The Mane 6 Finally Find Their Stallions

by RainbowBlitzkrieg

"Twilight.... She’s Really Something...”

Everyone departed from Sugar Cube Corner, save Pinkie Pie and Bubble Berry, with their newfound friends. They each went their separate ways, deep in conversations with their lookalikes. Twilight had taken Dusk the long way around to her house so they could talk. “So, you say that you’re from another dimension?” inquired Twilight.
“ least I think...” Dusk Shine replied reluctantly as they kept on walking.
“What do you mean ‘you think’?” she said, puzzled.
“Well, Rainbow Blitz has the brains for this predicament, not I. So--wait, can't we just cut through the main square to get to your house?”
“Yes we can,” Twilight replied and then quickly stated, “Wait, what do you mean by ‘Rainbow Blitz has the brains for this?’” She started on her way to do as Dusk Shine had advised, with Dusk Shine trotting by her side to keep up.
“Exactly what I said,” he smiled as they reached Twilight’s front door. He opened it politely for her.
“Then we’ll have to ‘inquire’ about it later,” she walked on in. Dusk Shine raised an ear in confusion, then followed her, closing the door on his way in. He looked around the threshold as he passed through the door, he felt at home when he saw the books and the desk where they usually were, but the placed smelled different. In a melodic call from Twilight, “Spike...O Spike, where are you?” Dusk let out a sigh of affection, then shook himself out of his stupefaction.
He murmured to himself, “what just came over me...” As he was debating on the subject, he heard a pair of feet walk down the stairs and he looked up.
“There you are my 'number one assistant', did you find those charts I’d asked for earlier?” asked Twilight. Dusk Shine had been petrified by the likeness this assistant posed to Barbara, the little dragon looked exactly like her.
“I do have them Twilight,” Spike said from behind a pile of star charts he was carrying, he stepped off the last stair and walked over to Twilight, from where Spike was standing, he didn’t notice Dusk Shine.
“I got someone for you to meet Spike, now, go put those charts on the desk.” she said.
As she did, Spike obediently turned around and started walking; however, due to the charts he was carrying he didn’t notice that he was headed right for Dusk Shine. He bumped into Dusk Shine’s foreleg and a few charts fell loose from his pile, allowing Spike to catch a glimpse of whom he hit. The little dragon looked up at Dusk Shine in confusion and then looked back at Twilight.
“This is the friend I wanted you to meet, his name’s Dusk Shine,” Twilight said vibrantly, as she walked over to them.
“I don’t understand Twilight, is he a clone like all those Pinkies that one time?”
“No Spike, he’s a legitimate pony. He says that he is me from an alternate dimension,” she said, giving Spike a smile. Dusk Shine saw the conversation was getting nowhere, so he decided to demonstrate his resemblance to Twilight.
“Here, let me help you Spike,” he said as he lifted all the star charts with his magic. He placed the papers on the desk, and turned back to the little dragon.
Spike looked up at Dusk, then Twilight, “He looks almost like you, except for the mane and tail,” Spike rubbed his chin, trying to think of something.
“Well, don’t worry your little head,” Twilight said as she rested one hoof on Spike’s shoulder. “Now, I need you to go to Sugar Cube Corner and pick up my order of muffins.”
“Will do Twilight,” Spike responded as he saluted to her and walked out of the house.
Dusk Shine looked on until Spike left, “Peculiar...his actions, speech, and appearance, draws so many parallels with Barbara.”
“Who’s Barbara?” Twilight asked as she walked over to the desk and started perusing the charts.
“Well, she’s my assistant. For my magic test I...”
Twilight interjected with an astonished tone, “had to hatch her from an egg?”
“Yes, I did...who did you...” he said, stupefied.
“I had to do the same, but then I...” Twilight looked back as Dusk, who walked up to join her at her side.
“Lost control of your magic, and your princess had to step in? Resulting in your cutie mark?” Dusk smiled as he looked into Twilight’s eyes.
Twilight blushed, and turned back to the charts, “Seems that our lives aren’t as different as we might have imagined.”
Dusk Shine realized he was making Twilight uncomfortable and turned around; he walked over to the bookshelves and started scanning the titles. To his surprise, all the books were the same as the one’s he had back at home, in alphabetically order exactly as his own.
“Seems we share more than just life stories.”
Twilight looks back at him, “What do you mean?”
“Seems you have your books organized exactly like mine back home.”
“Really?” she said surprised, walking over to the shelves. “Well then, I bet you can help me.” Twilight started scanning the books, looking for one in particular.
“I need my constellation guide, you think you can help me find it?”
“I’m not a unicorn if I can’t,” Dusk said. He gave her a warm smile, which effected a tail wag from Twilight as she started looking, Dusk Shine followed suit.

After thirty minutes of looking for the elusive book, almost every book that was on Twilight’s shelves was cluttering the floor. Dusk Shine and Twilight Sparkle were looking through every inch of the shelves with their magic, and Twilight started to panic. Dusk Shine noticed her uneasiness and walked over to her from his side of the bookcase. He was right beside her, looking for any crack that the book might have fallen in.
“Dusk, have you found it?” Twilight asked, quickly turning her head in his direction.
Dusk Shine turned to look at her to apologize for not finding it, but as he turned his head to her, they touched noses. There was a long, sentimental pause as both of them held each other’s gaze as they kept their noses touching. Twilight bashfully fluttered her eyes and blushed harder than she had ever done.
Dusk Shine smiled awkwardly back at her. He knew something was happening, for when he looked into Twilight’s eyes, he felt at home.
Twilight felt warm anxiety when she had looked into Dusk’s eyes the first time back at Sugar Cube Corner earlier that day, but now she felt something more. She lowered her ears and walked back slowly, she then tripped over one of her books. It scared her out of her stupefied state and she teleported to her room in reaction. When she popped back into existence, in the safety of her room, she wondered what just happened, she then realized she had a crush on Dusk Shine. She smiled at the thought and galloped over to her bed, flung herself on top of the sheets and cuddled her pillow in delirium.

It was still early in the evening. Back with Dusk Shine after Twilight’s sudden disappearance, he sighed and looked around at the books on the floor.
“Now how am I supposed to clean this up?” he asked himself, diligently starting to place the books back in alphabetical order with his magic. Halfway through his ordeal he thought to himself if he had a crush on Twilight. He thought about it, it made his tail wag as he kept working, debating about whether to do something nice for Twilight later on that evening or not. Dusk then exclaimed to himself, “I probably should do something nice for Twilight.... she’s really something,” he shook his head in acknowledgment as he placed the last book on the shelf.