
by Discorded SheepcityUSA

(Really) Unwanted Physical Contact

Gear was now sitting on the other side of his front door, slightly shaking and still heavily panting, freaking out as if his life depended on it. What the heck was that mare’s problem? Never had he made any attempt to convey that he was in the mood to talk, and yet here she was, galloping into his yard without a care in the world trying to do just that. Who on Equestria does that anyway?!

Most ponies probably would’ve felt bad about slamming the door in a mare’s face like that without saying a word, but Gear didn’t want to even think twice about it right now. All he wanted was just for…Pinkie he thought he heard her say, to leave him alone.

“Maybe she’s gone by now.” Gear said to himself as he got up and peeked through the blinds of one of his windows…

Only to see Pinkie’s face staring at him again through the glass.

“Hiya! Me again!” Pinkie cheered.

Gear immediately shut the blinds back, really not wanting to make eye contact with the mare outside.

Why can’t she take a hint?!’ he inwardly yelled.

“Umm…are you sure you don’t want to come out? I just wanna be your friend. I’m not going to bite you or anything.” Pinkie said, a slight tinge of concern lacing her voice. Gear didn’t dare respond. If it would get her to leave sooner, it was best to keep quiet. She would lose interest eventually if he shut up.


Unfortunately, Gear’s theory was proven horrendously wrong when he looked up and saw one of Pinkie’s eyeballs squeezing through the lock on his door and looking down at him.

“AAGH!” Gear practically flew away from the door in shock. How in the heck was she doing this?! By all accounts, this should not have been possible on any conceivable level.

“Oh come on! It’s no fun to just be cooped up in there all day! You really look like you could use some friendly company!” Pinkie said happily from the other side of the door.

It was starting to dawn on Gear that for whatever reason, Pinkie wasn’t going anywhere any time soon. Who the heck was so unable to take a hint that they were considered unwanted company and just wouldn’t leave him be? Sure, he’d run into some ponies that were all too social and happy for his taste…

But how on Equestria was this mare even real?!

Gear inwardly resolved that Pinkie wasn’t going to leave no matter how long he didn’t respond and sighed. It was starting to look like he was going to have to resolve this with words…

In Gear’s mind, this could only end badly.

Gear reluctantly got off the ground and resolved that he would do his best not to completely lose it in front of this pony. He unlocked the door and very slowly opened it…

Only to now be tackled to the ground by a big mass of pink, fluffy fur and landing with an audible “Oof!” Gear looked back up at his attacker, and not with much surprise, he found it was the same, overly happy mare that he’d met only moments before.

“Oh goodie; you finally decided to come out!”

Gear didn’t really respond, but only grunted in pain as he contemplated why on Equestria this was happening to him.

Urgh, how’d it come to this? Just trying to unpack over here and-waitasecond……there’s a mare on top of me….

Gear’s entire face flushed when he realized the…position he was in, and he almost immediately started to squirm. “OHDEARCELESTIAPLEASEGETOFFME!” Gear yelled as loud as possible. Pinkie flinched at just how panicked and scared he sounded and got off of Gear.

“Uhhh, sorry…I was just a little excited about meeting you.” Pinkie said with a sheepish smile.

Gear stood back up and dusted himself off from Pinkie’s assault. Crazy mare got him pretty dirty. He looked back at Pinkie, who was still smiling very sheepishly and raised an eyebrow. “Uhhh…why?”

Pinkie rolled her eyes. “Pfft, well duh! Because new ponies means new friends, and Pinkie is friends with EVERYPONY!” She exclaimed.

Gear cringed. Dear Celestia he knew it. She was one of THOSE ponies. The super-forward, social-butterfly, smiles too much for their own good, type of pony. He fidgeted nervously as he contemplated his next move.

“Umm…listen erm…Pinkie was it? No disrespect to you, but why don’t you just go and have fun with some of your own friends instead of bothering with boring ol’ me?” Gear chuckled nervously. Hopefully he could get her out of his mane soon. Just having to talk to her was painful enough.

“Awww, but I haven’t made friends with YOU yet you silly stallion!” Pinkie giggled a little, seemingly not quite picking up on Gear’s hinting. In addition to the laughing, Pinkie also pulled Gear into a tight hug, still giggling a little.

Of course, Gear’s face turned completely red at the sudden contact, and he felt like he was getting unnaturally hot.

“Nnnnngh…” he groaned. Whether it was out of annoyance or from a lack of better words from being flustered, he didn’t know. What he did know for sure though, was that he wanted it to stop.

“Heehee. You sure are warm.~” Pinkie giggled, as she started to slightly nuzzle his cheek.

That was what did it in for Gear.

“NONONONONO!” Gear yelled, quickly worming his way out of Pinkie’s hug and dropping to the ground, taking deep breaths so that he could calm himself down.

Pinkie was put off by this pony’s behavior all of a sudden. What did she do that was so bad? Maybe she was doing it wrong. She could’ve been hugging a little too tight. Or maybe hugs were considered offensive where he came from. And…

Why was he turning red?

“Ummm…are you alright?”

“No, now can you please stop with the unwanted physical contact PLEASE?!” He said in a loud tone of voice, clearly rather irritated.

Pinkie frowned a little. This pony was acting like he wanted nothing to do with her at all. It seemed like he didn’t take her compliment of him feeling warm very well either. He seemed very embarrassed by it if anything.

“Hmm…Oh, I have a better idea! You wanna hear a joke? I’ve got a reaaally good one in mind!” Pinkie said, practically beaming at the thought.

Gear looked back up at Pinkie with a slightly deadpanned sarcastic look on his face “You try to smother me to death and now you…ugh, whatever, might as well.” He groaned.

Pinkie nodded, already starting to giggle from thinking of her own joke.

“Okay okay…Why do you never see elephants hiding in trees?” Pinkie asked, preparing for the punchline.

“Probably because they can’t-“

“Because they’re really good at hiding! Hahahaha!” Pinkie laughed.

Gear slapped a wing onto his face and groaned.

“Listen Pinkie, why don’t you just go and associate with some of your own friends hm? I still have a lot of unpacking to do, not to mention I really don’t know you, an-“

“Oh! But I can help a ton with that! Really, watch!” Pinkie shouted as she trotted over to the very same box Gear had been trying to lift for the past half-hour, and hoisted it up onto her back, seemingly without any sort of difficulty.

Gear’s jaw dropped and his eyes widened in shock. Pinkie not only lifted the same box he had just lost a war with, but also managed to effortlessly skip into his house with the box bouncing in time with her skips on her back.

Gear’s glasses fell to his muzzle. He tried to make sense of what just happened. He tried to form a coherent sentence to display his surprise, but all that came out was-
