//------------------------------// // A pony's mind is a fragile thing // Story: Cutiemark Crusaders 10k: The fourth deity // by The Psychopath //------------------------------// Far away, in lands touched only by chaos, Discord watched the battle atop a green hill. His telescope was excellent at providing him what he needed in terms of amusement. Sitting next to him was none other than the Queen of Chaos herself: Twilight Sparkle. Like Discord, she too had become a draconequus, although she was less randomly built and fluffier. She now had four wavy horns extending from her skull and pushing backwards. These were very close to each other but spread apart when their ends were reached. Her hooves had now become arms and hands with four digits of an unknown creature, although they did have the combined similarities of a feline appendage mixed with a bear's and a bird's. Twilight perhaps never became an alicorn, but she still owned two wings: A bat wing and that of a pegasus. Finally, her eyes had become similar to a serpent's. "What is it, Discord?" she asked. Twilight was half bored. "Ooo! Oh ho! Pinkie Pie was just blasted aside by Rarity's little sister and those stupid things she calls 'Sisters of Battle' or somesuch," Discord nagged. The draconequus was bouncing around a lot in excitement, his upper body somehow remaining perfectly still. He constantly talked about what he was seeing while Twilight preferred to read one of her books whilst lying down on a bed of pony-turned-demon and pony slaves. Without warning, however, an explosion of black briefly shrouded the horizon and all light. Twilight immediately jolted up and looked around in excitement. "What was that?! I felt a tremendous surge of unknown magic," she exclaimed. "Well, it looks like some weird, giant crystal thing got the slip on Pinkie and threw her over its head. That's some huge strength. Oh, and what's this? Fluttershy is fighting against something. What is it? So exciting." Discord adjusted his telescope to zoom in through the trees where he could now spot every single detail. "Wait...that's...a..." Discord fell onto his rear with utter disbelief on his face. Twilight looked through the telescope, ignoring the draconequus, to see what exactly was so interesting from afar. Much to her curiosity, Fluttershy was now fighting what looked like a crystalline creature. "Oh. A new creation of Sombra's?" "No. I thought they were all dead," Discord said while cradling himself in a fetal position. "You know what it is?" "It's a crystallion. It's the reason why I'm the last of the draconequi." Discord had a sudden epiphany and stood upright. "Wait, but they were also wiped out. If that one is still alive, that means it's the last of its kind." "So?" "I can destroy it and have my revenge." "Revenge? I thought you liked being the only god of chaos." Discord nodded and shrugged in agreement. "Then it's not revenge you want?" "You're right. That would be too 'normal'," Discord spat the word with a disgusted tone. "When Fluttershy is done with, then you can keep it as a pet." "Why not a lab test subject?" "Ehhhhhhh-I don't see why not." "Yes!" Twilight fist pumped. In front of the gates, many of the soldiers were watching the crystallion with surprise and shock. It was fighting hoof-to-claw with the demon lord. How? Only the grand inquisitor was ever able to fight one single hoofedly. When Fluttershy broke out of the hold and threw a punch down, the black cloud that had been seeping out of Abstract's body grabbed a hold of the dragon's arms and seeped into it, causing her great pain and discomfort. Slowly, the arm lost all strength and drooped limply to the side of the yellow creature. "What did you do to my arm?" she bellowed. "I drained your magic. It is mine, now." "I--" "Silence." An enormous vortex of dark energy spiraled from behind Abstract and impacted into Fluttershy with full strength; Deforming her stomach momentarily, knocking the wind out of her, burning her scales, and throwing her far away into the corrupted lands of Equestria. The chrysanthemium, however, was losing its battle against Pinkie Pie. While it had most certainly wounded her quite profoundly, judging by the bits and pieces of armor broken off as well as the wounds littering the demon's body, the Chrysanthemium was at its limit, and it was collapsing under the many blows being dealt to it. However, several of the flying machines, also know as Thrandwin, of the ponies made another flyby and dropped some magic-laced bombs on top of Pinkie. The ensuing blue explosion dropped over her like a light, silk cloth and caused her form to distort uncontrollably. The pink demon went into a loud spurt and ran away while swinging one arm and holding her head in another. The demons took this as a queue to retreat, leaving the soldiers to shout in victory. The cheers were short lived when Abstract stepped forward towards them. Practically all of them lift their guns and melee weaponry at the crystallion. Even the wall mounted turrets were fixed onto him. The black cloud seeping out of him formed a barrier on his left to protect from the potential hail of damage, and Abstract literally broke every single weapon in front of him by projecting his dark energies into them. The ponies were then smacked aside to let their 'future ruler' enter their city. Unfortunately, the crystalline creature was blocked off by a pony wearing a