a Butterfly Effect

by Killerpokeball97

The unfortunate butterfly

The butterfly, a gentle creature, light as a feather and as beautiful as a peacock. It flapped around Fluttershy nonchalantly. Right before it could give it's wings another happy flap, the Sonic Rainboom hit. Unfortunately, the butterfly never got to flap it's wings again. But hey that myth about the butterfly effect isn't real...is it?

Just a small Hikau before the story starts

Just one butterfly,
a temporal distortion,
History has changed.

Applebloom got up early, she looked at her cutie mark with a smile, it was an bloomed Apple blossom. That day she got her cutie mark was the most exciting day of her life, she could remember it like so. She was just exploring the farm as usual when she came by some Apple Seeds out in the open, she was rather curious so she scooped them up then planted them in an empty spot then watered it before walking away. Some time after that she showed her family the tree she planted and the apples hanging from it. Right before their eyes, the apples started to bloom into flowers who's petals silently fluttered in the breeze. It wasn't until Applejack pointed to Appleblooms flank to reveal an apple blossom with it's bud opened.

"Gotta get tuh school" said Applebloom happily as she took a shower, she said "good bye" to her family as she ran. She entered the classroom and took her seat in between Silver Spoon and Diamond Tiara. Diamond Tiara was about to make fun of her until she saw Applebloom's flank.

"Wow, since when did YOU of all ponies get THAT?" said Diamond Tiara.

"wha, some days ago" said Applebloom proud of her cutie mark.

"Guess WE don't have to pick on you know that you have a cutie mark" scoffed Diamond TIara.

"Umm...can we ask her to like, Hang out with us?" asked Silver Spoon to Diamond Tiara.

"Hmmph, fine but just remember, this doesn't mean you are like, Our friend" said Diamond Tiara.

"ah raughty" said Applebloom not really caring. At that moment, Cherilee walked into the classroom to give a lecture.

"All right students, today we are going to be talking about Cutie Marks" said Cherilee.

"Boring" sighed Diamond Tiara. Applebloom on the other hand started to write down notes.

"Now, if you would all pay attention to my cutie mark. A pony will get his or hers cutie mark when-" Cherilee was interrupted with a raised hand from twist.

"When the discothers the cerain something that makeths her thpecial" said Twist.

"why, that was correct twist, now like everypony back then, my flank, was blank" said Cherilee as she flipped the paper on the canvas.

"aww, theth tho prethous" said Twist.

"Until one day when I was about your age, I woke up and discoered there was a cutie mark on my flank" said CHerilee showing the next picture on the canvas.

"Look at her hair" pointed out one of the school kids which made everypony laugh.

"I know but honestly, that's how EVERYPONY was wearing their mane back then. I had decided to become a teacher, and the flowers symbolized my hope that I could help my future students bloom if I nurture them with knowledge. The smiles represented the cheer I hope to bring to my little ponies while they were learning. Now, can anyone tell me when a pony gets his or her cutie mark?" said Cherilee.

"Oh, when the discother that certain something that makes her thpecial" said Twist happily.

"That's right, Twist. A cutie mark appears on a pony's flank when he or she finds that certain something that makes them different from every other pony. Discovering what makes you unique isn't something" as Cherilee went on Diamond Tiara tried to get Appleblooms attention.

"That happens overnight, and no amount of hoping, wishing-" Cherilee continued as Diamond Tiara once again tried to get appleblooms attention.

"or begging, would make a cutie mark appear before its time." finished Cherilee with a smile.

"PSSSST" said Diamond Tiara to Applebloom before giving her a note. Silver Spoon pointed to herself to signal to Applebloom that it needs to be passed to her.

Applebloom rolled her eyes before quickly, without being noticed by Cherilee, passed the note to Silver Spoon.

Diamond Tiara smirked, 'Clever girl, mybe she COULD be of use to us' she thought.

Applebloom and Twist who was cutie markless were walking together after school was over, "Oh wanth thome peppermint sticks?" asked Twist before pulling two out of her bag.

"Not now, I need to think" said Applebloom.

"They'll make you thmile" said Twist.

"Again, no thanks" said Applebloom.

"I don't know why we had to sit through a lecture about getting a cutie mark. I mean, waiting for your cutie mark is sooo last week. You got yours, I just got mine. We all have them already." said Diamond Tiara as she and SIlver Spoon started to circle Twist.

"I mean, ALMOST all of s have them already" Diamond Tiara gasped before smirking at Twist.

"Don't worry blank flank, You're still TOTALLY invited to my cute-ceañera" said Diamond Tiara.

"It's going to be amazing" said Silver Spoon.

"It's a party celebrating ME, and MY beautiful cutie mark. I mean, how can it NOT be?" asked Diamond Tiara rhetroically.

"Bump-Bump! Sugar-lump, RUMP!" they both laughed as they walked away from Twist.

