Silence Our Names (TwiDash - Revisited)

by Workard

Chapter 1

When Discord decided that he no longer had a place in Ponyvillie, he moved from Fluttershy’s cottage to a chilly placed filled with ice, where he could no longer be bothered. With little effort, he was able to take over the small land and named himself the king of the unnamed land. Though some ponies and creatures were against Discord’s actions, he wasn’t by any means evil anymore, so no further resources were sent his way to deal with him. Meanwhile in Ponyvillie, Princess Twilight had been ruling Equestria for 2 years, spending most of her time at home in the library. Even with her constant duties as a princess, she remained a part of the “Mane six” though there could go days without her friends seeing a glimpse of her. For unknown reasons, a blue pony had decided to travel to Discords ice kingdom, in hope of getting some much needed help…

Silence Our Names

Chapter 1

”So you had something important to tell me?” His voice had a mixture of smoothness and annoyance. Maybe it was just the current situation stressing her out.

“It’s more of a favor actually” the young, blue pony responded while looking down at the ice beneath her feet. She were prepared for this cold, icy place, so she had sensibly changed her normal non-existing outfit with a red, long sleeve blouse with thick black lines, creating a simple pattern.

“Ah yes. People always come to me, when in need of help,” he said confidently, entering the room with two cups of some warm substance.

Maybe it was a mistake coming here. He might have helped me in the past, but he is a different… creature now. He is no longer the reformed villain that helped us through some tough times.

The pony looked up. “Don’t people usually want help, getting away from you?” she always hated his cocky personality. She constantly had to remind herself that he had another level. He actually had real feelings.

The elder creature didn’t change his facial expression; he just had a smog smile while placing the cups on different ends of the table, then proceeded to sit down on the wooden chair, at the other end of the small, round table.

As the pale pony went to reach for the warm, welcoming cup, she noticed the hot liquid was no longer… liquid. It was something she already had seen too much of for one day. More ice.

Had that coming I guess.

“Listen, I just need-“she quickly stopped herself.
“Listen… Discord. I don’t have a lot of time, this is a serious emergency and it was along walk to this icy palace that you have chosen to make your new home” she stared him dead in the eyes, trying to convince him to cut the act and start taking her seriously.

Though Discord looked up with a slightly concerned look for a moment, he quickly looked away and took a sip of his cup. “Okay Rainbow Dash, I’ll listen, since you’re one of the few that doesn’t hate my guts, even though you act like you do”

Again with the smugness.

“Besides my faithful servants of course” Discord said as he looked back at the open entry to this seemingly small ice room. A little seal walked past, wearing an apron and holding a plate of dirty dishes. The seal looked annoyed, as he silently walked past the entry just before raising his flipper. Rainbow Dash was convinced that if the little seal had fingers, he would certainly have been– quite literally; flipping him off.

“Anyway” Discord continued, still looking rather calm.
“What do you need my help in regards with?” he asked, looking down into the white cup he was holding.

Rainbow Dash took a quick look at Discord, whom had his usual body parts made of different creatures and animals. He still had his long white beard, which apparently he never bothered to shave. Rainbow Dash never questioned why that was, and she was confident that would be for the best. As she looked a little higher, she saw the faded dark-blue crown with the three red ruby’s across. Rainbow Dash’s eyes widened, before she looked down and took a deep sigh.

“It’s about Princess Twilight. She needs my help” Rainbow Dash let out. As soon as she saw Discord’s expression, she wondered if she should have told him the lie instead that she had made up to convince him in her mind, just a few hours ago.

Discord was fighting between two expressions. He was trying to either smile or frown. It just came off as a creepy clown face.

“As much as I appreciate your visit Rainbow Dash, I think you got the wrong guy. Why should I care about Twilight Sparkle?” he said, barely flinching. It was always hard to tell if he liked or despised the princess, as his feelings would change rather drastically.

Rainbow Dash recalled the happenings, earlier that day. She could see Twilight’s frightened face, screaming at her.

“Because I care about her!” Rainbow Dash yelled as she stood firmly up up, pushing the chair behind her, a few inches backwards. “You’re a sad old lizard freak that has no skills, other than being so needy for attention that he actually feels the need to force people to respect him!” Rainbow Dash moved her head a little close towards the slightly startled Discord.
“Your life may be pointless, but the world lives on and the only way you can be a part of it, is if you stop acting so superior and help the few people that actually still have a shred of respect for you. Believe me, if you hadn’t helped me out before, I would have kicked this door in, punched you in that stupid face of yours and forced you to help me! So cut the crap and be a decent person, just for once!” Rainbow Dash finally let herself take a breath. Her anger was clouding her reasoning and only when she saw the despairing face on Discord, she calmed down. She instantly regretted saying those words, as she knew he had no part of all this mess, but she refused to apologize. Her words had a ring of truth in them and they needed to be said.

Discord was lost for words. He tried several times to say something, but had stopped himself before a single syllable was understandable. He finally let out a sigh and looked down.

“W- What is it you need my help with exactly?” he said with a low voice.

Rainbow Dash kept still for a second, before relaxing her body parts yet again. She had to adjust slightly, as she still felt the pain from the bruise on her right hind leg.

Keep it together Dash. It’s not his fault – She told herself.

“I- I’m sorry” she forced herself to say these forgiving words.

Though Discord didn’t respond, he gave a faint smile, signaling that it was all right.

“It all happened yesterday, on a seemingly peaceful day…”