Fall in Autumn

by Yosh-E-O

Chapter 5 - The Setting Sun

The air grew colder-and-colder as Bucky, Pint, and Fall made their way back to the orphanage. The setting sun coupled with the chill in the blowing wind only added to the unpleasant feeling in which went with each step closer to where none of the children wished to return.

Fall shivered as she snuggled her Breezie plush very tightly.
“I don’t want to go back,” she stated meekly. “I want to stay with you.”

Bucky and Pint stopped and faced each other.
“We don’t want to take you back,” stated Pint.

Fall sighed as her head lowered.
“But I have to go back,” she said. “It’s where I belong.”

Pint felt his mouth quiver as he fought back the urge to cry.
“No,” he struggled to say. “It isn’t.”

“I don’t have a mom,” said Fall as her voice lowered and all the joy of the day seemed to leave her body. “I don’t have a dad. I don’t have any pony.”

Bucky felt his back growing wet from her tears.
“You have us,” he said. “And we’re going to do all we can for you.”

“That’s right!” exclaimed Pint. “We’ll find you a family if it’s the last thing we do!”

Fall said nothing. She just shivered while putting more pressure between herself and the plush toy she had gotten while at the Golden Oat.


The orphanage looked like a haunted house when the three approached it. The setting sun making the windows appear like burning eyes as it reflected off the glass. The fillies and colts playing outside were like ghosts moving through the mist as they could be seen galloping about through the holes in the fence.


Bucky and Pint knew they had to get home soon or risk being grounded to where they’d be unable to visit Fall for awhile. So they made haste in getting her back over the fence the same way they had gotten her out earlier in the day.
“Here,” said Pint as he threw the Breezie plush over the fence into Fall’s waiting hooves.

Fall caught the toy, closed her eyes, and cooed as she snuggled it tightly against her chest.

Bucky made a successful leap back over the fence to rejoin Pint.
“We’ll be back tomorrow,” he promised.

Fall’s face grew fearful and sad as she moved towards the fence and put her hoof against it.

Pint approached where Fall had her hoof and put his so it would be touching hers as best as it could.
“I’ll get you out of here,” he said while fighting tears. “Bucky and I won’t rest until we do.”

“Unless we’re grounded,” stated Bucky as he noticed the sun slipping below the horizon.

“Tomorrow,” said Pint while looking deep into Fall’s sorrow-filled eyes. “We’ll be back.”

Pint moved away from the fence to join Bucky who had already begun to trot away.

Fall left her hoof against the fence. She had tasted happiness for the first time in her life and was now back to reality. A reality she didn’t want. A reality that seemed impossible to ever truly escape.