"Dun worry Twist ah'll help ya'll fahn your cutie mark" said Applebloom. Before Twist could respond SIlver Spoon came back up to them.

"Oh and Applebloom, why don't you hang out with us, I mean WE are special and NOT her." said Silver Spoon.

"Umm...ah'll think about it" aid Applebloom.

"Why not come now?" said Silver Spoon.

"Well...ah WAS going to help Twist find her cutie mark...." said Applebloom conflicted.

"Don't worry, you can do it later can't you?" asked Silver Spoon.

"well...when yuh put it that way...all right" said Applebloom with a smile.

"Ya'll don't mahnd do you?" asked Applebloom to Twist.

"Oh, ith's no problem Applebloom really, I'm thure I can find it on my own" said Twist with a smile.

"Well...all right" said Applebloom as she and Silver Spoon walked away.

Applebloom walked in the middle of Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon, She was having her doubts of joining these two but argued with herself that everything will be fine.

"Like, if you want to join our group you have to pass some tests" said Diamond Tiara.

"ah'm all ears" said Applebloom.

"First, you have to help pick out a dress for me" said DIamond Tiara.

"Next, you have to swear an oath to us" said SIlver Spoon.

"Last but not least, you have to berate those who are cutie markless" said Diamond Tiara.

"uhm...isn't that a little harsh?" asked Applebloom.

"Like, youwant to remain a loser with a cutie mark?" asked Silver Spoon

"But wouldn't it hurt somepony?" asked Applebloom.

"Oh please, the difference between US and blank flanks are simple; WE are special and THEY aren't. Blank flanks aren't special so they shouldn't know what feelings are, simple Psycology." said Diamond Tiara.

"are ya'll sure 'bout that?" asked Applebloom.

"Positive why?" asked Diamond Tiara.

"Ah'm still unsure 'bout this." said Applebloom.

"Just trust us, you'll feel better about yourself if you listen." said Diamond Tiara.

"All right...ah guess" said Applebloom.

"Well how does this look?" asked Diamond Tiara as she admired her new dress in front of a mirror.

"Looks cute" said Applebloom wearing a dress like a southern belle

"And perfect, it really shows off your cutie mark." said Silver Spoon.

"Why thank you, my father had it custom picked out for me" said Diamond Tiara.

"Ah wonder if your father knows about Sweet Apple Acres" said Applebloom.

"Unlikely" said Silver Spoon adjusting her glasses.

"Can't hurt to ask him" said Applebloom.

"Daddy is busy like usual though, good luck trying to talk with him" said Diamond Tiara.

"ah right ah'll ask him" said Applebloom

Living Room

"and I'm telling you, Sir Rich-n-Snitch we; DON'T need you're services, we NEVER wanted your services, and we most certainly don't need anything from YOU!" shouted Filthy Rich on his phone before slamming the thing down.

"The nerve of some ponies, it makes me sick." said Filthy Rich in disgust.

"Umm..Filtheh Rich?" asked Applebloom innocently after hearing the outburst.

Filthy Rich paused at what he was doing then looked down at the filly who apparently was his daughters new friend, "Oh hello, you must be...Granny Smith's great-grand daughter am I correct?" he asked.

"of course, ah was wantin tuh ask if ya'll knew muh granny" said Applebloom.

"Oh is that all? Sit down little one and I'll tell you." said Filthy Rich offering one of the chairs in the living room and blew his bubble pipe.

"If it weren't for Granny Smith, I wouldn't have become the stallion I am today, it was all thanks to the Zap Apple Jam she sold my father who shared it with me." said Filthy Rich.

"Granny Smith told you 'bout the Zap Apple harvests?" asked Applebloom.

"Of course, I was there when my Father bought a case of it, it turned out too be mind-numbingly delicious. So with Granny Smith's permission, Me and my family sold Zap Apple Jam and became rich." said Filthy Rich finishing the story blowing his bubble pipe again.

"Thanks for thuh Info, Ah cain't wait tuh ask Granny Smith when the next zap apple harvest comes in." said Applebloom before walking out of the living room back to Diamond Tiara's room.

Filthy Rich smiled before looking at a picture of his family with a young Granny Smith in the middle, "Feel's like only yesterday." he sighed with content before getting back to work on some papers.

Some time later...

The cute-ceañera was in full swing. Some ponies were chatting in Sugar Cube Corner as some of the rest liked what Pinkie Pie did with the party.

"Dun't wanna say it, but this actually feels raught" said Applebloom as she, Diamond Tiara, and Silver Spoon were in the middle of the party at a table.

"Like, it get's even better." said Diamond Tiara.

"Yeah, the cupcakes taste great and the punch tastes good." said SIlver Spoon. Not too far from them, they were being watched from under another table.

"it makes me feel sad, WE are the ONLY ones without our cutie marks" said Sweetie Belle.

"Can't give up, we can upstage those three "high and mighty" ponies." said Scootaloo before they saw another colt enter the party. like Scootaloo, he was a pegasus. His brother Thunderlane was with him to enjoy the party.

