//------------------------------// // Day 3:Arrival // Story: Surreal Joy // by LaxBrony //------------------------------// Journal Entry Day 3 I woke up this Saturday morning at eight o’clock and got ready for the day like I usually do. The only two people who are up this early on a Saturday are me and Jake so we can watch My Little Pony, when it comes on at nine. I finished getting ready at about eight thirty and had time to mess around with magic and show off to my little brother. When it was time, we sat on the couch and turned on the television. We were happy to see that it was on just as we turn on the T.V and quickly select the Hub. It’s just a rerun but it was my favorite episode “A Friend In Deed.” We watched through the episode and sang along to the Smile Song that Pinkie Pie sings grinning ear to ear. The show ended at nine thirty and I opened up my laptop to call Frasier and tell him to come over. He got to my house at about ten thirty and I greeted him at the door. “Hey Frasier. How goes it?” “It goes good. Hi Mrs. F!” he called as my mom walked down the stairs. “Oh, hello Frasier. I didn’t know you were coming over.” “Yeah, Fel called and said that I should come over because he wanted to check out something out at the park that he saw on a walk.” “When was the last time you ever went on a walk Fel? Probably not recently, because of your, uhm…Changes.” “Well, yeah last time I was on a walk was Wednesday, but I could have sworn I saw something shiny by Puma Park.” “How are we going to disguise you Fel? You can’t simply walk outside like… That.” Frasier said as he gestured to my body. “Hmmm… We have a mop right?” I asked my mom. “Yes, why?” “I could drape it over myself and look like one of those mop dogs.” “I see how that could work. But, what about that horn of yours?” “We hope nobody pays close enough attention?” “If you really want to do this, I’m okay with it. But please, try to be careful and be aware of other dogs.” “When are we going to go to the park?” Frasier asked me. “We should leave around ten til’ noon.” “Why wait until noon?” “Because last time I saw the shiny thing it was bright out. And I want to be able to find whatever this thing is.” “Okay well, that’s in about an hour so what do we do until then?” “I’ve wanted to try teleportation again. I probably won’t cause as much damage because there already is a crater where I would practice teleporting.” “OH OH OH! Do it now!” Frasier exclaimed clearly excited. “Alright here I go.” Before I close my eyes to concentrate I see my mom looking around furiously and chuckle to myself. “She’s probably looking for a cover spot. I don’t blame her after what happened in the basement.” I thought to myself. I opened my eyes moments later thinking nothing had happened. When I looked up, I was in the crater in the basement. “Wha- How did that happen without making some sort of sound? Furthermore how did I not know that it happened?” Frasier ran down the stairs beaming and hopping with joy. “Dude that was awesome! How did you do that so quietly? You just kind of disappeared without any flash or explosion or anything!” “I have no idea how! The first time I tried to teleport I left this huge crater in the floor.” I looked down indicating the crater I was standing in. “Well who cares? I mean you sat there for like, ten minutes before anything happened but it was almost like you didn’t use any effort at all!” “Ten minutes? It took me that long to even disappear?” “Yeah, I guess. I mean, that probably is a little too long especially if you want to get somewhere fast. But progress is progress right?” “I guess you’re right. C’mon now that we are down here let’s play some Xbox.” “Okay!” Frasier replied quickly. We then spent the next half hour playing some Halo. Even though I was a pony, I still won by a longshot because with magic, I don’t have to worry about where my hands are and what buttons I am able to press at the same time. My magic just allowed me to move everything I wanted when I wanted without accidentally doing something I didn’t want to do with clumsy human hands. After about a half hour of this, we went upstairs to eat a quick lunch. Frasier warmed up a hotdog when I ate something I never thought I would eat, a salad. It was actually pretty good, but then again, I was a pony and I probably developed a fine taste for leafy kinds of foods now. When we were done we put our dishes in the dishwasher and got ready to go to the park. “My god, I thought having a mop on my head would be degrading but a leash too? This sucks.” I said. “Do you want to be taken by random government officials that will pop out of nowhere because of something as strange as this?” Frasier