404: Signal not found

by Royale With Cheese

The signal

Friday afternoon with about 10 minutes left in high school before Spring Break and everybody was getting jittery and excited about the big break especially about the guy in this story, Joshua Budd, pretty much excited like everybody else but not as excited as the three bronies in the class named Jordan, Oscar and Xavier, as they stood I there own 3 man group.

Out of nowhere, Jordan shouts "Can't wait for tomorrow, woo!"

As the whole class all of a sudden quieted down at one of the most loudest people in the school.

"Tomorrow? Whatcha doing man? Losing your virginity to a plush pony?" A classmate jokingly said then right after the whole class roared with laughter.

Then Jordan put his head down slightly "No... Season 5 of that show...".

Even though everyone knows that the watch My Little Pony, the gang refers to it as "That show" since they are embarrassed to call it by the actual name.

There is a total of 27 bronies in the 1500 person highschool and they are one of the most loudest and annoying people in the school and of course at Halloween they all dress up as there favorite character.

As Joshua took a couple steps towards them and said (Luckily the teacher was out of the class getting something while this was all happening) "Such an unmanly pedophile ponyfag"

As the sound of a bell and a bunch of classmates wooing and saying damn combined, the three bronies sat down and looked at the floor.

"Dude, you just roasted those guys!" As his friend Daniel said as they both walked out the school. "Hey, any plans after school? Wanna hangout?".

Josh replied "Sorry, I got exciting plans by myself... Over the past month or two, I have been planning hacking and shutting down a My Little Pony website, a My Little Pony Wiki and the Pony Facebook fanpage, so I can't wait to do that!"

"No way man, are you serious?! What if the damn FBI comes after you?" Daniel worriedly questioned.

"No they won't, besides, it's not like hacking and shutting down Google or a government website" Josh explained.

"Good point... Hey, my mom is here to pick me up, text me when your done 'your operation' "

Josh nodded his head and made his way home.

As soon as he got home, he greeted his mom, grabbed an after school snack and went to the computer, he decided to open three tabs for the three websites to try and shut down at the same time so the shutdown for all three will be quicker but the set ups will be long, two hours of set up for each website, it was time to get started.

-6 hours later-

"Finally..." As Josh said to himself, as the three websites had the 'Shutdown' option. He counted down from three quietly and tapped that button on all three websites and closed them completely.

He texted Daniel "hey go to Equestriadaily.com".

A couple minutes later, he replied back saying "Dude! It says the damn website has been seized! You the man!"

Josh looked at the text and smiled then his mom called him down for dinner, not knowing this will be the last dinner with his family for a long time...


-in Celestias castle-

Celestia was on her throne, just reading some letters, then out of nowhere a sharp pain rang through her head for a few seconds "Aaarrrrgghh" as she painfully groaned. "Wh-what was that..." A few seconds later her horn started flashing the colour blue "...This doesn't look good...".

Then a guard rushed in and bowed to her "Your highness, the signal has been seized..."

"Wait... The signal of Equestria Daily?" She turned and grabbed a scroll that read 'Equestria Daily' and her eyes glided down to section 7 that read 'Problems with signal' then she read down a little further "and read to herself "if the website for the humans has been stolen, hacked or seized upon, teleport to the human earth and search for the occupant, and capture him, put him in prison for life" As Celestia read. "Shining Armor... Get the microphone ready..."

Shining bowed down "Yes your highness" before Shining would go out of the room Celestia stopped him.

"And Shining Armor, you will be in this mission too"

Shining bowed down once more "Of course your highness" and walked out of the room.

A few minutes later, Celestia walks down to the look out of Canterlot where the microphone was ready, "Shining Armor, click on the World Wide Switch, every pony needs to know about this". Then Shining flicked the switch up.

"Let's get this started" as Shining Armor spoke to himself.

"Flick the on switch in 10" Celestia demanded, then Armor counted slowly in his head.

When the microphone was turned on, she spoke the news, "Mares and gentlecolts, stop what your all doing, I have news, the news is that the Equestria Daily signal has been seized, the biggest signal we have, it gives out all of our news to the humans of earth, I don't who the suspect is but I'll get the name tomorrow, and again tomorrow, we will go down to human earth and capture the suspect. It's your own choice if you want to capture this being with us, you can come or not, if your planning to come, be at my castle before 1:25PM tomorrow afternoon, we will be leaving at exactly 1:30PM. That is all I have, I'll announce more news if there is more to come, thanks for listening and you can now carry on to whatever you were doing, thank you".

As the six ponies were in the middle of a picnic as the news was said. "That was the weirdest but craziest news ever! Twilight explained. "It's pretty much impossible for us to get that signal up and running again"

"Unless..." Rainbow Dash continued ..."if we get him scared enough so he fixes it up and doesn't be a goof about it, it'll be fine"

"Princess Celestia will obviously want us there... So who's with me?" Twilight said.

"Yea!" As the five ponies and Spike shouted in unison, then continued with there picnic.