"He...looks cute" said Scootaloo ogling the colt.

"Well, here we are Rumble, why don't you mingle while I get some punch." said Thunderlane before giving his little brother a noogie.

"Yes sir!" said Rumble laughing as he was given the noogie leaving his mane in a bit of a frizzle

"I'm counting on you to behave." said Thunderlane who offered a hoof five which Rumble returned.

Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon saw the colt and smirked, "all right Applebloom, if you can tell that colt how worthless he is since he doesn't have a cutie mark, I can fully mark you as one of us" said Diamond Tiara.

Applebloom gulped completely unsure, "ah think we're bein a little too harsh aren't we?" asked Applebloom. The way she saw Rumble and his brother act made her smile, maybe some day she and Big Machintosh could do what they do.

"Markless ponies don't HAVE feelings remember?" said Silver Spoon.

Applebloom snapped out of her smile, "Well...ok I guess..." said Applebloom still unsure as she went up to Rumble who was looking around wondering what he should do.

"hmm, maybe I could play Pin the Tail on the pony." he said to himself as Applebloom went up next to him.

"Hey, uh...you!" said Applebloom to Rumble trying to sound intimidating.

"huh? oh hey! you must be that pony I saw in class the other day." said Rumble with a wide grin.

"Um...why are ya'll here without a cutie mahk?" asked Applebloom.

"Why wouldn't I be here? I mean My brother came with me so I'm not alone, I'm glad he's always there to look out for me." said Buttons.

"Oh uh...ya'll...shouldn't be here." said Applebloom before thinking what her brother would say to her if he found out she was acting this way.

"Why not? I have every right." argued Rumble. Before Applebloom could speak more Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon came up to each sideof Applebloom, "Like, do you know what we call ponies like him?" Silver Spoon asked Diamond Tiara who had an evil smirk.

"Of course, but maybe we should help our new friend say it." said DIamond Tiara referencing Applebloom.

"how about on the count of three?" said Silver Spoon.

"one..." said Diamond Tiara.

"Two..." said Silver Spoon.

All thoughts Applebloom had were erased when she found herself(against her will? even she isn't sure) shouting in unison with Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon, "BLANK FLANK!"

Rumble was about to Protest when Thunderlane interrupted, "enjoying the party little bro?" he asked drinking some punch.

"yeah big bro." said Rumble with a fake smile.

"I see you made some new friends, I'm very proud of you."Thunderlane told him before giving him a pat on the back before walking away, completely oblivious to the shouting that just occurred. Every filly in the room stared at Rumble who had a sweat drop right before a voice shouted, "You got a problem with blank flanks?".

"I SAID, you've got a problem with Blank Flanks!?" the voice came from Scootaloo who along with sweetie belle came out from under a table cloth.

"Like the problem is, that he is NOT special." said Silver Spoon.

"Seriously? it means he's full of potential." said Sweetie Belle.

"Just leave him be, he has a lot to discover about himself." said Scootaloo.

"Not only that, but he could probably be a good weather forecaster, OR a tornado speed rider!" said Sweetie Belle. Rumble imagined himself with a Tornado cutie mark like his brother except the cutie mark had goggles on the Tornado.

"yeah, plus the possibilities are like, endless" Scootaloo finished.

Applebloom was in a mix of emotions right now, on one hoof, saying Blank Flank actually felt...good. But on the other hoof, she just up and shouted an insult to a little brother that's not going to be good for her if Machintosh heard about this. Before she could finish thinking however that single line uttered by Scootaloo left her in shock, "and he's NOT stuck being stuck up like you three!" Applebloom's eyes went wide, stuck up? her? was she? she couldn't...could she?

"hang on, Like this is MY party so why are you on HIS side!?" said Diamond Tiara.

"well because." said Sweetie Belle before she and Scootaloo showed them their flanks, which had NO cutie mark. Pretty soon all the attention Diamond Tiara went directly to the three blank flanks.

"Hey! this is MY party! everypony is SUPPOSED to pay attention to me!" said Diamond Tiara flustered and a bit saddened.

"Whatever, US THREE still think that you are losers, right Diamond Tiara? Applebloom?" said Silver Spoon.

"Not now Silver Spoon." Diamond Tiara and Applebloom said in unison. Pretty soon all three were watching from the stairs watching the party go on.

"Why did it turn out like this?" sighed Diamond Tiara giving a look of sadness and annoyence.

"Ah guess this is wha they call karma." said Applebloom.

"kar-what?" asked Silver Spoon.

"Karma. Do something bad, something bad will happen. Do something good then something good happens." Applebloom explained.

"I guess..." said Diamond Tiara uninterested in what Applebloom just said.

Applebloom looked at the table where Rumble was talking with the other two fillies, for some reason she felt like that could have been HER if she never got her cutie mark. At the moment, Applebloom couldn't think of anything else except her own cutie mark.