pointed out. “I guess you’re right.” I agreed. “Hey mom! We’re going to go to the park now! See you soon!” “I hope.” “Okay!” she called back. The trip to the park took about ten minutes like I had suspected and we were in the middle of the park about five minutes early. “So, where is this shiny thing?” asked Frasier. “There is no shiny thing, unless you count Twilight Sparkle as ‘shiny’.” “What do you mean?” “I mean that we are going to see Twilight as herself right here in a few minutes. We just have to wait.” “Why is she coming here?” He asked excited but confused. “Well, last night she walked up to me in a dream and told me to come here at twelve because it had the most powerful magic footprint.” I explained and then a thought hit me. “This might be a goodbye.” “Like a pony-being-on-earth-but-having-to-go-back-to-Equestria-because-he-doesn’t-belong-on-Earth kind of goodbye?” Frasier asked. “Yeah, I think it would be like that. Well, Frasier, I hope it isn’t that way and—“ An explosion cut me off as Twilight Sparkle appeared right before our eyes in a tiny crater that she had made when she teleported. She shook her head to clear the daze she had experienced from the teleportation and looked up first at me, than at Frasier, who were both blown back a few feet. “Hello. My name is Twilight Sparkle.” She said as she held out her hoof. “Pleased to meet you.” I replied and shook her hoof. “But only a little bit.” I thought with remorse. “I’m Fel and this is my friend Frasier.” “He seems to handle having a pony in his world well.” “Well, yeah. He was surprised at first but he got used to it.” After I said that a blue flame appeared between me and Twilight. It was about as big as my hoof and floated effortlessly through the air up to eye level. Nobody spoke out of either wonder or amazement, and it started to float toward me. I didn’t back away because I felt some sort of pull toward it like it was talking to me, begging me to come closer. It felt powerful, it felt wonderful, it felt magical. It came in contact with the tip of my horn and exploded sending forth ten flaming blue tendrils that wrapped around my body. The other two around me exclaimed at the sudden explosion from the small blue flames, but I smiled as the cool feeling of magic and energy swirled around me. The sensation was so amazing that I could not open my eyes to see the horrified faces of my two companions before I blacked out. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Frasier I stood there mouth agape as he watched the scene unfold. I would have done something because I thought my friend was in danger, but I just couldn’t because I was in awe. The blue flame seemed to appear out of nowhere and just swallowed Fel whole. To top that off, he didn’t seem scared of what was happening to him, he just stood there eyes closed with a big smile on his face. When he opened his eyes, they were glowing the same shade of electric blue the flame was. Then there was a second explosion. This time the explosion sent Twilight and I flying across the field. When the wall of flame passed us, I expected us to get singed or burnt to ash but instead, the flames were bitterly cold and put a thin layer of frost on everything as it passed. When I finally was able to stand up and break free of the thin layer of ice that stuck me to the grass, I looked up at Twilight. “What the hell did you do?!” I practically screamed at her. “I have no idea! I’ve never seen anything like it!” she shivered, looking panicked and nervous. “Not to mention ever felt anything like it. That was REALLY not supposed to happen” “Where did Fel go?” “I don’t know, but I am pretty sure it would be somewhere in Equestria.” She stepped back and her horn started to glow. “Hey, can’t I come with?” “You can’t come into Equestria! You’re a…human.” She said the last word like it was some kind of ailment or disease. “Hey, what you just did made me friend get sucked Equestria! He’s my friend, not yours, and I should at least try to help him!” “Ugh… Fine. But only because I know you won’t let me go without you.” “Good. Now let’s get going. The longer we wait here the more bad things could happen to Fel. What are the side effects of cross-dimensional travel?” Twilight looked like she was going to laugh a little. “You’ll find out soon enough. Anyways, here we go.” Twilight said as her horn started to glow again. There was a sudden flash and we were soon zipping through a tunnel of thousands of different shades of colors swirling together. Immediately, I started to feel a horrible pain in my back, almost as if it was being torn apart at my shoulder blades. I screamed in agony as the pain kept getting worse. I could feel