma-Mutt activated the engines and with the dark powers they were off to the new land known as Equestria.

Mumm-Ra slowly walked along the green grassy plains the soft twigs touching his decayed feet, it disgusted him greatly. Ma-Mutt walked beside him. “So...Ma-Mutt, this...Is Equestria, what a miserable backwater world. BUT...Soon it will crumble beneath our feet.” Mumm-Ra continued to look around. “First before we begin we must establish some sort of base of operations to insure our victory.” Mumm-Ra then saw an entrance to an underground cave hidden within the mountain side. “That...Will have to do.” Mumm-Ra and Ma-Mutt entered the drafty cave, the rock was steady enough as not to collapse on them and dark enough that the bright light of the sun wouldn’t not interfere with their vision.

“Yes….Yes….This will be...Perfect…….” Mumm-Ra unleashed his hands and all his magical energies spread through them. “ANCIENT SPIRITS OF EVIL...CREATE FOR ME...MY MAGICAL CAULDRON SO THAT I CAN EXECUTE YOUR WICKED WISHES!” Suddenly the rocks began to glow an aura of red until and form and move until they formed the four animal statues found in Mumm-Ra pyramid and in the center a black cauldron, along with a skull chamber with a sarcophagus in it. The perfect replica of Mumm-Ra’s pyramid. “Now...cauldron….Show me the lair...of the changeling queen!”

The Changeling castle was far off from most of Equestrian society in an area known as the badlands a place where most ponies didn’t go for a numerous many reason, but it was here that Mumm-Ra found himself seeking an audience with a Queen, a Queen of the Changelings.

Mumm-Ra still in his decayed form as not to rouse suspicion walked slowly up to the gates of the castle. “Queen Chrysalis hear me! Mumm-Ra! SUMMONS YOU FORTH for an audience!”

“Who are you to have such insolence as to think you could command Me.! Be gone or I shall have my army destroyed you,” Queen Chrysalis said to the rotting corpse.

Mumm-Ra burst out in a high pitch malevolent castle. “Then you have not heard of the power of MUMM-RA AHHAHAHAAHAHAHA!”

“The Queens of the past have heard of you and I have their knowledge. But they overestimate your power. I however do not share their weak minded thinking,” Queen Chrysalis said with a sneer.

Mumm-Ra burst out laughing again. “THEN...You shall have but a fragment of my ….UNLIMITED POWER!” With a small flick of his finger Mumm-Ra shattered the front gate to Chrysalis castle and slowly walked in. “And that, was merely child's play.

“Please a simple unicorn could have done that if you are truly as powerful as the legends say fight 100 of my soldiers then we will talk,” Queen Chrysalis said as 100 changelings swarmed Mumm-Ra.

Mumm-Ra burst out cackling. “I can achieve that with this one...bony...finger.” Raising his one bony finger all of Mumm-Ra magical might began to seep out through it in the form of lighting and zapped each and every one of the changeling soldiers turning it into dust. “Now...Do you still doubt my power?”

“It seems that the legends do not exaggerate at all to be able to summon lightning, to wield the very elements of nature themselves is no small feat,” Queen Chrysalis said as she flew down from the highest tower. “What does one such as yourself want with me?” she asked as she approached Mumm-Ra.

“Ah! While my ability to control the elements if vast and great….I am not able to control ALL the elements….You will of course no of...The Elements of Harmony.”

“They are not all-powerful my changeling Army was able to defeat their bearers,” Queen Chrysalis said with a sneer.

“And yet you do not rule Equestria! Thus! In the end, they must have brought about your defeat!”

“I would’ve ruled all of Equestria had that pathetic unicorn not brought the true Princess Cadence to the wedding. I had meant to replace Princess Luna but my spy had mixed up their rooms and I had already revealed myself to the so-called Princess of love not knowing she was not the Princess I was seeking,” Queen Chrysalis said to Mumm-Ra

Mumm-Ra pondered this for a moment clearly she was much more competent then the other forces of evil he was forced to associate himself with, perhaps...just perhaps...a plan could be formed. “ can change into any form you see fit, even one of these realms rulers?”

