//------------------------------// // This isn't what I saw // Story: A Little Chicken Can Go A Long Way // by Cupcore //------------------------------// I was never the type that could get myself out there. Nor was I the person to think I could ever be happy...until I saw her. The soft magenta hair and lightly tanned skin that practically illuminated the entire space around her. It was Scootaloo, and you'd never forget her.. I knew she hadn't ever seen me, because I don't exist! Was I to approach her with just saying, "Hi I'm Stratus and I've ALWAYS thought you were beautiful!" This would work, of course, in the movies...but never in real life. "Dammit!", I thought to myself. Here I was, practically in love with her but have yet to even say a word! I mean really, how stupid can one be? I guess I could only wait until we just bumped into each other or something, however there's no telling when that would be. Had I known it was sooner than expected, I would've planned my best... A lazy Saturday rolled around before I had known it, and I was off to the market to just fetch a few things for groceries and what not. Needless to say, I saw her again...and she hadn't changed. She was with her two best friends, Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle. Two of the "Crusaders" that actually knew me. I had been around those two for a majority of my life, but never when Scootaloo was around. It was a conundrum, if you will. As I walked over to stands of fresh fruits, as I expected, both Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle ran up to me. "STRATUS!", they exclaimed. "Where've you been? Ain't ya got time for old pals no more?", Apple Bloom said with the saddest look on her face. "Yeah! How come you never stop and say 'hi!'?", Sweetie Belle said with the same expression. "Well erm...I uh..." I knew I had to think of something. "I've been super busy! Work and all ya'know!" Both looked at me curiously and said, "Work!? You gaze at the sky and play music!" I was in a blush. Words couldn't form quick enough and sooner than I could even possibly conceive what was happening, Scootaloo walked up.. "Hey girls! Who's this guy?", she asked with a tilt of her head. "Oh it's just Stratus, we've known'm forever!", Apple Bloom happily said. "Then how come I've never met-", Scootaloo was interrupted by Apple Bloom, "Because all he does is sit at home and do boring things!" So here I was. My first impression EVER with the girl I had seen as perfect, and I'm being described as a basement dweller. The guy who does nothing but sky gaze and listen to music. Yep, that's me. But I would've at least made it a little less insulting. Scootaloo looked to me and asked, "So what? You just too afraid of the outside or something?" "No..", I said softly. Her brow raised and I knew I was already boring her. "I mean yeah I like to stay at home and do what makes me happy...", I looked down. "HAH! I knew you looked like someone who didn't get out much!", she said with a giggle. Something inside me just couldn't hold back..and it was the worst decision I had ever made... "Now wait just a damn minute!", I shouted. "The only reason I don't get out much, is because there's practically no one in my life to even look forward to seeing! Do you even know what it's like to sit and wonder if you're truly all alone and know you won't even have more than two people that know you exist?!" ....I soon knew what I had done. Scootaloo looked at me, tears streaming, and I had done that...I made the one person I wanted to let know I was there more than anything cry.. She quickly ran off, Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle right behind her. I just simply walked home. When I walked in, I dropped to the floor.. A mirror was at the end of my hall and it's reflection showed something pathetic and sorry. Something that just didn't really seem like it even had a capability of happiness. But this isn't what I saw.... What was really there, was a chance wasted. Someone who messed up in the worst way imaginable. The person who knew there wasn't a consideration he'd even try. That somehow, that quick, his emotions overwhelmed himself and who yelled nonsense that he really knew he couldn't relate to.. I was that reflection and I am that reflection.. I promise I'll make it up to her. I'll go and see her and maybe...just maybe... There will be a reason...