//------------------------------// // A Shining Start // Story: Stardust in the wind // by StarDustShine //------------------------------// On a small hill overlooking over looking the city of Canterlot we find a boy about 16 years of age. He of average height and weight with spiky hair that hung down in his eyes and was colored with varying shades of red. His skin was a sort of dark grey color with patches of white here and there and he wore brass circular glasses as well as jeans, black shoes, and a black long sleve shirt depicting a crescent moon with a star in the center of it. "Well... here it is, Cantorlot City," he said to himself "Time for my new start... no one here knows me and I intend on keeping that way as long as possible". As he started to make his way down the hill towards the city he said to himself, "I've heard this city has a great high school for someone like me, despite all the unusual events that have apparently took place there," he thought back to the story he had read on the quote-on-quote demon girl "all I've got to is get there and...". He stoped dead in his tracks as he came to realization "I HAVE NO IDEA WHERE ANYTHING IS IN THIS BLOODY CITY!" he shouted. "Great job self-" he slapped a hand across his forehead "- haven't even reached the city and you're already being stupid". He looked out at the city and for the first time, he realized how big the city was, "This place is so huge I'll never find it," he said with a cry. "I guess I'll just have to wing it," he stated as he continued his walk down to the city. "Man," the boy thought to himself "this place is even bigger up close and personal. How am I ever gonna find the high school in this mess?" He stood in place for a bit trying to think of something, he said out loud "I guess I could... I probably have to. Um, excuse me," he said as he stopped a girl on the street, before asking his question he was able to get a good look at her. She had yellow skin, purple eyes, and brown hair that, for some strange reason, was rainbow colored at the ends. She was wearing a black shirt that depicted a trophy with a red lightning bolt through it with a grey jacket over the shirt and pink tight pants that went just below her knees as well as blue Nike sneakers. "Do you know how I can get to Canterlot High from here?" he asked as calmly as possible. "Huh, oh sure... you just go down to the end of this road and take a left, you'll see it," the girl responded happily. "Thanks," he said as he said as he walked off in the direction he'd been pointed. He couldn't believe it, he was so close to it and he still had to ask for directions... he felt like an idiot. He kept walking and after he turned the corner he saw it there, a tall building with a small statue in front. Actually it didn't different that what he had seen in the newspaper. He out front for a bit just admiring the building before he heard someone come up behind him. "Excuse me," he heard and turned around to see a woman, much taller than him, she had white skin and hair that had reminded him of the Aurora Borealis. She was wearing simply just a yellow button up shirt and brown pants. She continued "I don't believe I've seen you around here, you wouldn't happen to be here to sign up for classes?" "You saw right through me," he replied sarcastically "Well your just in time," the woman said with a slight smile, "classes start tomorrow, if you come with me we can fill out the appropriate paperwork. I'm the principal by the way, principal Celestia, and you are?" "StarDust," he said holding back the pain that came with that name "StarDust Shine"