myself shrinking, changing form, and I started to lose feeling in my fingers and toes. “Oh my god, what’s going on!? Why does this hurt so freaking much?” I thought miserably. A few seconds later, the whirling colors started to form a picture, and before I could figure out what it was we came to sudden halt in Twilight’s library. She landed on her hooves while I crashed and slid across the floor into a bookshelf, which promptly spilled every book it carried onto my head. I tried to stand up after digging past The Reference Guide to the Elements of Harmony, but found it difficult because I couldn’t seem to keep balanced on my feet. Then I looked down. I didn’t have feet, I had hooves! I became a pony just like Fel did! I was pretty sure it was all really just a side effect of a human being magically teleported into Equestria, but at the moment I didn’t care. I clumsily walked up the stairs to a mirror to get a better look at myself. What I saw made me fall back on my new tail, which hurt a little. I was a deep blue pegasus with a rather short tail and a spiky mane that I figured would make me look like a comet when I flew. Some of my hair was singed with white. I was the pony that I had dreamed to be! “Well damn, don’t I look badass!” I thought to myself. Twilight finished sending a letter to princess Celestia and walked over to me. “Are you ready to go? Fr- Frasier was it?” “Yeah, I’m Frasier. In spirit, anyway. Where are we going?” “You seem to be taking to your new figure quite well.” She said randomly changing the subject. “Can you fly?” “Let me try.” I started to beat my wings, slowly at first. I increased the speed of my wings until I had lifted about a foot off of the ground. The rush of adrenaline hit me. I was flying! I beat my wings faster and faster until I hovered ten feet above Twilight. I was beaming down, amazed at what I had just done but Twilight seemed unimpressed. “She sees pegasi do ten times more than this on a daily basis. Of course she’s not amused.” “Are you done yet?” Twilight sighed, “We need to get going.” “Where?” I said still hovering. “Come down here and I’ll tell you.” I slowed my wings too fast and I plummeted toward the ground and gracefully crashed and rolled across the floor. I looked up at Twilight and she did her best to stifle a laugh. “Oh sure, she has time to laugh at my first fail but not share a smile at my first victory.” “Where are we going?” I asked again. She caught her breath and said. “We are going to Town Hall to explain the situation.” “And you think anypony would care about this?” “Well, of course they will!” “A strange pony that no one knows was trapped in another dimension and went missing because of freezing cold flames. Yep, everypony will believe that.” “Yes they will. Everypony in Ponyville has learned to trust me.” “But nopony has heard or seen about Fel! NOPONY will care.” “Just!” She took a deep breath, “Trust me.” “Ok fine.” I finally agreed as we walked out of the library. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Fel “Ugh, my head…” I look up groggily into the dimly lit room. The only light source was a small blue flame in the middle of what seemed a circular room. The small blue flame made me smile as I remembered the warm feeling it gave me. I tried to stand up to go to the flame again but a sharp pain in my side. I cringed at the pain and fell to the ground. A raspy voice called from the darkness “You probably should avoid standing and walking for a moment.” I froze eyes wide and started searching the room frantically. “Wh-Where are you?” I asked grimacing. The unknown voice cleared his throat and spoke again. “Oh I’m terribly sorry; I’ve had this nasty tickle in my throat for a few days. The voice was much more welcoming and lighthearted than the raspy one I had just heard. I relaxed a little knowing that the voice was much more pony like and didn’t sound like something that would want to eat me and use my bones as toothpicks. An electric blue pony with bright red hair stepped from the shadows and started to walk to me. He held a small vial with his silvery magic and floated it over to me. “Drink this, it will make you feel better.” The vial contained a light orange substance that had a dull glow. It smelled like someone had thrown you into a large container of different flowers, and they were so strong that you couldn’t smell anything but those flowers. If was overwhelming, and the taste was even more so. While the little mixture smelled of beautiful flowers, it tasted like someone made you eat dirt, than sand, and had you swallow them down with a bottle of ketchup. “Yeeeeck! What’s in that?!” I exclaimed trying to get the bitter taste out of my