“It seems I’m have to show you my true abilities for you to suspend your disbelief,” Queen Chrysalis said as green flames enveloped her body causing her to change. As the green flames died down there stood an exact replica of Princess Luna, down to her Cutie Mark and wavy eternal mane. “Does this now impress thee?” Queen Chrysalis said perfectly in Princess Luna’s voice.

Mumm-Ra looked impressed for once. “Quite a unique ability, very few people have it. Of course I MUMM-RA possess the ability of TRANSFORMATION! As well.

“If thy have such ability then prove thy worth,” Queen Chrysalis said still imitating Princess Luna.

Mumm-Ra chuckled at this challenge. “Very will see my power then...much to your sorrow.” Mumm-Ra spread his arms the sky began to darken clouds swirled over it as the wind blow ferociously even within the castle walls, lighting struck as Mumm-Ra began the incantation. “ANCIENT SPIRITS OF EVIL…….TRANSFORM THIS DECAYED FORM ….TO MUMM-RA! THE EVER LIVING!” Suddenly Mumm-Ra form changed, no longer was he a bona fide mummy but now a fully-fledged warrior of old.

“Very impressive, but thine has not shown much at all,” Queen Chrysalis said still doubting Mumm-Ra.

Mumm-Ra burst out laughing. “Very well...I will take on the form of my greatest enemy….Lion-O...Lord of the Thundercats. ANCIENT SPIRITS OF EVIL...GIVE ME THE BODILY FORM OF LION-O LORD OF THE THUNDERCATS! HAAHAHAHHAHA” Suddenly Mumm-Ra began to change no longer was he a Mummy but a feline humanoid warrior. “Now...Does that impress you?” Mumm-Ra said harshly in Lion-O voice.

“Thine transformation doth impress me. But it is still not as well rounded as thy transformation. Thou still has a harshness to thy voice,” Queen Chrysalis said as she observed the transformation and ending.

“True but for what I wish to do, the Transformation is perfect enough for my needs.” Mumm-Ra said.

“What do thy have in mind?” Queen chrysalis asked.

Mumm-Ra rid himself of his disguise before explaining the plan. “First before I explain, are you capable of taking the form of the Princess of the Sun...Celestia.”

“What you ask is child’s play,” Queen Chrysalis said out of Princess Luna’s character. The green flames of transformation enveloped her body and when the flames died down there stood an exact copy of Princess Celestia. “How can I help you my little pony,” Queen Chrysalis said in Celestia’s gentle voice.

Mumm-Ra burst out in laughter. “PERFECT! With our abilities of Transformation, we will be able to enact a war between my enemies the Thundercats and your enemies...The Ponies of Equestria HAAHAHAHAHHA!”

“And how will this occur?” Queen Chrysalis said in Celestia’s voice.

“Simple! Using our abilities we will be able trick our enemies into believing that the other is on the side of evil. ”Mumm-Ra told Queen Chrysalis.

“How so?” Queen Chrysalis wondered.

“We will capture the one closest to them in the guise of Celestia and Lion-O making them believe the other is evil...thus having the two sides rush to the rescue of the other. Causing a clash of the ages.”

“But Twilight Sparkle is too well known in Ponyville for her to be taken,” Queen Chrysalis explained to Mumm-Ra.

Mumm-Ra burst out laughing again. “Who said we were going to kidnap Twilight Sparkle! What better way to grab the attention of the Princess of the Sun by taking her sister...The Princess of the moon.”

“Brilliant. But who am I to kidnap. I know next to nothing about these Thundercats. Who is the closest to Lion-o,” Chrysalis asked Mumm-ra.

“While Lion-O cherishes each and every one of his friends as his equal, the one who is considered his Second in Command is the eldest of them, the one they call Tygra!”

“And where would I find this Tygra?” Queen chrysalis asked.

“In a mighty fortress on my home on Third Earth known as, Cats lair!”

“Then he is well guarded then,” Queen Chrysalis observed.

“Not when he is out gathering samples of the local fauna for his scientific endeavors.”

“And afterwards when both are captured. What then?” asked Queen Chrysalis.

“We watch the Ponies and Thundercats destroy each other...then! We attack both Third Earth and Equestria….conquer it...and then...PLUNDER IT! HA HA HAHAHAHAHAHA!”

