Bravery's ascension

by Stucks-24_6

Operation: Destroy King Sombra

"Farewell little stallion, your end is here."Sombra said holding his sword above Bravery's head, ready to sever it and claim his sweet but easy victory.

Sombra then brought the giant blade on Bravery, but it was suddenly halted by four curved blades that seemed to be attached to gauntlets, Fortaancus!

Fortaancus had Sombra's white sword trapped in his gauntlet blades and used them to break the sword in two. Sombra backed away as Fortaancus recovered and slowly circled him, "You never fail to impress me human, courageous but easily misguided." Sombra laughed.

"This ends here Sombra, every last bit of it, the killing, the torturing and the destroying, all of it." Fortaancus growled, keeping his eyes fixed on Sombra's. Sombra was a formidable opponent even without the sword, head on attacks were not ideal.

Sombra dived in Fortaancus' direction in an attempt to impale the human with his long, red horn. However, Fortaancus was quicker than Sombra and easily evaded the attack then grabbed Sombra's neck and smashed his heel into Sombra's knee. Sombra grunted a little bit from the pain and began levitating himself off the ground.

Sombra thought he could take out Bravery and Fortaancus at the same time from his flight advantage but then Fortaancus deployed a smoke screen and Bravery threw his shield at Sombra's forehead. The shield hit directly in the face and black blood started to trickle from his nose. The smoke screen filled the room and Sombra started to make out any signs of movement.

After a few moments, Sombra felt something latch onto his chest plate and felt himself being pulled down by a three-bladed retractable claw. When Sombra then saw Bravery standing up, another powerful blow was delivered to his face as Bravery drove his hind legs into Sombra's face in bucking motion.
Sombra was flung back and crashed down onto the glass floor with great force. Sombra slowly picked himself up from the ground noticing his severely bleeding face and nose. He wiped traces of putrid blood off his face and furiously looked back at the two adversaries that stood before him.

"Submit to your fate Sombra, this battle is lost for you." Bravery said as he walked closer to Sombra, assuming the injuries had weakened him.

Fortaancus followed and prepared one of his spiked chains from behind his back for any possible countermeasures.
"Understand this though tyrant, if we do not finish you, some pony will, as long as Equestria knows you live, you will have take them all on, no pony will rest until you and your reign is destroyed." Fortaancus explained, he was not going to kill the tyrant, such a deed belonged to one who had suffered dearly because of the madness this monster had brought on Equestria.

Sombra wearily smiled again and said with a feeble voice: "You are fools to think you can stop me, as long as even one of my soldiers live, I live as well, they are a part of me, they follow me because they are me, the body is just a vessel, energy from my very soul is what fuels them, this battle of necromancy and magic is one that your kind cannot win."

"This land belongs to me, mortals, now prepare to-" Sombra was then suddenly cut off by a massive crash in the ceiling.
A huge hole had been made in the craggy roof and murky sunlight started to flow through. Out of the light came the Divinity bolts who were glowing with a golden aura and there eyes glowing light blue.

Behind the Divinity bolts was a large number of lunar and royal guard Pegasi with weapons and wings at the ready.

"Forward comrades! Operation:Destroy King Sombra!" shouted Skyrise.