mouth. “I’m not entirely sure,” the unicorn admitted. “But you feel a lot better, don’t you?” It was true; I stood up feeling both well rested and full of energy. My side, where I figured my ribs were broken, felt completely better. It was amazing that his cutie mark wasn’t a doctor’s symbol. It actually looked like a fire, with icicles coming off of it. I was then able to get a good look at this kind stranger. About half of his horn was missing, almost as if someone dropped something heavy on it and it snapped right off. His face was covered in scars and he had a giant scrape down the left side of his body. “Jeez, are you ok?” “Hmm? Oh yes I’m quite fine. As you can see, they are scars and couldn’t cause any more pain.” “Alright, then. My name is Fel by the way. What’s yours?” “Fel? What an odd name. It sounds rather, erm, how do I put it? It sounds somewhat demonic. Almost as if you were named after some highly worshipped demon.” “Gee, thanks. What’s your name Mr. ‘Demon Worshiper’?” “My name is Pyra Frost, I specialize in the magical elements of fire and ice, the yin and yang of elements.” “That’s interesting. So you can control both fire and ice like they coexist in harmony?” “Yes, that’s one way to put it. For example, the flame behind me actually won’t burn you if you touch it. In fact, it will most likely coat whatever touches it in solid ice.” “So like sub-zero flames?” “Exactly.” “If you don’t mind me asking, what happened to you?” I asked. “I’m sort of the adventurous type and have had many mishaps in my adventures. As you can see,” He gestured to his horn, “My horn is broken in half but I am still able to use magic. This tends to happen when you have a strong soul and a high magical potential.” “Fascinating! Also, how exactly did you know that I was on Earth?” “My dear colt, you are quite curious, aren’t you? You are one unicorn pony that has a particularly strong magical potential.” “I have some sort of deep down magical power that I haven’t discovered yet and it’s super powerful?” “Of a sort. But, the great thing is, I can speed up the process, give you your powers quickly and you will be able to perform the magic that every other unicorn can only dream about.” “Ooooh. I like the sound of that. How do I speed up the process?” He chuckled manically, “I’m glad you asked but first, you need some sleep.” “What? It was noon when you warped me into your dimension!” “Yes it was, but you were out cold with a silly grin on your face for at least eight hours.” “That long huh? What did you do to me?” “I simply transported you here. The sheer power of my transportation spell overwhelmed you and you fell unconscious.” “Alright fine, where do I sleep?” “Right over here.” He motioned for me to follow. I tread lightly behind him, careful not to step on shattered glass shards and puddles of unknown liquids. Pyra’s shattered horn shimmered and the blue flame in the center of the room doubled in size, bathing the whole room in a cool blue light. My eyes widened as I took in the whole of the circular room we were in. It had many desks surrounding the center blue flame. Dozens of glass test tubes and flasks were filled with different colored potions. Other tables held small containers of blue flames that seemed to react to the center flame. On these tables, there was also an abundance of ice. Some of the ice was in large blocks and others just encased the tables. “What’s all this? Isn’t your special talent the ability to combine flames and ice?” I asked. “All of the flasks and vials are potions I make. It’s more of a hobby than a profession.” Pyra explained. “Ah, here we are.” He came to a halt in front of a couple large blocks of ice. “These are the beds? You seriously expect me to sleep on a block of ice.” “No young Fel, I expect you to sleep on the most comforting substance in existence.” He said shoving me toward the ice block. “Okay…” I said climbing onto the ice. As soon as I got into what would have been my “comfort zone,” the ice started to creep around me around me and I started to panic. “Woa woa woa hey!” I yelped jumping out of the ice bed. Pyra rolled his eyes, “Just get in and relax, the ice will form over you and you will experience the most peaceful sleep you have ever had in all of your years of living.” “Yah I doubt that.” I snapped back. “But, without you, I would still have broken ribs.” I admitted. I climbed onto the ice again and lay down. The ice started to form over me and I let it. When the ice had formed above my neck, drowsiness overcame me and I fell asleep with ease. “He wasn’t kidding when he said it was the most comfortable substance in existence.” I thought to myself quickly falling asleep in the ice.