strange outfit. She was accompanied by several others wearing similar, although less extravagant, outfits. Three soldiers appeared from behind her with the four servants being held captive. Perhaps leverage? This pony was wearing white power armor with gray-white mage's robe over it and a wizard's hat on her head. That itself was encrusted with an unknown, purple, diamond-shaped gem into its front. The mare's white coat fit perfectly with her outfit, and her mane and tail, both a mixture of bubblegum pink and faded purple, were long and well maintained. Her eyes, though, no longer held pupils. Instead, the iris were a complete green, although white circles of magic seemed to serve as substitute pupils while magic was being used. As a weapon, she held a violet staff in her right foreleg. Its gem tip glowed brightly in the presence of the crystallion. Just like Abstract, her face was stoic and devoid of anything but neutrality, wisdom, and concentration. However, unlike Abstract, she actually had facial features to display these ideals. "While I appreciate the help, we do not need a beast of Sombra coming here to give terms of a 'truce'," the pony said. Abstract said nothing. Instead, he looked to see the chrysanthemium resting and letting the nutrients from the ground repair its wounds. His gaze also set upon the four servants being held captive by the armored ponies. "Release my servants at once," Abstract calmly ordered. "No can do. We're keeping them as leverage. Sombra might not care much about his slaves, but I know that several of you develop some sort of camaraderie." Abstract's head tilted to the right with a crack. "I am no toy to that pseudo-crystallion. I will not repeat myself, pony." "Crystallion?" "Understood." Abstract's 'eyes' glowed brighter as they fixated the three guards. The four started to notice the guns against their backs were starting to vibrate, and the vibrations were getting stronger and stronger. "What's wrong with you? Guys?" a sister asked. The ponies started to shiver tremendously and started to scream. They dropped their weapons and grabbed their heads in a strange attempt to stymy whatever was attacking them. One, a unicorn, even tried to erect a field of energy around her head, but the magic simply faded. One guard was in such intense pain that he was now on the ground, his back arcing upwards. After a few moments of this horrid display, their eyes turned and they began to foam from their mouths before dropping limply onto the ground. "Ponies. Your minds are so simplistic it's a surprise you have even managed to evolve from grazing grass," he mocked. The four quickly scampered behind him in a bid of getting into a safe spot. Unfortunately, Abstract did not see it his way. "Amber. Speak to this pony and tell it that I am now its ruler. Vanhoover shall be the debut of the crystallions' reconquering." Sweetie Bell chuckled a bit at the comment. "Do you really think we would give ourselves over to the likes of...whatever you are?" "Crystallion." "Right." "No. I do not. I have learned from the errors of my fallen kind that imposing absolute dominance and enforcing misery on the lower life forms will result in mass rebellion and internal struggles." "Really? If we are 'lower life forms', why would you bother to conquer us or rule over us?" "In the same way minotaurs use giant boars to farm their lands, I too require cattle to be sent in battle in my stead so that I may learn and develop myself." One of the surrounding guards stepped forward and pointed his weapon at the crystallion. "How dare you call us 'cattle'! You may even say you aren't part of Sombra's army, but you most certainly came from his magic!" "Mint, don't!" Apple Bloom yelled from atop the walls. Mint fired her weapon at the crystallion, flashes and smoke shrouding the being standing in front of her. There were tears in the mare's eyes while she watched her clip empty. When it finally was, there was nothing left but a thick sheet of smoke. "There. I've avenged my family. Now I can rest in p--" Mint was cut off by the immediate view of Abstract's face up close to her's. He was but a few millimeters away from her and was extremely imposing seeing his appearance. The mare only stuttered and tried, uselessly, to fire her weapon at the creature staring at her. Sweetie Belle and her sisters of battle immediately raised their staffs at Abstract while the guards aimed their guns at him. For a moment, there was naught but silence and the stressed breathing of Mint. "Abstract!" Amber whisper-yelled. "Stop!" "Intriguing. A weapon that fires off explosive, metal projectiles? I only know of the repeating crossbow. How technology has advanced." The crystallion moved away from the mare, allowing her to remain paralyzed in place without his presence. "What did you do to those three?" Sweetie asked. "I removed their minds from their bodies. They defied me. Slaves do not disobey." Sweetie stared at the crystallion. Externally, she was still expressionless, but internally, she was seething with anger. "What's going on here? Isn't the battle over?" a voice asked from the giant, golden gates. "Empress Scootaloo!" the guards all shouted. Each and every one of them bowed to the coming pony. All but Scootaloo and Apple Bloom, of course. However, the four ponies hiding behind their master only gave a gentle wave but did not bow. "You are their leader?" Abstract asked.