“We have an accord then oh mighty Mumm-Ra” Queen Chrysalis said to Mumm-Ra.

“Yes...We ACCORD!” Mumm-Ra cackled.


Mid-morning had come, and Tygra one of the great warriors known as the Thundercats began one his mid-morning expeditions into the forest to observe the local flora and fauna of the planet. The Tiger took notes as he saw of the flowers begin to bloom as the sun touched their pedals. However this tranquility was interrupted by the screams of despair.

“Help me! Somebody please Help Me!” a female voice cried out in despair.

“By Jaga! What is that?” Tygra leapt into action and ran to the screams of despair, to find a unicorn trapped in a net. “Hang on I’ll help you.” Tygra got out his bolo whip and used it to break the net out without harming the creature trapped inside. Strange...I don’t recall unicorns talking ever before.

“Please help me. I was just minding my own business taking a walk and this net suddenly enveloped me,” said the white unicorn

“That’s terrible, however I do not recall your kind ever able to speak in the past.” Tygra commented.

“My kind? You mean there are other alicorns on this world? I came to this world looking for food for my people. The Ponies of Equestria are desperate. Our lands are barren of food” said white alicorn.

“Alicorns? I never seen your kind before on Third Earth?” Tygra responded sounding curious.

“Please help me. There is some sort of magic in this net that keeps me from using my magic,” said the alicorn.

“Hold on. I can help. I am Tygra of the Thundercats.” Tygra got to the net and tried to pull it off of the alicorn. “Okay...There we go.” Tygra got of the net. “You are free.”

“Thank you. Now I know my people will have plenty to eat the loving and kindness of the people of this land will fill the bellies of my people for all eternity. You should be thankful you have served Princess Celestia so well,” the Princess said as a green light enveloped her horn and a ray of light from her horn shot and hit Tygra causing him to hit one of the tree.

“What...A trap! But why?”

“My people are starving, as one of the four princesses of Equestria I need to find food for my subjects. We feed off of the love that other beings feel. Do not worry. We’ll make sure to put you and your people into a beautiful dream from which you will never wake up,” Princess Celestia said to Tygra as she fanned out her wings.

Tygra got back into a position to defend. “Well I’m afraid I am no body’s dinner.” With a fling of his whip he turned himself invisible as to launch a sneak attack.

“What a foalish mistake. Trying to sneak up on me. I can see your magic,” Princess Celestia said as her horn glowed green causing a light to envelop the clearing and reveal Tygra.

“Ugh.” Tygra flung back again as he was hit the magical beams the pain was intense but he was a Thundercat, he wouldn’t be struck down so easily. Using his whip again he tried to knock down on the branches of the tree to hit the creature, it succeeded but only enough to bruise her.

“Clever, but not clever enough,” Princess Celestia said as she took flight.

Tygra looked up as Celestia swooped down on him striking him again but now he found himself in the air until he landed into the water of a swift moving river, try as he might he could not reach the surface to get air and went unconscious.

“As simple as Mumm-Ra told me,” Princess Celestia as she used her magic to draw Tygra out of the river. As soon as she had Tygra out of the river she teleported to the black pyramid. Once there green flames enveloped her form revealing Queen Chrysalis. She then put Tygra into one of two nearby cages. “Mission accomplished my partner in evil,” Queen Chrysalis said to Mumm-Ra.

Mumm-Ra cackled with malevolent glee. ‘Perfect! One down….One….More...To go! HAHAHAHAHHAHHAHAHAH!”


Princess Luna was walking around in the everfree forest. She had just finished helping one of the young foals in ponyville overcome their nightmares and now was taking a break before she moved on to the next foal’s dreams. Suddenly she heard a heavy crashing sound coming back from reality, near her old castle. She spread her wings and took flight to see what the commotion was. Luna flew down to the old Castle of the Two Sisters to see some sort of cat like creature roaming its abandoned halls, she went in to investigate. “What are you doing here strange creature,” Princess Lena said cautiously

The cat creature looked up at Luna. “I am Lion-O lord of the Thundercats, I have come here seeking shelter.” The cat said in a harsh voice.

