Chronicles of the Prince

by ebonelbon

Chapter 4

Chapter 4

I woke up to the cart shaking and bumping around. I sat up and was thrown out of bed when we hit a particularly hard bump. I got up off the floor groaning as i began to look around. I didn't take much of the room in when I first came in but now that i'm not being carried by my mother I could take it in. It was a cozy little house with a bed with a nightstand, a few trunks with my mother's and my sister's name on them and what I guessed was a fridge but it looked like was made completely out of wood. I looked back to the trunks and saw that there was a third one with my name on it. I panicked as I realized my glasses weren't on and I started to look quickly around the room. I saw them on the nightstand and calmed down as I put them on. I looked to the bed to find my mom and sister were asleep on it and thought.

"Looks like i'll need to find another bed or something because that bed looks only big enough to fit the two of them."

I looked up at the ceiling and saw that there was a skylight in it. I opened it with my telekinesis and lifted myself silently to the roof as to not disturb the other occupants. I closed the skylight and sat down looking to the beautiful night sky.

"Wow thats amazing i've never seen the night sky before its beautiful."

I looked around to make sure there was no one around and pushed my glasses on to my head revealing my eyes to the night. I noticed that the caravans were being moved by magic while looking around. I summoned my ocarina and began to play one of the songs I knew from memory.

"Thats beautiful where did you learn to play like that."

I panicked and closed and covered my eyes quickly dropping my ocarina to the ground as we rolled on over it smashing it to pieces.

"W-who's there."

"Its your sister trixie."

I quickly put on my glasses and turned to see my sister. She was wearing blue pajamas with her silver hair pulled into a ponytail. I panicked as I realized I dropped my favorite instrument.

"Oh by the king where is it. Did i drop it. Oh no we ran over it didn't we. Nononononono."

I started to cry as I realized I had broken. Trixie came up to me and hugged my lovingly.

"Hey its alright the next town we are visiting is known for their instruments maybe we can find you another one there."

"You really think so?"

"Sure I do, besides its not like anyone in the caravan would let playing like that be hid from the world im sure everyone would pitch in and help out with it."

"But I just got here yall dont know me very well and yall dont owe me anything why would yall do that for me?"

"Because we are all family dummy."

I froze as i heard her say that word. thought,

"family, could somepony like me really have a family outside of the underworld?"

The cavan suddenly stopped as a deep menacing howl emitted from the woods around us while my sister started shaking and I stood up listening.

"Trixie, where are the adults are they still asleep."

"Yes we were set to stop here anyway so they won't have noticed."

I jumped down from the roof and stood ready waiting for my foe to show himself.

"What are you doing get back up here are you crazy you'll get yourself killed."

I was about to answer as a pack of humanoid dog-like beasts emerged from the trees. I stood ready as they sniffed the air and all turned to look at me growling.

"Drak my boy what the hell did you get yourself into now?"

"Author now is not a good time to do this."

A beast larger than the rest stepped out from the pack and spoke in a voice that sounded like he was gargling gravel.

"You colt step aside or we will have your head."

I didn't move as the fire of determination grew.

"As you, wish take him."

A single scrawny beast stepped out holding what looked to be an obsidian dagger. He charged me but just as he was about to stab me I spun and grabbing the blade out of his hand as I did so I cut his stomach open making his blood and organs spill onto the ground as he fell over dead. I snarled and showed my teeth which had turned into fangs as they all stepped back in fear leaving only the leader in front.

"You think you scare me colt, brutes take him."

Four large beasts dressed in what looked to be iron armor charged through the crowed at me. I jumped up and with the knife I cut the first one's throat open making him spew blood out of the wound. The second charged as I threw the knife into his throat and he fell to his knees. I ran at him and grabbed the knife as I pushed off his chest jumping into the air and at the other two who had now stopped and sliced the back of their necks as I flew past them severing their spines. The beasts at that point had all run off, all but one.

"How could a colt like you do something like that you're nothing you're just a lowly gypsy?"

I ran at the leader as he froze in fear. I rushed past him as I sliced the backs of his knees severing the tendons forcing him to the ground. I stood in front of him and pulled his weapon out of its sheath. His weapon was an obsidian short sword with edges so smooth it could have been iron.

"No one harms my family do you hear me no one I will protect them with my life."

I looked at him and i saw absolute fear in his eyes as I sliced his head from his neck making it bounce and roll away and I once more fell to the ground unconscious.