Tales from the desk of the Lunar Court

by Amber flicker

The Summit

The Summit always had brightly coloured décor, warm fires lighting the shady areas, and many friendly ponies and other creatures to tend to the 'importants.' And usually, Celestia would smile back, thank them, and be overall... Well, herself. It was usually so inviting.

Today everything was just a blur of loud sound and intense colour.

She wasn't sure why she felt so off, but from past experience it didn't mean anything good. Something was horribly wrong. But nothing bad should happen, it was The summit. No violence could happen on this day, it was forbidden. Weapons weren't even allowed inside the gates.

Something soft bumped into her side, a detached sorry mumbled. Luna. Maybe she was just being paranoid, and this being her sister's first Summit was the source of her worries. She always worried about Luna. With their parents gone she'd taken most of the mothering role in the younger's life.

Nothing could go wrong.