“If it is shelter thy seek shelter then I shall lead you to the town of Ponyville. Princess Twilight Sparkle will be able to house you in her castle for the night. Then you will come with me to Canterlot to see my sister,” Princess Lena said to Lion-o as she flew closer to him so she could lead him out of the everfree forest.

“I thank you for your assistance in my travels.” The cat said. “But I must ask, where I am, I am not used to this land.”

“Thou are in the land of Equestria. This is the castle that once housed my sister and I 1000 years ago. Near here is the Tree of Harmony which houses the Elements of Harmony,” Princess Luna explained to Lion-o.

“The Elements of Harmony?” Lion-O said. “I have searched for those Elements to help me defeat an evil force from my land named Mumm-Ra the Ever Living.”

“I am afraid you cannot take the elements for they have bonded with others. They are now needed to restore the Tree of Harmony’s magic. But the tree gave the bearers of the elements new powers so they might be able to help you defeat this evil you speak of,” Princess Luna said to Lion-o.

“I thank you for assistance.” Lion-O said giving a small bow as the two of them headed out of the castle and onto the pathway out of the forest. The two walked together for a few feet before Lion-O though he saw a glimmer in the deep trenches of the woods. “I-I think I saw something important to me.”

“What is so important that we must make a detour?” Princess Luna asked curiously.

“The Sword of Omens, a powerful weapon that aids me against the never ending battle against evil. I lost it when I arrived on this planet.” Lion-O headed off into the woods to search for the sword.

“Colts and their toys. Even after a 1000 years stallions still think that weapons are the epitome of showing their masculinity,” Princess Luna said with a sigh as she followed Lion-o through the woods.

They continued to go deeper into the woods for a few feet each step they took, took them off farther and farther from the pathway than before until finally they stopped, and Lion-O picked up a sword a gold one with two headed serpents either side on it with two blades sticking out from each end.

“Is that thy sword young Lion-o,” Princess Luna asked not liking the look of the twin bladed sword.

“Yes, it is……...and it shall be YOUR DOOM!” Lion-O started twirl the sword as it engulfed itself in flames striking Luna down.

Princess Luna let out a shriek in pain as the sword struck her. But quickly she was able to right herself and take flight again. “A trick. I will not let this go unpunished,” Princess Luna said as her horn was enveloped blue magic as she began to fire beams of magic at Lion-o.

“UGH...You will pay for your insolence! I will destroy the Elements of Harmony but not before I destroy you!” Lion-O charged with the sword and began his assault.

“I will die before I let you destroy the Elements of Harmony!” Princess Luna shouted in the Royal Canterlot Voice as she continued her assault. She continued to fly around Lion-o shooting beams of magic but also trying to avoid attacks from the sword.

“You will not defeat me the LORD of the THUNDERCATS!” Lion-O shouted as he continued his unwavering assault on her.

“I will protect my subjects from beings like you,” Princess Luna shouted as she continued to shoot beams of magic at Lion-o. But using magic and flying around while avoiding the sword was taking its toll on Luna’s body. She began to slightly slow down running out of breath.

“You begin to tire.” Lion-O taunted. “Now I will make the final blow.”

Realizing that she was outmatched Princess Luna sent a dream image of Lion-o’s attack to her sister before she fell unconscious.

“Yes...Send for help, little Pony….But it will do you no good in the end.” Lion-O taunted to Luna seeing the image getting sent.
Finally Lion-O arrived at the Black Pyramid, only to be engulfed by magical energies to return to his true form of Mumm-Ra the ever living. “MUHAHAHAHAHA! Now...The trap is set...The two hostages have been taken...Let the war between cat and pony...he he ha...BEGIN!”


Princess Celestia woke up at the gasp after seeing the image Princess Luna sent her being attacked by some cat like creature in the Everfree forest only to be taken by it on some sort of flying vehicle. “Guards wake the rest of the ranks. My sister has been taken. Send word to Princess Cadence and Shining Armor I will need them to guard Canterlot while I and the elements of harmony go to war. Stay strong Luna I will not lose you again my sister,” Princess Celestia said with a tear in her eye.